Updated on 2022-12-08 GMT+08:00

Switching the Scheduler


The newly installed MRS cluster uses the Superior scheduler by default. If the cluster is upgraded from an earlier version, you can switch the Yarn scheduler from the Capacity scheduler to the Superior scheduler by one click.


  • The network connection for the cluster is proper and secure, and the Yarn service status is normal.
  • During scheduler switching, tenants cannot be added, deleted, or modified. In addition, services cannot be started or stopped.

Impact on the System

  • Because the Resource Manager is restarted during scheduler switching, submitting tasks to Yarn fails.
  • During scheduler switching, tasks in a job being executed on Yarn will continue, but new tasks cannot be started.
  • After scheduler switching is complete, tasks on Yarn may fail, causing service interruption.
  • After scheduler switching is complete, parameters of the Superior scheduler are used for tenant management.
  • After the scheduler is switched, resources in the Superior scheduler cannot be allocated to the tenant queue whose capacity is 0 in the Capacity scheduler. As a result, tasks submitted to the tenant queue fail to be executed. You are advised not to set capacity of the tenant queue to 0 in the Capacity scheduler.
  • After scheduler switching is complete, you cannot add or delete resource pools, Yarn node labels, or tenants during the trial period. If resource pools, Yarn node labels, or tenants are added or deleted, rollback to the Capacity scheduler is not allowed.
    • The recommended trial period for scheduler switching is one week. If resource pools, Yarn node labels, or tenants are added or deleted during this period, the trial period ends immediately.
  • Rollback of scheduler switching may cause the loss of partial or all Yarn task information.

Switching from the Capacity scheduler to the Superior scheduler

  1. Ensure that the Yarn service status is normal.

    1. Log in to FusionInsight Manager as user admin.
    2. Choose Cluster > Name of the desired cluster > Services and check whether the Yarn service status is normal.

  2. Log in to the active OMS node as user omm.
  3. Switch the scheduler.

    The following switching modes are available:

    0: The Capacity scheduler is switched to the Superior scheduler, and the Capacity scheduler configurations are converted into the Superior scheduler configurations.

    1: Only the Capacity scheduler configurations are converted into the Superior scheduler configurations.

    2: Only the Capacity scheduler is switched to the Superior scheduler.

    • Mode 0 is recommended if the cluster environment is simple and the number of tenants is less than 20.

      Run the following command:

      sh ${BIGDATA_HOME}/om-server/om/sbin/switchScheduler.sh -c Cluster ID -m 0

      Replace Cluster ID with the ID of the cluster to be operated, which can be queried by choosing Cluster > Name of the desired cluster > Cluster Properties on FusionInsight Manager.

      Start to convert Capacity scheduler to Superior Scheduler, clusterId=1
      Start to convert Capacity scheduler configurations to Superior. Please wait... 
      Convert configurations successfully. Start to switch the Yarn scheduler to Superior. Please wait... 
      Switch the Yarn scheduler to Superior successfully.
    • If the cluster environment or tenant information is complex and you need to retain the queue information of the Capacity scheduler on the Superior scheduler, it is recommended that you use mode 1 first to convert the Capacity scheduler configurations. After checking the converted configuration information, use mode 2 to switch the Capacity scheduler to the Superior scheduler.
      1. Run the following command to convert the Capacity scheduler configurations into the Superior scheduler configurations:

        sh ${BIGDATA_HOME}/om-server/om/sbin/switchScheduler.sh -c Cluster ID -m 1

        Start to convert Capacity scheduler to Superior Scheduler, clusterId=1
        Start to convert Capacity scheduler configurations to Superior. Please wait... 
        Convert configurations successfully.
      2. Run the following command to switch the Capacity scheduler to the Superior scheduler:

        sh ${BIGDATA_HOME}/om-server/om/sbin/switchScheduler.sh -c Cluster ID -m 2

        Start to convert Capacity scheduler to Superior Scheduler, clusterId=1
        Start to switch the Yarn scheduler to Superior. Please wait... 
        Switch the Yarn scheduler to Superior successfully.
    • If you do not need the queue information of the Capacity scheduler, use mode 2.
      1. Log in to FusionInsight Manager and delete all tenants except the default tenant.
      2. Log in to FusionInsight Manager and delete all resource pools except the default resource pool.

        Run the following command to switch the Capacity scheduler to the Superior scheduler:

        sh ${BIGDATA_HOME}/om-server/om/sbin/switchScheduler.sh -c Cluster ID -m 2

        Start to convert Capacity scheduler to Superior Scheduler, clusterId=1
        Start to switch the Yarn scheduler to Superior. Please wait... 
        Switch the Yarn scheduler to Superior successfully.

    You can query the scheduler switching logs on the active OMS node.

    • ${BIGDATA_LOG_HOME}/controller/aos/switch_scheduler.log
    • ${BIGDATA_LOG_HOME}/controller/aos/aos.log