Updated on 2024-08-10 GMT+08:00

Sample Project for Spark Structured Streaming Status Operations (Scala)


This Spark structured streaming program collects statistics on the number of events in each session and the start and end timestamp of the sessions in different batches, and outputs the sessions that the state is updated in this batch.

Sample Code

The following code snippets are used as an example. For complete codes, see com.huawei.bigdata.spark.examples.kafkaSessionization.

When new data is available in Streaming DataFrame/Dataset, outputMode is used for configuring data written to the Streaming receptor.

object kafkaSessionization {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    if (args.length < 7) {
      System.err.println("Usage: kafkaSessionization <bootstrap-servers> " +
        "<subscribe-type> <protocol> <service> <domain> <topics> <checkpointLocation>")

    val Array(bootstrapServers, subscribeType, protocol, service, domain,topics, checkpointLocation) = args

    val spark = SparkSession

    spark.conf.set("spark.sql.streaming.checkpointLocation", checkpointLocation)

    spark.streams.addListener(new StreamingQueryListener {

      @volatile private var startTime: Long = 0L
      @volatile private var endTime: Long = 0L
      @volatile private var numRecs: Long = 0L

      override def onQueryStarted(event: StreamingQueryListener.QueryStartedEvent): Unit = {
        println("Query started: " + event.id)
        startTime = System.currentTimeMillis

      override def onQueryProgress(event: StreamingQueryListener.QueryProgressEvent): Unit = {
        println("Query made progress: " + event.progress)
        numRecs += event.progress.numInputRows

      override def onQueryTerminated(event: StreamingQueryListener.QueryTerminatedEvent): Unit = {
        println("Query terminated: " + event.id)
        endTime = System.currentTimeMillis

    import spark.implicits._

    val df = spark
      .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", bootstrapServers)
      .option("kafka.security.protocol", protocol)
      .option("kafka.sasl.kerberos.service.name", service)
      .option("kafka.kerberos.domain.name", domain)
      .option(subscribeType, topics)
      .selectExpr("CAST(value AS STRING)")
      .map { x =>
        val splitStr = x.split(",")
        (splitStr(0), Timestamp.valueOf(splitStr(1)))
      }.as[(String, Timestamp)].flatMap { case(line, timestamp) =>
      line.split(" ").map(word => Event(sessionId = word, timestamp))}

    // Sessionize the events. Track number of events, start and end timestamps of session, and
    // and report session updates.
    val sessionUpdates = df
      .groupByKey(event => event.sessionId)
      .mapGroupsWithState[SessionInfo, SessionUpdate](GroupStateTimeout.ProcessingTimeTimeout) {

      case (sessionId: String, events: Iterator[Event], state: GroupState[SessionInfo]) =>

        // If timed out, then remove session and send final update
        if (state.hasTimedOut) {
          val finalUpdate =
            SessionUpdate(sessionId, state.get.durationMs, state.get.numEvents, expired = true)
        } else {
          // Update start and end timestamps in session
          val timestamps = events.map(_.timestamp.getTime).toSeq
          val updatedSession = if (state.exists) {
            val oldSession = state.get
              oldSession.numEvents + timestamps.size,
              math.max(oldSession.endTimestampMs, timestamps.max))
          } else {
            SessionInfo(timestamps.size, timestamps.min, timestamps.max)

          // Set timeout such that the session will be expired if no data received for 10 seconds
          state.setTimeoutDuration("10 seconds")
          SessionUpdate(sessionId, state.get.durationMs, state.get.numEvents, expired = false)
    // Start running the query that prints the session updates to the console
    val query = sessionUpdates
