Updated on 2022-12-22 GMT+08:00


Private CA Hosting

You can easily manage CAs and certificates without having to build or maintain complex CA infrastructures.

Complete CA Hierarchy

You can create a flexible CA hierarchy, including root CAs and subordinate CAs. External CAs are also supported to meet the deployment requirements of more applications.

Managing the Private Certificate Lifecycle

PCA allows you to centrally manage certificates and keys. It can manage millions of certificates, and quickly notify tenants of certificate status using the CRL to prevent certificate expiration.

Varied Key Algorithms for Private Certificates

PCA supports different key algorithms, such as RSA_2048, RSA_4096, EC_P256, and EC_P384. It supports the x.509 v3 certificate format and complies with the PKI and CA international standards.

Secure and Reliable Storage of Private Certificate Keys

PCA uses Key Management Service (KMS) and hardware security modules (HSMs) to store keys securely.

Flexible Integration of Private Certificate APIs

PCA provides you with great flexibility through abundant APIs that allow you to efficiently integrate and deploy products in the development environment.