Help Center/ Host Security Service/ User Guide (Paris)/ Manually Upgrading HSS/ Step 3: Installing the Agent of the New Version
Updated on 2024-08-14 GMT+08:00

Step 3: Installing the Agent of the New Version

The new version of HSS iterates some functions and features. You need to install the new agent to use the new features.


  • The agent of the old version has been uninstalled from the target server. Otherwise, the new agent may fail to be installed.
  • The OS version of the target server is maintained on the official website. Otherwise, the new agent may fail to be installed.
  • A remote management tool, such as Xftp, SecureFX, PuTTY, or Xshell, has been installed on the Linux server.
  • A remote management tool, such as pcAnywhere or UltraVNC, has been installed on the Windows server.


  • Disable the SELinux firewall when installing the new agent. Enable the SELinux firewall after the new agent is successfully installed.
  • Ensure the outbound rule of your security group allows access to the port 10180 on the network segment. (This is the default setting.)


  • After an agent is installed, the agent status is refreshed 3 to 10 minutes later. To view the agent status, go to Asset Management > Servers & Quota and click the Server tab to view the agent status.
  • Before installing the agent, clear application processes and configurations that may interfere with the installation on the servers to prevent installation failure.
  • To install the agent, you need to obtain the installation command from the console of the new version and log in to the target server to install the agent.

Installing the Agent on a Linux Server

This procedure involves logging in to the server and running commands.

It takes 3 to 10 minutes for the console to update the agent status after agent installation.

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. In the upper left corner of the page, click and choose Security & Compliance > .
  3. In the navigation pane, choose Installation & Configuration.
  4. Click the Agents tab and click Offline (x). In the Operation column of the target server, click Install Agent.

  5. In the displayed dialog box, copy the command suitable for your system architecture and OS.
  6. Remotely log in to the server where the agent is to be installed.

    • You can log in to the ECS management console and click Remote Login in the ECS list.
    • If your server has an EIP bound, you can also use a remote management tool, such as Xftp, SecureFX, PuTTY, or Xshell, to log in to the server and install the agent on the server as user root.

  7. Paste the copied installation command and run it as user root to install the agent on the servers.

    If information similar to the following is displayed, the agent is successfully installed:

    Preparing...                  ########################## [100%] 
    1:hostguard                   ########################## [100%] 
    Hostguard is running. 
    Hostguard installed.

  8. Run the following command to check the running status of the agent:

    service hostguard status

    If the following information is displayed, the agent is successfully installed and is running properly:

    Hostguard is running

Installing the Agent on a Windows Server

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. In the upper left corner of the page, click and choose Security & Compliance > .
  3. In the navigation pane, choose Installation & Configuration.
  4. Click the Agents tab and click Offline (x). In the Operation column of the target server, click Install Agent.

  5. In the displayed dialog box, copy the command suitable for your system architecture and OS.
  6. Remotely log in to the server where the agent is to be installed.

    • You can log in to the ECS management console and click Remote Login in the ECS list.
    • If an EIP has been bound to the server, you can log in to the server by using Windows Remote Desktop Connection or a third-party remote management tool, such as pcAnywhere or UltraVNC.

  7. On the server where the agent is to be installed, open the link obtained in step 5 by using the Internet Explorer. Download the agent installation script.
  8. Run the agent installation script as the administrator.
  9. Check the HostGuard.exe and HostWatch.exe processes in the Windows Task Manager.

    If the process exists, the agent has been installed and is running properly.