• A

      Refer to availability zone

      availability zone

      A physical region where resources use independent power supply and networks. AZs are physically isolated but interconnected through the internal network. To enhance application availability, you are advised to create instances in different AZs.

    • B

      A process of creating data copies on backup media. If the source data is damaged or lost, the data copies can be used to restore the source data.

      backup consistency

      There are three types of backup consistency:

      • Inconsistent backup: backs up files and disks in different points in time.
      • Crash-consistent backup: captures data existing on disks upon backup and backs up files and disks at the same point in time, without backing up memory data and quiescing application systems. In such a manner, backup consistency of application systems is ensured. Though the application consistency is not ensured, disks, such as chkdsk, will be checked upon operating system re-startup to restore damaged data and log rollback will be performed on databases to keep data consistent.
      • Application-consistent backup: backs up files and disks at the same point in time, including memory data, to ensure application system consistency.

      backup policy

      A policy used to automatically back up data by specifying the backup time, backup period, retention rules, and other items. After a backup target is associated with a backup policy, the system will automatically back up data and delete expired backups according to the policy.

    • C

      Cloud Server Backup Service (CSBS) enables backup of entire Elastic Cloud Servers (ECSs), including VM specifications, system disks, and data disks. When an ECS becomes faulty, data can be restored from consistency backups of multiple Elastic Volume Service (EVS) disks to ensure maximum data security and accuracy.


      • F
        full backup

        A backup method used to back up all data space of Elastic Volume Service (EVS) disks used by a specific user.

      • I
        incremental backup

        A backup method used to back up only data space modified since the last backup. The last backup can be either full backup or incremental backup. Incremental backup can be implemented only on a target that has been fully backed up.


        • P-T

          Regions are divided from the dimensions of geographical location and network latency. Public services, such as Object Storage Service (OBS), Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), and Image Management Service (IMS), are shared within the same region. Users can select a region closest to them to reduce access latencies.