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Querying the Team Labeling Task List of a Dataset
This API is used to query the team labeling task list of a dataset.
You can debug this API through automatic authentication in API Explorer or use the SDK sample code generated by API Explorer.
GET /v2/{project_id}/datasets/{dataset_id}/workforce-tasks
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Description |
dataset_id |
Yes |
String |
Dataset ID. |
project_id |
Yes |
String |
Project ID. For details about how to obtain a project ID, see Obtaining a Project ID and Name. |
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Description |
offset |
No |
Integer |
Start page for pagination display. The default value is 0. |
limit |
No |
Integer |
Maximum number of records returned on each page. The value ranges from 1 to 1000. The default value is 1000. |
Request Parameters
Response Parameters
Status code: 200
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
count |
Integer |
Total number of team labeling tasks. |
tasks |
Array of WorkforceTask objects |
Team labeling task list queried by page. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
auto_sync_dataset |
Boolean |
Whether to automatically synchronize the result of a team labeling task to the dataset. Options:
check_rate |
Double |
Acceptance ratio of a team labeling task. |
checking_task_desc |
WorkforceSamplingTaskDesc object |
Details about the current acceptance task of a team labeling task. |
create_time |
Long |
Time when a labeling task is created. |
dataset_id |
String |
Dataset ID. |
description |
String |
Description of a labeling task. |
label_stats |
Array of LabelStats objects |
Label statistics of a labeling task. |
pass_rate |
Double |
Acceptance pass rate of a team labeling task. |
repetition |
Integer |
Number of persons who label each sample in a team labeling task. The minimum value is 1. |
sample_search_conditions |
Array of SearchCondition objects |
Sample search criteria when creating a task. |
sample_stats |
SampleStats object |
Sample statistics of a labeling task. |
score |
Double |
Average acceptance score of a team labeling task. |
status |
Integer |
Status of a team labeling task. Options:
synchronize_auto_labeling_data |
Boolean |
Whether to synchronize the auto labeling result of a team labeling task. Options:
synchronize_data |
Boolean |
Whether to synchronize the added data of a team labeling task. Options:
task_id |
String |
ID of a labeling task. |
task_name |
String |
Name of a labeling task. |
update_time |
Long |
Time when a labeling task is updated. |
version_id |
String |
Version ID of the dataset associated with a labeling task. |
workforce_stats |
WorkforceStats object |
Statistics on team labeling task members. |
workforces_config |
WorkforcesConfig object |
Team labeling task information: Tasks can be assigned by the team administrator or a specified team. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
action |
Integer |
Acceptance operations. Options:
checking_stats |
CheckTaskStats object |
Real-time report of acceptance tasks. |
checking_task_id |
String |
ID of the current acceptance task. |
overwrite_last_result |
Boolean |
Whether to use the acceptance result to overwrite the labeled result if a sample has been labeled during acceptance. Options:
total_stats |
CheckTaskStats object |
Overall report of historical acceptance tasks. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
accepted_sample_count |
Integer |
Accepted samples. |
checked_sample_count |
Integer |
Checked samples. |
pass_rate |
Double |
Pass rate of samples. |
rejected_sample_count |
Integer |
Rejected samples. |
sampled_sample_count |
Integer |
Number of sampled samples. |
sampling_num |
Integer |
Samples of an acceptance task. |
sampling_rate |
Double |
Sampling rate of an acceptance task. |
score |
String |
Acceptance score. |
task_id |
String |
ID of an acceptance task. |
total_sample_count |
Integer |
Total samples. |
total_score |
Long |
Total acceptance score. |
unchecked_sample_count |
Integer |
Unchecked samples. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
attributes |
Array of LabelAttribute objects |
Multi-dimensional attribute of a label. For example, if the label is music, attributes such as style and artist may be included. |
count |
Integer |
Number of labels. |
name |
String |
Label name. |
property |
LabelProperty object |
Basic attribute key-value pair of a label, such as color and shortcut keys. |
sample_count |
Integer |
Number of samples containing the label. |
type |
Integer |
Label type. Options:
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
default_value |
String |
Default value of a label attribute. |
id |
String |
Label attribute ID. You can query the tag by invoking the tag list. |
name |
String |
Label attribute name. The value contains a maximum of 64 characters and cannot contain the character. <>=&"'. |
type |
String |
Label attribute type. Options:
values |
Array of LabelAttributeValue objects |
List of label attribute values. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
id |
String |
Label attribute value ID. |
value |
String |
Label attribute value. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
@modelarts:color |
String |
Default attribute: Label color, which is a hexadecimal code of the color. By default, this parameter is left blank. Example: #FFFFF0. |
@modelarts:default_shape |
String |
Default attribute: Default shape of an object detection label (dedicated attribute). By default, this parameter is left blank. Options:
@modelarts:from_type |
String |
Default attribute: Type of the head entity in the triplet relationship label. This attribute must be specified when a relationship label is created. This parameter is used only for the text triplet dataset. |
@modelarts:rename_to |
String |
Default attribute: The new name of the label. |
@modelarts:shortcut |
String |
Default attribute: Label shortcut key. By default, this parameter is left blank. For example: D. |
@modelarts:to_type |
String |
Default attribute: Type of the tail entity in the triplet relationship label. This attribute must be specified when a relationship label is created. This parameter is used only for the text triplet dataset. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
coefficient |
String |
Filter by coefficient of difficulty. |
frame_in_video |
Integer |
A frame in the video. |
hard |
String |
Whether a sample is a hard sample. Options:
import_origin |
String |
Filter by data source. |
kvp |
String |
CT dosage, filtered by dosage. |
label_list |
SearchLabels object |
Label search criteria. |
labeler |
String |
Labeler. |
metadata |
SearchProp object |
Search by sample attribute. |
parent_sample_id |
String |
Parent sample ID. |
sample_dir |
String |
Directory where data samples are stored (the directory must end with a slash (/)). Only samples in the specified directory are searched for. Recursive search of directories is not supported. |
sample_name |
String |
Search by sample name, including the file name extension. |
sample_time |
String |
When a sample is added to the dataset, an index is created based on the last modification time (accurate to day) of the sample on OBS. You can search for the sample based on the time. Options:
score |
String |
Search by confidence. |
slice_thickness |
String |
DICOM layer thickness. Samples are filtered by layer thickness. |
study_date |
String |
DICOM scanning time. |
time_in_video |
String |
A time point in the video. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
labels |
Array of SearchLabel objects |
List of label search criteria. |
op |
String |
If you want to search for multiple labels, op must be specified. If you search for only one label, op can be left blank. Options:
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
name |
String |
Label name. |
op |
String |
Operation type between multiple attributes. Options:
property |
Map<String,Array<String>> |
Label attribute, which is in the Object format and stores any key-value pairs. key indicates the attribute name, and value indicates the value list. If value is null, the search is not performed by value. Otherwise, the search value can be any value in the list. |
type |
Integer |
Label type. Options:
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
op |
String |
Relationship between attribute values. Options:
props |
Map<String,Array<String>> |
Search criteria of an attribute. Multiple search criteria can be set. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
accepted_sample_count |
Integer |
Number of samples accepted by the owner. |
auto_annotation_sample_count |
Integer |
Number of samples to be confirmed after intelligent labeling. |
deleted_sample_count |
Integer |
Number of deleted samples. |
rejected_sample_count |
Integer |
Number of samples that failed to pass the owner acceptance. |
sampled_sample_count |
Integer |
Number of samples that are to be accepted by the owner and sampled. |
total_sample_count |
Integer |
Total number of samples. |
unannotated_sample_count |
Integer |
Number of unlabeled samples. |
uncheck_sample_count |
Integer |
Number of samples that have been approved by the reviewer and are to be accepted by the owner. |
unreviewed_sample_count |
Integer |
Number of samples that have been labeled by the labeler but have not been reviewed by the reviewer. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
labeler_count |
Integer |
Number of annotators. The value cannot exceed 100. |
reviewer_count |
Integer |
Number of reviewers. The value cannot exceed 100. |
workforce_count |
Integer |
Number of teams. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
agency |
String |
Administrator |
workforces |
Array of WorkforceConfig objects |
List of teams that execute labeling tasks. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
workers |
Array of Worker objects |
List of labeling team members. |
workforce_id |
String |
ID of a labeling team. |
workforce_name |
String |
Name of a labeling team. The value contains 0 to 1024 characters and does not support the following special characters: !<>=&"' |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
create_time |
Long |
Creation time. |
description |
String |
Labeling team member description. The value contains 0 to 256 characters and does not support the following special characters: ^!<>=&"' |
String |
Email address of a labeling team member. |
role |
Integer |
Role. Options:
status |
Integer |
Current login status of a labeling team member. Options:
update_time |
Long |
Update time. |
worker_id |
String |
ID of a labeling team member. |
workforce_id |
String |
ID of a labeling team. |
Example Requests
Querying the Team Labeling Task List of a Dataset
GET https://{endpoint}/v2/{project_id}/datasets/{dataset_id}/workforce-tasks
Example Responses
Status code: 200
{ "count" : 2, "tasks" : [ { "dataset_id" : "WxCREuCkBSAlQr9xrde", "task_id" : "tY330MHxV9dqIPVaTRM", "task_name" : "task-cd60", "status" : 1, "create_time" : 1606224714358, "update_time" : 1606224714358, "repetition" : 1, "workforces_config" : { "workforces" : [ { "workforce_id" : "0PfqwXA8M59pppYBx4k", "workforce_name" : "team-123", "workers" : [ { "email" : "xxx@xxx.com", "worker_id" : "6db04ae0afb54d7274a2982255516c29", "role" : 2 }, { "email" : "xxx@xxx.com", "worker_id" : "8c15ad080d3eabad14037b4eb00d6a6f", "role" : 0 } ] } ] }, "synchronize_data" : true, "synchronize_auto_labeling_data" : true, "workforce_stats" : { "workforce_count" : 1, "labeler_count" : 1, "reviewer_count" : 0 }, "sample_stats" : { "total_sample_count" : 309, "unannotated_sample_count" : 308, "unreviewed_sample_count" : 0, "uncheck_sample_count" : 1, "sampled_sample_count" : 0, "rejected_sample_count" : 0, "accepted_sample_count" : 0, "auto_annotation_sample_count" : 0 }, "auto_sync_dataset" : true }, { "dataset_id" : "WxCREuCkBSAlQr9xrde", "task_id" : "iYZx7gScPUozOXner9k", "task_name" : "task-e63f", "status" : 1, "create_time" : 1606184400278, "update_time" : 1606184400278, "repetition" : 1, "workforces_config" : { "workforces" : [ { "workforce_id" : "q3ZFSwORu1ztKljDLYQ", "workforce_name" : "modelarts-team", "workers" : [ { "email" : "xxx@xxx.com", "worker_id" : "afdda13895bc66322ffbf36ae833bcf0", "role" : 0 } ] } ] }, "synchronize_data" : false, "synchronize_auto_labeling_data" : false, "workforce_stats" : { "workforce_count" : 1, "labeler_count" : 1, "reviewer_count" : 0 }, "sample_stats" : { "total_sample_count" : 317, "unannotated_sample_count" : 310, "unreviewed_sample_count" : 0, "uncheck_sample_count" : 0, "sampled_sample_count" : 0, "rejected_sample_count" : 0, "accepted_sample_count" : 7, "auto_annotation_sample_count" : 0 }, "checking_task_desc" : { "checking_task_id" : "onSbri2oqYOmDjDyW17", "action" : 0, "overwrite_last_result" : false }, "auto_sync_dataset" : true } ] }
Status Codes
Status Code |
Description |
200 |
OK |
401 |
Unauthorized |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
Error Codes
See Error Codes.
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