Updated on 2025-03-14 GMT+08:00

Uploading a File/Folder

You can upload one or more local files to KooDrive for sharing and collaboration. If the size of a file to be uploaded does not exceed 100 MB, single-file upload is used. For larger files, KooDrive can use multipart upload to speed up file transfer.

In addition, you can upload a single folder.


  • If an upload task fails, the following message may be displayed in the transmission window:
    • Upload failed
    • File name too long.
    • Insufficient space.
    • Max. 200 GB
    • Network error.
  • If a file with the same name already exists, the system automatically adds an upload time suffix to the name of the file you uploaded.
  • A file name can contain emojis but cannot contain <>|:"*?/\. It cannot be a period (.) or double periods (..) or exceed 250 characters.
  • The size of a single file to be uploaded cannot exceed 200 GB.
  • The size of a single file in a folder to be uploaded cannot exceed 10 GB.


  1. Sign in to the KooDrive service plane. Only a HUAWEI ID can be used to log in to the KooDrive service plane.

    To log in as a common user, use the managed HUAWEI ID applied by the administrator for you on the console.

  2. Go to the file list page of the individual or team space.

    • File list of the individual space

      In the navigation pane, choose My Space. The file list of your individual space is displayed.

    • File list of the department space

      In the navigation pane, choose Team Space. Teams are displayed in cards. Click a team and to go to the file list page of the team space.

  3. In the file list, upload a file or folder.

    • Uploading a file
      1. Click Upload.
      2. Select File.
      3. Select one or more files to be uploaded from your device.
      4. Click Open to upload the files.

    • Uploading a folder
      1. Click Upload.
      2. Select Folder.
      3. Select a folder to be uploaded from your device.
      4. Click Select Folder to upload the folder.

    Figure 1 Uploading files

    During the upload, displays the number of ongoing or failed upload tasks in the statistical period. You can click the icon to display the window of the upload tasks in the statistical period. Uploading (a/b) is displayed in the upper left corner of the window. b indicates the number of upload tasks created in the statistical period, and a indicates the successful tasks in the statistical period. The window is automatically hidden 3 seconds after all files are uploaded. If the upload is not complete, click or in the upper right corner to hide the window. If you click again, a window is displayed, showing the upload history. If you refresh the page, a message is displayed asking you whether to reload the page. After reloading, the transmission window is cleared.

    During the upload, you can click to pause an upload task or click to cancel it. If an upload task fails, you can click to retry it. To cancel all pending or ongoing upload tasks, click Cancel All in the upper right corner of the window. After the files are uploaded, click to check the destination location of the uploaded files.