Halaman ini belum tersedia dalam bahasa lokal Anda. Kami berusaha keras untuk menambahkan lebih banyak versi bahasa. Terima kasih atas dukungan Anda.
- What's New
- Function Overview
- Service Overview
- Getting Started
User Guide
- Using IAM to Grant Access to IMS
Creating a Private Image
- Introduction
- Creating a System Disk Image from a Windows ECS
- Creating a System Disk Image from a Linux ECS
- Creating a Windows System Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Linux System Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a BMS System Disk Image
- Creating a Data Disk Image from an ECS
- Creating a Data Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from an ECS
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from a CSBS Backup
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from a CBR Backup
- Creating a Windows System Disk Image from an ISO File
- Creating a Linux System Disk Image from an ISO File
- Importing an Image
- Fast Import of an Image File
Managing Private Images
- Creating an ECS from an Image
- Modifying an Image
- Exporting an Image
- Exporting Image List
- Checking the Disk Capacity of an Image
- Deleting Images
Sharing Images
- Overview
- Obtaining the Project ID, Account ID, and Organization URN
- Sharing Specified Images
- Accepting or Rejecting Shared Images
- Rejecting Accepted Images
- Accepting Rejected Images
- Stopping Sharing Images
- Adding Tenants Who Can Use Shared Images
- Deleting Image Recipients Who Can Use Shared Images
- Replicating a Shared Image
- Replicating Images Within a Region
- Replicating Images Across Regions
- Optimizing a Windows Private Image
Optimizing a Linux Private Image
- Optimization Process
- Checking Whether a Private Image Needs to be Optimized
- Using a Script to Optimize a Xen Private Image
- Uninstalling PV Drivers from a Linux ECS
- Changing Disk Identifiers in the GRUB File to UUID
- Changing Disk Identifiers in the fstab File to UUID
- Installing Native Xen and KVM Drivers
- Installing Native KVM Drivers
- Clearing System Logs
- Encrypting Images
- Windows Operations
- Linux Operations
- Managing Public Images
- Managing Tags
- Managing Quotas
- Auditing Key Operations
Best Practices
- Overview
- Creating a Windows Image Using VirtualBox and an ISO File
- Creating a Linux Image Using VirtualBox and an ISO File
- Cleaning Up the Disk Space of a Windows ECS
- Converting the Image Format
- Creating a Private Image Using Packer
- Configuring an ISO File as a Local Image Source
- Migrating ECSs Across Accounts and Regions
- Migrating Service Data Across Accounts (Data Disks)
API Reference
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
- Native OpenStack APIs
- Examples
- Permissions and Supported Actions
- Common Parameters
Historical APIs
Image (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Querying Images (Native OpenStack API V2, Discarded)
- Querying Image Details (Native OpenStack API V2, Discarded)
- Modifying an Image (Native OpenStack API V2, Discarded)
- Uploading an Image (Native OpenStack API V2, Discarded)
- Deleting an Image (Native OpenStack API V1.1, Discarded)
- Querying Image Metadata (Native OpenStack API V1, Discarded)
- Querying Image Details (Native OpenStack API V1.1, Discarded)
- Image Tagging (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Image Sharing (Native OpenStack APIs)
Image (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Status Codes
- Error Codes
- SDK Reference
Image Consulting
- How Do I Select an Image?
- What Do I Do If I Cannot Find a Desired Image?
- Are There Any Public Images Already Containing Certain Applications, Such as OpenVPN or PyTorch?
- What Are the Differences Between Images and Backups?
- Can I Tailor an Image?
- How Do I Migrate an ECS to a Different Region of Another Account?
- How Can I Back Up the Current Status of an ECS for Restoration in the Case of a System Fault?
- How Can I Apply a Private Image to an Existing ECS?
- Can I Import Data from a Data Disk Image to a Data Disk?
- Can I Use Private Images of Other Accounts?
- End-of-Support for OSs
Image Creation
- General Creation FAQ
- Full-ECS Image FAQ
- How Can I Use a Backup to Create an EVS Disk or ECS?
- Is There Any Difference Between the Image Created from a CSBS/CBR Backup and That Created from an ECS?
- Why Can't I Find an ISO Image When I Want to Use It to Create an ECS or Change the OS of an ECS?
- How Do I Create a Full-ECS Image Using an ECS That Has a Spanned Volume?
- Why Is Sysprep Required for Creating a Private Image from a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Handle the Startup Failure of a Windows ECS Created from a Windows Image Generalized by Sysprep?
- What Do I Do If I Cannot Create an Image in ZVHD2 Format Using an API?
- Image Sharing
- How Do I Select an OS?
- How Is BIOS Different from UEFI?
- What Do I Do If I Cannot Change the Resolution of a Windows OS Booted in UEFI Mode?
- How Do I Delete Redundant Network Connections from a Windows ECS?
- What Do I Do If an ECS Starts Slowly?
- What Do I Do If the One-Click Password Resetting Plug-In Failed to Start?
- Why Can't I Find My Private Image When I Want to Use It to Create an ECS or Change the OS of an ECS?
Image Import
- Can I Use Images in Formats not Described in This Document?
- What Are the Impacts If I Do Not Pre-configure an ECS Used to Create a Private Image?
- How Do I Import an OVF or OVA File to the Cloud Platform?
- What Do I Do If I Chose the Wrong OS or System Disk Capacity When Registering a Private Image?
- Why Did My VHD Upload Fail? Why Does the System Say the System Disk in the VHD Image File Is Larger Than What I Specified on the Management Console?
- How Do I Import Existing Huawei Cloud Private Images to a Specified Region?
Image Export
- Can I Download My Private Images to a Local PC?
- Can I Use the System Disk Image of an ECS on a BMS After I Export It from the Cloud Platform?
- Why Is the Image Size in an OBS Bucket Different from That Displayed in IMS?
- Can I Download a Public Image to My PC?
- What Are the Differences Between Import/Export and Fast Import/Export?
- Why the Export Option Is Unavailable for My Image?
Image Optimization
- Must I Install Guest OS Drivers on an ECS?
- Why Do I Need to Install and Update VirtIO Drivers for Windows?
- What Will the System Do to an Image File When I Use the File to Register a Private Image?
- How Do I Configure an ECS, a BMS, or an Image File Before I Use It to Create an Image?
- What Do I Do If a Windows Image File Is Not Pre-Configured When I Use It to Register a Private Image?
- What Do I Do If a Linux Image File Is Not Pre-Configured When I Use It to Register a Private Image?
- How Do I Optimize an Image?
- How Do I Use a Private Image Created from a First-Generation ECS to Create a Second-Generation ECS?
- How Do I Enable NIC Multi-Queue for an Image?
- How Do I Configure an ECS to Use DHCPv6?
- How Do I Make a System Disk Image Support Fast ECS Creation?
- Why Did I Fail to Install Guest OS Drivers on a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Install Native Xen and KVM Drivers?
- Image Replication
- Image Deletion
- Image Encryption
- KooGallery Images
- Accounts and Permissions
- Cloud-Init
ECS Creation
- Can I Change the Image of a Purchased ECS?
- Can I Change the Specifications Defined by a Private Image When I Use the Image to Create an ECS?
- Can I Specify the System Disk Capacity When I Create an ECS Using an Image?
- What Do I Do If a Partition Is Not Found During the Startup of an ECS Created from an Imported Private Image?
- What Do I Do If the Disks of a CentOS ECS Created from an Image Cannot Be Found?
- What Do I Do If I Enabled Automatic Configuration During Image Registration for an ECS Created from a Windows Image and Now It Won't Start?
- What Do I Do If an Exception Occurs When I Start an ECS Created from an Image Using UEFI Boot?
Driver Installation
- Must I Install Guest OS Drivers on an ECS?
- Why Do I Need to Install and Update VirtIO Drivers for Windows?
- Why Did I Fail to Install Guest OS Drivers on a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Install PV Drivers in Windows?
- How Do I Install VirtIO Drivers in Windows?
- How Do I Install Native KVM Drivers in Linux?
- How Do I Install Native Xen and KVM Drivers?
- Image Tags
- Billing
Image Consulting
- Videos
- Glossary
More Documents
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Overview
- Using IAM to Grant Access to IMS
Creating a Private Image
- Introduction
- Creating a System Disk Image from a Windows ECS
- Creating a System Disk Image from a Linux ECS
- Creating a Windows System Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Linux System Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a BMS System Disk Image
- Creating a Data Disk Image from an ECS
- Creating a Data Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from an ECS
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from a CBR Backup
- Creating a Windows System Disk Image from an ISO File
- Creating a Linux System Disk Image from an ISO File
- Importing an Image
- Fast Import of an Image File
Managing Private Images
- Creating an ECS from an Image
- Modifying an Image
- Exporting an Image
- Exporting Image List
- Checking the Disk Capacity of an Image
- Deleting Images
Sharing Images
- Overview
- Obtaining the Account Name and Project Name
- Sharing Specified Images
- Accepting or Rejecting Shared Images
- Rejecting Accepted Images
- Accepting Rejected Images
- Stopping Sharing Images
- Adding Tenants Who Can Use Shared Images
- Deleting Image Recipients Who Can Use Shared Images
- Replicating a Shared Image
- Replicating Images
- Optimizing a Windows Private Image
Optimizing a Linux Private Image
- Optimization Process
- Checking Whether a Private Image Needs to be Optimized
- Uninstalling PV Drivers from a Linux ECS
- Changing Disk Identifiers in the GRUB File to UUID
- Changing Disk Identifiers in the fstab File to UUID
- Installing Native Xen and KVM Drivers
- Installing Native KVM Drivers
- Clearing System Logs
- Encrypting Images
- Converting the Image Format
- Windows Operations
- Linux Operations
- Managing Tags
- Managing Quotas
- Auditing Key Operations
Image Consulting
- Basic Concepts
- How Do I Select an Image?
- What Do I Do If I Cannot Find a Desired Image?
- What Are the Differences Between Images and Backups?
- Can I Tailor an Image?
- How Can I Back Up the Current Status of an ECS for Restoration in the Case of a System Fault?
- How Can I Apply a Private Image to an Existing ECS?
- Can I Import Data from a Data Disk Image to a Data Disk?
- Can I Use Private Images of Other Accounts?
Image Creation
- General Creation FAQ
- Full-ECS Image FAQ
- Is There Any Difference Between the Image Created from a CSBS/CBR Backup and That Created from an ECS?
- Why Can't I Find an ISO Image When I Want to Use It to Create an ECS or Change the OS of an ECS?
- How Do I Create a Full-ECS Image Using an ECS That Has a Spanned Volume?
- Why Is Sysprep Required for Creating a Private Image from a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Handle the Startup Failure of a Windows ECS Created from a Windows Image Generalized by Sysprep?
- What Do I Do If I Cannot Create an Image in ZVHD2 Format Using an API?
- Image Sharing
- OS
Image Import
- Can I Use Images in Formats not Described in This Document?
- What Are the Impacts If I Do Not Pre-configure an ECS Used to Create a Private Image?
- How Do I Import an OVF or OVA File to the Cloud Platform?
- What Do I Do If I Chose the Wrong OS or System Disk Capacity When Registering a Private Image?
- Why Did My VHD Upload Fail? Why Does the System Say the System Disk in the VHD Image File Is Larger Than What I Specified on the Management Console?
Image Export
- Can I Download My Private Images to a Local PC?
- Can I Use the System Disk Image of an ECS on a BMS After I Export It from the Cloud Platform?
- Why Is the Image Size in an OBS Bucket Different from That Displayed in IMS?
- Can I Download a Public Image to My PC?
- What Are the Differences Between Import/Export and Fast Import/Export?
- Why the Export Option Is Unavailable for My Image?
Image Optimization
- Must I Install Guest OS Drivers on an ECS?
- Why Do I Need to Install and Update VirtIO Drivers for Windows?
- What Will the System Do to an Image File When I Use the File to Register a Private Image?
- How Do I Configure an ECS or an Image File Before I Use It to Create an Image?
- What Do I Do If a Windows Image File Is Not Pre-Configured When I Use It to Register a Private Image?
- What Do I Do If a Linux Image File Is Not Pre-Configured When I Use It to Register a Private Image?
- How Do I Enable NIC Multi-Queue for an Image?
- How Do I Configure an ECS to Use DHCPv6?
- How Do I Make a System Disk Image Support Fast ECS Creation?
- Why Did I Fail to Install Guest OS Drivers on a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Install Native Xen and KVM Drivers?
- Image Replication
- Image Deletion
- Image Encryption
- Accounts and Permissions
- Cloud-Init
ECS Creation
- Can I Change the Image of a Purchased ECS?
- Can I Change the Specifications Defined by a Private Image When I Use the Image to Create an ECS?
- Can I Specify the System Disk Capacity When I Create an ECS Using an Image?
- What Do I Do If a Partition Is Not Found During the Startup of an ECS Created from an Imported Private Image?
- What Do I Do If the Disks of a CentOS ECS Created from an Image Cannot Be Found?
- What Do I Do If I Enabled Automatic Configuration During Image Registration for an ECS Created from a Windows Image and Now It Won't Start?
- What Do I Do If an Exception Occurs When I Start an ECS Created from an Image Using UEFI Boot?
Driver Installation
- Must I Install Guest OS Drivers on an ECS?
- Why Do I Need to Install and Update VirtIO Drivers for Windows?
- Why Did I Fail to Install Guest OS Drivers on a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Install VirtIO Drivers in Windows?
- How Do I Install Native KVM Drivers in Linux?
- How Do I Install Native Xen and KVM Drivers?
- Image Tags
- Billing
Image Consulting
API Reference (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
Native OpenStack APIs
Image (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Querying Images (Native OpenStack API)
- Querying Image Details (Native OpenStack API)
- Updating Image Information (Native OpenStack API)
- Uploading an Image (Native OpenStack API)
- Deleting an Image (Native OpenStack API)
- Creating Image Metadata (Native OpenStack API)
- Deleting an Image (Native OpenStack API v1.1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Querying Image Metadata (Native OpenStack API v1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Querying Image Details (Native OpenStack API v1.1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Image Schema (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Image Sharing (Native OpenStack APIs)
- API Version Query (Native OpenStack API)
Image (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Examples
- Permission Policies and Supported Actions
- Common Parameters
- Status Codes
- Error Codes
- Change History
User Guide (Paris Regions)
- Overview
- Using IAM to Grant Access to IMS
Creating a Private Image
- Introduction
- Creating a System Disk Image from a Windows ECS
- Creating a System Disk Image from a Linux ECS
- Creating a Windows System Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Linux System Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Data Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from an ECS
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from a CSBS Backup
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from a CBR Backup
- Creating a Windows System Disk Image from an ISO File
- Creating a Linux System Disk Image from an ISO File
- Importing an Image
- Fast Import of an Image File
Managing Private Images
- Creating an ECS from an Image
- Modifying an Image
- Exporting an Image
- Exporting Image List
- Checking the Disk Capacity of an Image
- Deleting Images
- Sharing Images
- Replicating Images Within a Region
- Optimizing a Windows Private Image
Optimizing a Linux Private Image
- Optimization Process
- Checking Whether a Private Image Needs to be Optimized
- Uninstalling PV Drivers from a Linux ECS
- Changing Disk Identifiers in the GRUB File to UUID
- Changing Disk Identifiers in the fstab File to UUID
- Installing Native Xen and KVM Drivers
- Installing Native KVM Drivers
- Clearing System Logs
- Encrypting Images
- Converting the Image Format
- Windows Operations
- Linux Operations
- Managing Tags
- Managing Quotas
- Auditing Key Operations
Image Consulting
- Basic Concepts
- How Do I Select an Image?
- What Do I Do If I Cannot Find a Desired Image?
- What Are the Differences Between Images and Backups?
- Can I Tailor an Image?
- How Can I Back Up the Current Status of an ECS for Restoration in the Case of a System Fault?
- How Can I Apply a Private Image to an Existing ECS?
- Can I Import Data from a Data Disk Image to a Data Disk?
- Can I Use Private Images of Other Accounts?
- End-of-Support for OSs
Image Creation
- General Creation FAQ
- Full-ECS Image FAQ
- How Can I Use a Backup to Create an EVS Disk or ECS?
- Is There Any Difference Between the Image Created from a CSBS/CBR Backup and That Created from an ECS?
- Why Can't I Find an ISO Image When I Want to Use It to Create an ECS or Change the OS of an ECS?
- How Do I Create a Full-ECS Image Using an ECS That Has a Spanned Volume?
- Why Is Sysprep Required for Creating a Private Image from a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Handle the Startup Failure of a Windows ECS Created from a Windows Image Generalized by Sysprep?
- What Do I Do If I Cannot Create an Image in ZVHD2 Format Using an API?
- Image Sharing
- How Do I Select an OS?
- How Is BIOS Different from UEFI?
- How Do I Delete Redundant Network Connections from a Windows ECS?
- What Do I Do If an ECS Starts Slowly?
- What Do I Do If a Windows 7 ECS Equipped with an Intel 82599 NIC Reports an Error in SR-IOV Scenarios?
- Why Can't I Find My Private Image When I Want to Use It to Create an ECS or Change the OS of an ECS?
Image Import
- Can I Use Images in Formats not Described in This Document?
- What Are the Impacts If I Do Not Pre-configure an ECS Used to Create a Private Image?
- What Do I Do If I Chose the Wrong OS or System Disk Capacity When Registering a Private Image?
- Why Did My VHD Upload Fail? Why Does the System Say the System Disk in the VHD Image File Is Larger Than What I Specified on the Management Console?
Image Export
- Can I Download My Private Images to a Local PC?
- Can I Use the System Disk Image of an ECS on a BMS After I Export It from the Cloud Platform?
- Why Is the Image Size in an OBS Bucket Different from That Displayed in IMS?
- Can I Download a Public Image to My PC?
- What Are the Differences Between Import/Export and Fast Import/Export?
- Why the Export Option Is Unavailable for My Image?
Image Optimization
- Must I Install Guest OS Drivers on an ECS?
- Why Do I Need to Install and Update VirtIO Drivers for Windows?
- What Will the System Do to an Image File When I Use the File to Register a Private Image?
- How Do I Configure an ECS, a BMS, or an Image File Before I Use It to Create an Image?
- What Do I Do If a Windows Image File Is Not Pre-Configured When I Use It to Register a Private Image?
- What Do I Do If a Linux Image File Is Not Pre-Configured When I Use It to Register a Private Image?
- How Do I Enable NIC Multi-Queue for an Image?
- How Do I Make a System Disk Image Support Fast ECS Creation?
- Why Did I Fail to Install Guest OS Drivers on a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Install Native Xen and KVM Drivers?
- Image Replication
- Image Deletion
- Image Encryption
- Accounts and Permissions
- Cloud-Init
ECS Creation
- Can I Change the Image of a Purchased ECS?
- Can I Change the Specifications Defined by a Private Image When I Use the Image to Create an ECS?
- Can I Specify the System Disk Capacity When I Create an ECS Using an Image?
- What Do I Do If a Partition Is Not Found During the Startup of an ECS Created from an Imported Private Image?
- What Do I Do If the Disks of a CentOS ECS Created from an Image Cannot Be Found?
- What Do I Do If I Enabled Automatic Configuration During Image Registration for an ECS Created from a Windows Image and Now It Won't Start?
- What Do I Do If an Exception Occurs When I Start an ECS Created from an Image Using UEFI Boot?
Driver Installation
- Must I Install Guest OS Drivers on an ECS?
- Why Do I Need to Install and Update VirtIO Drivers for Windows?
- Why Did I Fail to Install Guest OS Drivers on a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Install VirtIO Drivers in Windows?
- How Do I Install Native KVM Drivers in Linux?
- How Do I Install Native Xen and KVM Drivers?
- Image Tags
Image Consulting
API Reference (Paris Regions)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
Native OpenStack APIs
Image (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Querying Images (Native OpenStack API)
- Querying Image Details (Native OpenStack API)
- Updating Image Information (Native OpenStack API)
- Uploading an Image (Native OpenStack API)
- Deleting an Image (Native OpenStack API)
- Creating Image Metadata (Native OpenStack API)
- Deleting an Image (Native OpenStack API v1.1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Querying Image Metadata (Native OpenStack API v1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Querying Image Details (Native OpenStack API v1.1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Image Tagging (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Image Schema (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Image Sharing (Native OpenStack APIs)
- API Version Query (Native OpenStack API)
Image (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Examples
- API Actions
- Common Parameters
- Status Codes
- Error Codes
- Change History
User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Overview
- Using IAM to Grant Access to IMS
Creating a Private Image
- Introduction
- Creating a System Disk Image from a Windows ECS
- Creating a System Disk Image from a Linux ECS
- Creating a Windows System Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Linux System Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a BMS System Disk Image
- Creating a Data Disk Image from an ECS
- Creating a Data Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from an ECS
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from a CBR Backup
- Creating a Windows System Disk Image from an ISO File
- Creating a Linux System Disk Image from an ISO File
- Importing an Image
- Fast Import of an Image File
Managing Private Images
- Creating an ECS from an Image
- Modifying an Image
- Exporting an Image
- Exporting Image List
- Checking the Disk Capacity of an Image
- Deleting Images
Sharing Images
- Overview
- Obtaining the Account Name and Project Name
- Sharing Specified Images
- Accepting or Rejecting Shared Images
- Rejecting Accepted Images
- Accepting Rejected Images
- Stopping Sharing Images
- Adding Tenants Who Can Use Shared Images
- Deleting Image Recipients Who Can Use Shared Images
- Replicating a Shared Image
- Replicating Images Within a Region
- Optimizing a Windows Private Image
Optimizing a Linux Private Image
- Optimization Process
- Checking Whether a Private Image Needs to be Optimized
- Uninstalling PV Drivers from a Linux ECS
- Changing Disk Identifiers in the GRUB File to UUID
- Changing Disk Identifiers in the fstab File to UUID
- Installing Native Xen and KVM Drivers
- Installing Native KVM Drivers
- Clearing System Logs
- Encrypting Images
- Converting the Image Format
- Windows Operations
- Linux Operations
- Managing Tags
- Managing Quotas
- Auditing Key Operations
Image Consulting
- Basic Concepts
- How Do I Select an Image?
- What Do I Do If I Cannot Find a Desired Image?
- What Are the Differences Between Images and Backups?
- Can I Tailor an Image?
- How Can I Back Up the Current Status of an ECS for Restoration in the Case of a System Fault?
- How Can I Apply a Private Image to an Existing ECS?
- Can I Import Data from a Data Disk Image to a Data Disk?
- Can I Use Private Images of Other Accounts?
- End-of-Support for OSs
Image Creation
- General Creation FAQ
- Full-ECS Image FAQ
- Is There Any Difference Between the Image Created from a CSBS/CBR Backup and That Created from an ECS?
- Why Can't I Find an ISO Image When I Want to Use It to Create an ECS or Change the OS of an ECS?
- How Do I Create a Full-ECS Image Using an ECS That Has a Spanned Volume?
- Why Is Sysprep Required for Creating a Private Image from a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Handle the Startup Failure of a Windows ECS Created from a Windows Image Generalized by Sysprep?
- What Do I Do If I Cannot Create an Image in ZVHD2 Format Using an API?
- Image Sharing
- OS
Image Import
- Can I Use Images in Formats not Described in This Document?
- What Are the Impacts If I Do Not Pre-configure an ECS Used to Create a Private Image?
- How Do I Import an OVF or OVA File to the Cloud Platform?
- What Do I Do If I Chose the Wrong OS or System Disk Capacity When Registering a Private Image?
- Why Did My VHD Upload Fail? Why Does the System Say the System Disk in the VHD Image File Is Larger Than What I Specified on the Management Console?
Image Export
- Can I Download My Private Images to a Local PC?
- Can I Use the System Disk Image of an ECS on a BMS After I Export It from the Cloud Platform?
- Why Is the Image Size in an OBS Bucket Different from That Displayed in IMS?
- Can I Download a Public Image to My PC?
- What Are the Differences Between Import/Export and Fast Import/Export?
- Why the Export Option Is Unavailable for My Image?
Image Optimization
- Must I Install Guest OS Drivers on an ECS?
- Why Do I Need to Install and Update VirtIO Drivers for Windows?
- What Will the System Do to an Image File When I Use the File to Register a Private Image?
- How Do I Configure an ECS or an Image File Before I Use It to Create an Image?
- What Do I Do If a Windows Image File Is Not Pre-Configured When I Use It to Register a Private Image?
- What Do I Do If a Linux Image File Is Not Pre-Configured When I Use It to Register a Private Image?
- How Do I Enable NIC Multi-Queue for an Image?
- How Do I Configure an ECS to Use DHCPv6?
- How Do I Make a System Disk Image Support Fast ECS Creation?
- Why Did I Fail to Install Guest OS Drivers on a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Install Native Xen and KVM Drivers?
- Image Replication
- Image Deletion
- Image Encryption
- Accounts and Permissions
- Cloud-Init
ECS Creation
- Can I Change the Image of a Purchased ECS?
- Can I Change the Specifications Defined by a Private Image When I Use the Image to Create an ECS?
- Can I Specify the System Disk Capacity When I Create an ECS Using an Image?
- What Do I Do If a Partition Is Not Found During the Startup of an ECS Created from an Imported Private Image?
- What Do I Do If the Disks of a CentOS ECS Created from an Image Cannot Be Found?
- What Do I Do If I Enabled Automatic Configuration During Image Registration for an ECS Created from a Windows Image and Now It Won't Start?
- What Do I Do If an Exception Occurs When I Start an ECS Created from an Image Using UEFI Boot?
Driver Installation
- Must I Install Guest OS Drivers on an ECS?
- Why Do I Need to Install and Update VirtIO Drivers for Windows?
- Why Did I Fail to Install Guest OS Drivers on a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Install VirtIO Drivers in Windows?
- How Do I Install Native KVM Drivers in Linux?
- How Do I Install Native Xen and KVM Drivers?
- Image Tags
Image Consulting
API Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
Native OpenStack APIs
Image (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Querying Images (Native OpenStack API)
- Querying Image Details (Native OpenStack API)
- Updating Image Information (Native OpenStack API)
- Uploading an Image (Native OpenStack API)
- Deleting an Image (Native OpenStack API)
- Creating Image Metadata (Native OpenStack API)
- Deleting an Image (Native OpenStack API v1.1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Querying Image Metadata (Native OpenStack API v1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Querying Image Details (Native OpenStack API v1.1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Image Schema (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Image Sharing (Native OpenStack APIs)
- API Version Query (Native OpenStack API)
Image (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Examples
- Permission Policies and Supported Actions
- Common Parameters
- Status Codes
- Error Codes
- Change History
User Guide (Ankara Region)
- Overview
- Using IAM to Grant Access to IMS
Creating a Private Image
- Introduction
- Creating a System Disk Image from a Windows ECS
- Creating a System Disk Image from a Linux ECS
- Creating a Windows System Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Linux System Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Data Disk Image from an ECS
- Creating a Data Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from an ECS
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from a CSBS Backup
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from a CBR Backup
- Creating a Windows System Disk Image from an ISO File
- Creating a Linux System Disk Image from an ISO File
- Fast Import of an Image File
Managing Private Images
- Creating an ECS from an Image
- Modifying an Image
- Exporting an Image
- Exporting Image List
- Checking the Disk Capacity of an Image
- Deleting Images
- Sharing Images
- Replicating Images
- Optimizing a Windows Private Image
Optimizing a Linux Private Image
- Optimization Process
- Checking Whether a Private Image Needs to be Optimized
- Uninstalling PV Drivers from a Linux ECS
- Changing Disk Identifiers in the GRUB File to UUID
- Changing Disk Identifiers in the fstab File to UUID
- Installing Native Xen and KVM Drivers
- Installing Native KVM Drivers
- Clearing System Logs
- Converting the Image Format
- Windows Operations
- Linux Operations
- Managing Tags
- Managing Quotas
- Auditing Key Operations
Image Consulting
- How Do I Select an Image?
- What Are the Differences Between Images and Backups?
- Can I Tailor an Image?
- How Can I Back Up the Current Status of an ECS for Restoration in the Case of a System Fault?
- How Can I Apply a Private Image to an Existing ECS?
- Can I Import Data from a Data Disk Image to a Data Disk?
- Can I Use Private Images of Other Accounts?
Image Creation
- General Creation FAQ
- Full-ECS Image FAQ
- Is There Any Difference Between the Image Created from a CSBS/CBR Backup and That Created from an ECS?
- Why Can't I Find an ISO Image When I Want to Use It to Create an ECS or Change the OS of an ECS?
- How Do I Create a Full-ECS Image Using an ECS That Has a Spanned Volume?
- Why Is Sysprep Required for Creating a Private Image from a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Handle the Startup Failure of a Windows ECS Created from a Windows Image Generalized by Sysprep?
- What Do I Do If I Cannot Create an Image in ZVHD2 Format Using an API?
- Image Sharing
- How Do I Select an OS?
- How Is BIOS Different from UEFI?
- How Do I Delete Redundant Network Connections from a Windows ECS?
- What Do I Do If an ECS Starts Slowly?
- What Do I Do If the One-Click Password Resetting Plug-In Failed to Start?
- What Do I Do If a Windows 7 ECS Equipped with an Intel 82599 NIC Reports an Error in SR-IOV Scenarios?
- Why Can't I Find My Private Image When I Want to Use It to Create an ECS or Change the OS of an ECS?
Image Import
- Can I Use Images in Formats not Described in This Document?
- What Are the Impacts If I Do Not Pre-configure an ECS Used to Create a Private Image?
- What Do I Do If I Chose the Wrong OS or System Disk Capacity When Registering a Private Image?
- Why Did My VHD Upload Fail? Why Does the System Say the System Disk in the VHD Image File Is Larger Than What I Specified on the Management Console?
Image Export
- Can I Download My Private Images to a Local PC?
- Can I Use the System Disk Image of an ECS on a BMS After I Export It from the Cloud Platform?
- Why Is the Image Size in an OBS Bucket Different from That Displayed in IMS?
- Can I Download a Public Image to My PC?
- Why the Export Option Is Unavailable for My Image?
Image Optimization
- Must I Install Guest OS Drivers on an ECS?
- Why Do I Need to Install and Update VirtIO Drivers for Windows?
- What Will the System Do to an Image File When I Use the File to Register a Private Image?
- How Do I Configure an ECS or an Image File Before I Use It to Create an Image?
- What Do I Do If a Windows Image File Is Not Pre-Configured When I Use It to Register a Private Image?
- What Do I Do If a Linux Image File Is Not Pre-Configured When I Use It to Register a Private Image?
- How Do I Enable NIC Multi-Queue for an Image?
- How Do I Configure an ECS to Use DHCPv6?
- How Do I Make a System Disk Image Support Fast ECS Creation?
- Why Did I Fail to Install Guest OS Drivers on a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Install Native Xen and KVM Drivers?
- Image Replication
- Image Deletion
- Image Encryption
- Cloud-Init
ECS Creation
- Can I Change the Image of a Purchased ECS?
- Can I Change the Specifications Defined by a Private Image When I Use the Image to Create an ECS?
- Can I Specify the System Disk Capacity When I Create an ECS Using an Image?
- What Do I Do If a Partition Is Not Found During the Startup of an ECS Created from an Imported Private Image?
- What Do I Do If the Disks of a CentOS ECS Created from an Image Cannot Be Found?
- What Do I Do If I Enabled Automatic Configuration During Image Registration for an ECS Created from a Windows Image and Now It Won't Start?
- What Do I Do If an Exception Occurs When I Start an ECS Created from an Image Using UEFI Boot?
Driver Installation
- Must I Install Guest OS Drivers on an ECS?
- Why Do I Need to Install and Update VirtIO Drivers for Windows?
- Why Did I Fail to Install Guest OS Drivers on a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Install VirtIO Drivers in Windows?
- How Do I Install Native KVM Drivers in Linux?
- How Do I Install Native Xen and KVM Drivers?
- Image Tags
Image Consulting
API Reference (Ankara Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
Native OpenStack APIs
Image (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Querying Images (Native OpenStack API)
- Querying Image Details (Native OpenStack API)
- Updating Image Information (Native OpenStack API)
- Uploading an Image (Native OpenStack API)
- Deleting an Image (Native OpenStack API)
- Creating Image Metadata (Native OpenStack API)
- Deleting an Image (Native OpenStack API v1.1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Querying Image Metadata (Native OpenStack API v1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Querying Image Details (Native OpenStack API v1.1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Image Schema (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Image Sharing (Native OpenStack APIs)
- API Version Query (Native OpenStack API)
Image (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Examples
- Permission Policies and Supported Actions
- Common Parameters
- Status Codes
- Error Codes
- Change History
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- General Reference
Installing Native KVM Drivers
When optimizing a Linux private image, you need to install native KVM drivers on the ECS. If the drivers have been installed, skip this section.
If you do not install KVM drivers, NICs of the ECS may not be detected and the ECS cannot communicate with other resources.
- The ECS needs to be optimized. For details, see Checking Whether a Private Image Needs to be Optimized.
- The ECS kernel must be later than 2.6.24.
- Disable your antivirus and intrusion detection software. You can enable the software after KVM drivers are installed.
Modify the configuration file based on the OS version.
OS |
Configuration |
Reference |
CentOS/EulerOS |
Take CentOS 7.0 as an example.
Ubuntu/Debian |
SUSE and openSUSE |
If the OS version is earlier than SUSE 12 SP1 or openSUSE 13:
If the OS version is SUSE 12 SP1:
If the OS version is later than SUSE 12 SP1 or openSUSE 13:
CentOS and EulerOS
- Run the following command to open the /etc/dracut.conf file:
vi /etc/dracut.conf
- Press i to enter the editing mode and add VirtIO drivers to add_drivers (the format varies depending on the OS).
[root@CTU10000xxxxx ~]# vi /etc/dracut.conf # additional kernel modules to the default add_drivers+="virtio_blk virtio_scsi virtio_net virtio_pci virtio_ring virtio" ....
- Press Esc, enter :wq, and press Enter. The system saves the change and exits the /etc/dracut.conf file.
- Run the following command to regenerate initrd:
dracut -f /boot/initramfs-2.6.32-573.8.1.el6.x86_64.img
If the virtual file system is not the default initramfs, run the dracut -f Name of the initramfs or initrd file actually used command. The actual initramfs or initrd file name can be obtained from the grub.cfg file, which can be /boot/grub/grub.cfg, /boot/grub2/grub.cfg, or /boot/grub/grub.conf depending on the OS.
- If the virtual file system is initramfs, run the following command to check whether native KVM drivers have been installed:
lsinitrd /boot/initramfs-`uname -r`.img | grep virtio
If the virtual file system is initrd, run the following command to check whether native KVM drivers have been installed:
lsinitrd /boot/initrd-`uname -r` | grep virtio
Assume that the virtual file system is initramfs. The following command output will be displayed:
[root@CTU10000xxxxx home]# lsinitrd /boot/initramfs-`uname -r`.img | grep virtio -rwxr--r-- 1 root root 23448 Jul 16 17:53 lib/modules/2.6.32-573.8.1.el6.x86_64/kernel/drivers/block/virtio_blk.ko -rwxr--r-- 1 root root 50704 Jul 16 17:53 lib/modules/2.6.32-573.8.1.el6.x86_64/kernel/drivers/net/virtio_net.ko -rwxr--r-- 1 root root 28424 Jul 16 17:53 lib/modules/2.6.32-573.8.1.el6.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi/virtio_scsi.ko drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Jul 16 17:53 lib/modules/2.6.32-573.8.1.el6.x86_64/kernel/drivers/virtio -rwxr--r-- 1 root root 14544 Jul 16 17:53 lib/modules/2.6.32-573.8.1.el6.x86_64/kernel/drivers/virtio/virtio.ko -rwxr--r-- 1 root root 21040 Jul 16 17:53 lib/modules/2.6.32-573.8.1.el6.x86_64/kernel/drivers/virtio/virtio_pci.ko -rwxr--r-- 1 root root 18016 Jul 16 17:53 lib/modules/2.6.32-573.8.1.el6.x86_64/kernel/drivers/virtio/virtio_ring.ko
If you add built-in drivers to the initrd or initramfs file, the ECS will not be affected. This makes it easy to modify the drivers. However, you cannot check the drivers by running the lsinitrd command. You can run the following command to check whether the drivers are built-in ones in the kernel:
cat /boot/config-`uname -r` | grep CONFIG_VIRTIO | grep y
Ubuntu and Debian
- Run the following command to open the modules file:
vi /etc/initramfs-tools/modules
- Press i to enter the editing mode and add VirtIO drivers to the /etc/initramfs-tools/modules file (the format varies depending on the OS).
[root@CTU10000xxxxx ~]#vi /etc/initramfs-tools/modules ... # Examples: # # raid1 # sd_mOd virtio_blk virtio_scsi virtio_net virtio_pci virtio_ring virtio
- Press Esc, enter :wq, and press Enter. The system saves the change and exits the /etc/initramfs-tools/modules file.
- Run the following command to regenerate initrd:
- Run the following command to check whether native KVM drivers have been installed:
lsinitramfs /boot/initrd.img-`uname -r` |grep virtio
[root@ CTU10000xxxxx home]# lsinitramfs /boot/initrd.img-`uname -r` |grep virtio lib/modules/3.5.0-23-generic/kernel/drivers/scsi/virtio_scsi.ko
If you add built-in drivers to the initrd or initramfs file, the ECS will not be affected. This makes it easy to modify the drivers. However, you cannot check the drivers by running the lsinitrd command. You can run the following command to check whether the drivers are built-in ones in the kernel:
SUSE and openSUSE (Earlier than SUSE 12 SP1 or openSUSE 13)
- Run the following command to modify the /etc/sysconfig/kernel file:
vi /etc/sysconfig/kernel
- Add VirtIO drivers to INITRD_MODULES="" (the format of drivers depends on the OS).
SIA10000xxxxx:~ # vi /etc/sysconfig/kernel # (like drivers for scsi-controllers, for lvm or reiserfs) # INITRD_MODULES="ata_piix ata_generic virtio_blk virtio_scsi virtio_net virtio_pci virtio_ring virtio"
- Run the mkinitrd command to generate initrd again.
If the virtual file system is not the default initramfs or initrd, run the dracut -f Name of the initramfs or initrd file actually used command. The actual initramfs or initrd file name can be obtained from the menu.lst or grub.cfg file (/boot/grub/menu.lst, /boot/grub/grub.cfg, or /boot/grub2/grub.cfg).
The following is an example initrd file of SUSE 11 SP4:
default 0 timeout 10 gfxmenu (hd0,0)/boot/message title sles11sp4_001_[_VMX_] root (hd0,0) kernel /boot/linux.vmx vga=0x314 splash=silent console=ttyS0,115200n8 console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 NON_PERSISTENT_DEVICE_NAMES=1 showopts initrd /boot/initrd.vmx title Failsafe_sles11sp4_001_[_VMX_] root (hd0,0) kernel /boot/linux.vmx vga=0x314 splash=silent ide=nodma apm=off noresume edd=off powersaved=off nohz=off highres=off processsor.max+cstate=1 nomodeset x11failsafe console=ttyS0,115200n8 console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 NON_PERSISTENT_DEVICE_NAMES=1 showopts initrd /boot/initrd.vmx
/boot/initrd.vmx in the initrd line is the initrd file actually used. Run the dracut -f /boot/initrd.vmx command. If the initrd file does not contain the /boot directory, such as /initramfs-xxx, run the dracut -f /boot/initramfs-xxx command.
- Run the following command to check whether KVM VirtIO drivers have been installed:
lsinitrd /boot/initrd-`uname -r` | grep virtio
SIA10000xxxxx:~ # lsinitrd /boot/initrd-`uname -r` | grep virtio -rwxr--r-- 1 root root 19248 Jun 22 2012 lib/modules/2.6.32-279.el6.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi/virtio_scsi.ko -rwxr--r-- 1 root root 23856 Jun 22 2012 lib/modules/2.6.32-279.el6.x86_64/kernel/drivers/block/virtio_blk.ko drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Jul 12 14:53 lib/modules/2.6.32-279.el6.x86_64/kernel/drivers/virtio -rwxr--r-- 1 root root 15848 Jun 22 2012 lib/modules/2.6.32-279.el6.x86_64/kernel/drivers/virtio/virtio_ring.ko -rwxr--r-- 1 root root 20008 Jun 22 2012 lib/modules/2.6.32-279.el6.x86_64/kernel/drivers/virtio/virtio_pci.ko -rwxr--r-- 1 root root 12272 Jun 22 2012 lib/modules/2.6.32-279.el6.x86_64/kernel/drivers/virtio/virtio.ko -rwxr--r-- 1 root root 38208 Jun 22 2012 lib/modules/2.6.32-279.el6.x86_64/kernel/drivers/net/virtio_net.ko
- Restart the ECS.
- Run the following command to check whether KVM drivers exist in initrd:
lsinitrd /boot/initrd-`uname -r` | grep virtio
SIA10000xxxxx:~ # lsinitrd /boot/initrd-`uname -r` | grep virtio -rwxr--r-- 1 root root 19248 Jun 22 2012 lib/modules/2.6.32-279.el6.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi/virtio_scsi.ko -rwxr--r-- 1 root root 23856 Jun 22 2012 lib/modules/2.6.32-279.el6.x86_64/kernel/drivers/block/virtio_blk.ko drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Jul 12 14:53 lib/modules/2.6.32-279.el6.x86_64/kernel/drivers/virtio -rwxr--r-- 1 root root 15848 Jun 22 2012 lib/modules/2.6.32-279.el6.x86_64/kernel/drivers/virtio/virtio_ring.ko -rwxr--r-- 1 root root 20008 Jun 22 2012 lib/modules/2.6.32-279.el6.x86_64/kernel/drivers/virtio/virtio_pci.ko -rwxr--r-- 1 root root 12272 Jun 22 2012 lib/modules/2.6.32-279.el6.x86_64/kernel/drivers/virtio/virtio.ko -rwxr--r-- 1 root root 38208 Jun 22 2012 lib/modules/2.6.32-279.el6.x86_64/kernel/drivers/net/virtio_net.ko
If you add built-in drivers to the initrd or initramfs file, the ECS will not be affected. This makes it easy to modify the drivers. However, you cannot check the drivers by running the lsinitrd command. You can run the following command to check whether the drivers are built-in ones in the kernel:
cat /boot/config-`uname -r` | grep CONFIG_VIRTIO | grep y
SUSE and openSUSE (SUSE 12 SP1)
- Run the following command to open the /etc/dracut.conf file:
vi /etc/dracut.conf
- Press i to enter the editing mode and add VirtIO drivers to add-drivers (the format varies depending on the OS).
[root@CTU10000xxxxx ~]# vi /etc/dracut.conf # additional kernel modules to the default add_drivers+="ata_piix ata_generic virtio_blk virtio_scsi virtio_net virtio_pci virtio_ring virtio"
- Press Esc, enter :wq, and press Enter. The system saves the change and exits the /etc/dracut.conf file.
- Run the following command to regenerate initrd:
dracut -f /boot/initramfs-File name
If the virtual file system is not the default initramfs, run the dracut -f Name of the initramfs or initrd file actually used command. The actual initramfs or initrd file name can be obtained from the grub.cfg file, which can be /boot/grub/grub.cfg, /boot/grub2/grub.cfg, or /boot/grub/grub.conf depending on the OS.
- If the virtual file system is initramfs, run the following command to check whether native KVM drivers have been installed:
lsinitrd /boot/initramfs-`uname -r`.img | grep virtio
If the virtual file system is initrd, run the following command to check whether native KVM drivers have been installed:
lsinitrd /boot/initrd-`uname -r` | grep virtio
SUSE and openSUSE (Later than SUSE 12 SP1 or openSUSE 13)
Modify the /etc/dracut.conf file.
- Run the following command to open the /etc/dracut.conf file:
vi /etc/dracut.conf
- Press i to enter the editing mode and add VirtIO drivers to add_drivers (the format varies depending on the OS).
[root@CTU10000xxxxx ~]# vi /etc/dracut.conf # additional kernel modules to the default add_drivers+="ata_piix ata_generic virtio_blk virtio_scsi virtio_net virtio_pci virtio_ring virtio"
- Press Esc, enter :wq, and press Enter. The system saves the change and exits the /etc/dracut.conf file.
- Run the following command to regenerate initrd:
dracut -f /boot/initramfs-File name
If the virtual file system is not the default initramfs, run the dracut -f Name of the initramfs or initrd file actually used command. The actual initramfs or initrd file name can be obtained from the grub.cfg file, which can be /boot/grub/grub.cfg, /boot/grub2/grub.cfg, or /boot/grub/grub.conf depending on the OS.
- If the virtual file system is initramfs, run the following command to check whether native KVM drivers have been installed:
lsinitrd /boot/initramfs-`uname -r`.img | grep virtio
If the virtual file system is initrd, run the following command to check whether native KVM drivers have been installed:
lsinitrd /boot/initrd-`uname -r` | grep virtio
Assume that the virtual file system is initrd. The following command output will be displayed:
sluo-ecs-30dc:~ # lsinitrd /boot/initrd-`uname -r` | grep virtio -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 29335 Oct 26 2016 lib/modules/4.4.21-69-default/kernel/drivers/block/virtio_blk.ko -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 57007 Oct 26 2016 lib/modules/4.4.21-69-default/kernel/drivers/net/virtio_net.ko -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 32415 Oct 26 2016 lib/modules/4.4.21-69-default/kernel/drivers/scsi/virtio_scsi.ko drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Sep 28 10:21 lib/modules/4.4.21-69-default/kernel/drivers/virtio -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 19623 Oct 26 2016 lib/modules/4.4.21-69-default/kernel/drivers/virtio/virtio.ko -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 38943 Oct 26 2016 lib/modules/4.4.21-69-default/kernel/drivers/virtio/virtio_pci.ko -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 24431 Oct 26 2016 lib/modules/4.4.21-69-default/kernel/drivers/virtio/virtio_ring.ko
If you add built-in drivers to the initrd or initramfs file, the ECS will not be affected. This makes it easy to modify the drivers. However, you cannot check the drivers by running the lsinitrd command. You can run the following command to check whether the drivers are built-in ones in the kernel:
cat /boot/config-`uname -r` | grep CONFIG_VIRTIO | grep y
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