Help Center/ MapReduce Service/ Component Operation Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)/ Using Storm/ Migrating Storm Services to Flink/ Migrating Services of External Security Components Interconnected with Storm
Updated on 2022-02-22 GMT+08:00

Migrating Services of External Security Components Interconnected with Storm

Migrating Services for Interconnecting Storm with HDFS and HBase

If the Storm services use the storm-hdfs or storm-hbase plug-in package for interconnection, you need to specify the following security parameters when migrating Storm services as instructed in Completely Migrating Storm Services.

//Initialize Storm Config.
Config conf = new Config();  

//Initialize the security plug-in list.
List<String> auto_tgts = new ArrayList<String>(); 
//Add the AutoTGT plug-in.
//Add the AutoHDFS plug-in.
//If HBase is interconnected, use auto_tgts.add("") to replace the following:

//Set security parameters.
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_AUTO_CREDENTIALS, auto_tgts); 
//Set the number of workers.

//Convert Storm Config to StormConfig of Flink.
StormConfig stormConfig = new StormConfig(conf);  

//Construct FlinkTopology using TopologBuilder of Storm.
FlinkTopology topology = FlinkTopology.createTopology(builder);  

//Obtain the StreamExecutionEnvironment.
StreamExecutionEnvironment env = topology.getExecutionEnvironment();  

//Add StormConfig to the environment variable of Job to construct Bolt and Spout.
//If Config is not required during the initialization of Bolt and Spout, do not set this parameter.

//Submit the topology.

After the preceding security plug-in is configured, unnecessary logins during the initialization of HDFSBolt and HBaseBolt are avoided because the security context has been configured in Flink.

Migrating Services of Storm Interconnected with Other Security Components

If the plug-in packages, such as storm-kakfa-client and storm-solr are used for interconnection between Storm and other components for service migration, the previously configured security plug-ins need to be deleted.

List<String> auto_tgts = new ArrayList<String>(); 
//keytab mode

//Write the plug-in list configured on the client to the specified config parameter.
//Mandatory in security mode
//This configuration is not required in common mode, and you can comment out the following line.
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_AUTO_CREDENTIALS, auto_tgts);

The AutoTGTFromKeytab plug-in must be deleted during service migration. Otherwise, the login will fail when Bolt or Spout is initialized.