Updated on 2025-03-04 GMT+08:00

Web Top Statistics

On the Web Top Statistics page, you can view key request statistics such as client IP addresses, URLs, and server domain names for the last 30 minutes, today, or a user-defined period.


  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner of the page and choose Content Delivery & Edge Computing > CDN and Security.
  3. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Edge Security > Statistic. On the displayed Statistic page, click the Web Top Statistics tab.
  4. In the upper part of the page, specify the domain, website, attack type, and time period you want to query.

    • All protected websites: By default, the information about all websites you add to EdgeSec in all enterprise projects are displayed.
    • All attack types: web application attack, access control, CC attack, and bot attack.
    • Time period: You can select Last 30 Minutes, Today, or Custom.

  5. Data display

    Figure 1 Web TOP statistics
    Table 1 Web TOP statistics parameters




    Geographical location information in attack logs by country.


    IP address of the client that initiates the request.


    URL that receives the request.


    Domain name of the server that receives the request.

    Rule Name

    The type structure is policy ID-policy_name.

    User Agent

    HTTP request header, which contains information about the user agent application that sends the request, including the browser ID, operating system ID, language, and version details.

    Request method

    HTTP request method.


    Autonomous system number

    Known Bot

    When the attack type is set to the bot attack, known bot attack data is displayed. Known bots are classified as follows:

    • Web Search Engine Bots
    • Web Scanners
    • Web Scrapers
    • Site Monitoring or Web Development Bots
    • SEO or BIOR Marketing Bots
    • News, Social Media or Blog Bots
    • Website Screenshot Creator
    • Academic or Research Bots
    • RSS Feed Reader Bots
    • Web Archiver Bots

    TLS Finger Print

    When the attack type is set to the bot attack, TLS fingerprint data is displayed.