Updated on 2025-01-09 GMT+08:00

Viewing Details of a FlexusX Instance


After a FlexusX instance is created, you can view and manage it on the FlexusX instance console. This section describes how to view detailed configurations of a FlexusX instance, including the instance name, image, system disk, data disk, security group, and EIP.


  1. Log in to the FlexusX console, in the upper left corner, click , and select a region.

    On the FlexusX instance list page, you can view the FlexusX instances you purchased and their basic information such as private IP addresses.

  2. (Optional) In the upper part of the list, enter a FlexusX instance name, IP address, or ID and click to search for the FlexusX instance.
  3. Click the name of the FlexusX instance.

    The details page of this instance is displayed.

  4. View details of the FlexusX instance.

    There are various tabs to choose from, such as Summary, Disks, Network Interfaces, Security Groups, and Monitoring. Each one displays different basic information for your FlexusX instance. You can review the monitoring data, add disks or NICs, or change the instance's security groups.