Help Center/ Intelligent EdgeFabric/ FAQs/ Others/ How Will the Multi-AZ Reconstruction of SWR Application Container Image Data Affect IEF?
Updated on 2022-02-21 GMT+08:00

How Will the Multi-AZ Reconstruction of SWR Application Container Image Data Affect IEF?

After the multi-AZ reconstruction of SWR application container image data, check whether IEF is affected by referring to this section.

Application Scope

CN South-Guangzhou, CN East-Shanghai1, and CN North-Beijing4

Application Scenario

When edge nodes access IEF through the air wall, proxy, gateway, or NAT, check whether IEF is affected by the multi-AZ reconstruction of SWR application container image data.

The following table lists the domain names for accessing application container image data in different regions. The checking procedure uses CN North-Beijing4 region as an example.

Region Name

Domain Name for Accessing Application Container Image Data

CN South-Guangzhou

CN East-Shanghai1

CN North-Beijing4

Checking Procedure

  1. Run the following command to check the connection between the edge device and the domain name for accessing the application container image data. If the connection is normal, IEF is not affected by the multi-AZ reconstruction. Skip the subsequent steps.

    curl -i -k -v

    Connection output example:

    * Rebuilt URL to:
    *   Trying
    * Connected to ( port 80 (#0)
    > GET / HTTP/1.1
    > Host:
    > User-Agent: curl/7.47.0
    > Accept: */*
    < HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
    HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
    < Server: OBS
    Server: OBS

  2. Run the following command on a device that can access the Internet to obtain the IP address for accessing the application container image data:


    Output example:

    Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:

  3. Modify the forwarding or mapping configuration of the domain name or IP address, including but not limited to the following scenarios:

    • For an air wall, add the mapping between IP:Port on the Internet and IP:Port on the intranet. If the /etc/hosts mode is previously used, add the mapping between the domain name for accessing the application container image data and the intranet mapping IP address to the /etc/hosts file.
    • For a proxy, add forwarding rules related to the domain name or IP address for accessing application container image data.
    • For a firewall, enable the restriction on the domain name or IP address for accessing the application container image data.

    Change the value based on your service environment.

  4. Perform step 1 again to check whether the domain name for accessing the application container image data can be connected.