Updated on 2025-03-07 GMT+08:00

Installing the Agent on a Windows Server


This topic describes how to install the Agent on a Windows server.


Only Windows and Linux are supported. For details, see What OSs Does the Agent Support?



  1. Log in to the Windows ECS as an administrator.
  2. Open a browser and enter the address (see Table 1) of the Agent installation package in the address box to download and save the installation package.
  3. Access the directory storing the installation package.
  4. Install the Agent based on the format of the installation package.
    • ZIP

      If the installation package is telescope_windows_amd64.zip, decompress it and double-click the install.bat script to install and start the Agent.

    • EXE

      If the installation package is install_amd64.exe, perform the following steps:

      1. Open Windows PowerShell.
      2. Run the following command to go to the directory where the installation package is stored (The directory C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads is used as an example.):
        cd C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads
      3. Run the following command to install the Agent (replace ${version} with the version in Agent Features per Version):
        .\install_amd64.exe -t ${version}
        For example, if you want to install Agent 2.7.5, run .\install_amd64.exe -t 2.7.5.

        After you configure the Agent, its status is still displayed as Uninstalled because the monitoring data is not reported yet. Wait 3 to 5 minutes and refresh the page.