Help Center/ SAP Cloud/ SAP NetWeaver User Guide/ Overview/ SAP NetWeaver and Public Cloud
Updated on 2022-12-23 GMT+08:00

SAP NetWeaver and Public Cloud

Advantages of Deploying SAP NetWeaver on the Public Cloud

Deploying the SAP NetWeaver system on the public cloud makes full use of ECS advantages, including:

  • Lowered purchase cost: You can purchase the SAP NetWeaver system on demand for the specific DEV, TST, and TRN scenario. You will be charged only when the system is being used, which reduces the purchase cost.
  • Improved deployment efficiency: Purchasing the SAP NetWeaver system on the public cloud shortens the deployment duration from days to hours, saving time and manpower.
  • Flexible expansion: On the public cloud, a single node can be flexibly expanded to a cluster or a larger scale.
  • Flexible usability: If an SAP NetWeaver system is used in development, testing, and training scenarios at different time, you can purchase the SAP NetWeaver system in different deployment modes as required.

Relationships Between SAP NetWeaver and Public Cloud Services

  • Elastic Cloud Server (ECS)

    Both SAP NetWeaver and NAT are deployed on ECSs.

  • Elastic Volume Service (EVS)

    All the SAP NetWeaver ECSs have EVS disks attached.

  • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

    All SAP NetWeaver ECSs belong to the same VPC. They are isolated using subnets and security groups in the VPC for network security.

  • Image Management Service (IMS)

    When creating an SAP NetWeaver ECS, select a proper public image, for example, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1 for SAP.

  • Volume Backup Service (VBS)

    VBS backs up EVS disks and uses the backups to restore original EVS disks, ensuring user data accuracy and security.

  • Scalable File Service (SFS)

    SFS provides high-performance file storage that is scalable on demand. It can be shared with multiple ECSs.