Updated on 2022-12-01 GMT+08:00

How Huawei Cloud Handles Resources That Send Spam Email


Using resources on Huawei Cloud to send spam email violates Huawei Cloud User Agreement and other related laws and regulations. IP addresses that are used to send out spam email in bulk will be recorded in the blocklist by the international anti-spam organization. IP addresses in the blocklist cannot be used for accessing websites, receiving emails, or sending emails. Once the IP address you obtained from Huawei Cloud is in the blocklist, the image of Huawei Cloud is servery damaged. If Huawei Cloud receives an external complaint that spam email is sent by resources of a Huawei Cloud user, Huawei Cloud will send a warning email to the user and take risk control measures (including but not limited to blocking ports and freezing IP addresses involved).

Rectification Suggestion

Huawei Cloud will implement risk control measures based on the complaint types.

You can open the anti-spam organization address, enter your IP address, and click Start Testing to check whether the IP address is listed by the organization as a spammer. Then handle the complaint accordingly.

Figure 1 Anti-spam organization
  • If no IP address records are displayed on the page and the initial page is displayed, the IP address has not been blocked by the anti-spam organization.

    Stop using the server with this IP address to send spam email as soon as possible and protect the mail address from malicious use. If the rectification is not completed within the time specified in the warning email, your resources may be blocked (including but not limited to blocking ports and freezing IP addresses).

  • If your IP address is displayed on the page, the IP address has been blocked by the anti-spam organization.

    The anti-spam organization has added your IP address to their blocklist. This means this IP address cannot be used to access websites or send emails anymore. Stop using this IP address to send spam email as soon as possible and protect your mail address.

    Since the IP address blocklisted by the anti-spam organization is managed by Huawei Cloud, the image of Huawei Cloud is severely damaged. Huawei Cloud will permanently freeze the IP address. The IP address cannot be unfroze in any cases. Bind a new IP address to the server.