Updated on 2024-08-28 GMT+08:00

Remediating Manager Controller


You have obtained the URL and admin account for logging in to FusionInsight Manager.


  1. Log in to the active OMS node as user omm and back up the $CONTROLLER_HOME/sbin/controller.sh file.

    cp $CONTROLLER_HOME/sbin/controller.sh /tmp

  2. Run the vi $CONTROLLER_HOME/sbin/controller.sh command, find the line where JVM_ARGS= is located, and add the following content below the line:

    JVM_ARGS="$JVM_ARGS -Dfastjson.parser.safeMode=true"

  3. Run the following commands on the active OMS node as user omm to restart the Manager Controller service:

    sh /opt/Bigdata/om-server/om/sbin/restart-controller.sh

  4. Run the following command to check the process on the active OMS node:

    ps -ef |grep ControllerService

    If the -Dfastjson.parser.safeMode=true parameter exists, the vulnerability has been mitigated.

  5. Repeat 1 and 2 on the standby OMS node as user omm.