Updated on 2024-04-16 GMT+08:00

Detaching a Disk from an ECS


This API is used to detach a disk from an ECS.


The system disk, the device name of which is /dev/sda, and user disks can be detached from an ECS only when the ECS is stopped. There are no requirements on UVP VMTools.

When an ECS is in the active state, pay attention to the following constraints:

  1. Only data disks, the device name of which is not /dev/sda, can be detached from an ECS.
  2. Make sure that UVP VMTools have been installed and enabled on the ECS. Otherwise, the uninstallation will fail.
  3. For a Linux ECS, you need to log in to the ECS and run the umount command to disassociate the target disk from the file system. In addition, you need to ensure that no data is being written into or being read from the disk. Otherwise, the detachment will fail.
  4. For a Windows ECS, you need to ensure that no data is being written into or being read from the disk when a disk is to be detached from the running ECS. Otherwise, data will be lost.
  5. OSs supporting EVS disk detachment from a running ECS include two parts:
    • For the first part, see Overview > Concept > OSs for Public Images Supported by IMS in Image Management Service User Guide.
    • Table 1 lists the second part of supported OSs.
      Table 1 OSs supporting EVS disk detachment from a running ECS




      7.3 64bit

      7.2 64bit

      6.8 64bit

      6.7 64bit


      8.6.0 64bit

      8.5.0 64bit


      25 64bit

      24 64bit


      SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2 64bit

      SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1 64bit

      SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4 64bit

      SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 64bit


      42.2 64bit

      42.1 64bit

      Oracle Linux Server release

      7.3 64bit

      7.2 64bit

      6.8 64bit

      6.7 64bit

      Ubuntu Server

      16.04 64bit

      14.04 64bit

      14.04.4 64bit

      Windows (SCSI EVS disks cannot be detached from a running ECS.)

      Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise 64bit

      Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 64bit

      Windows Server 2016 R2 Standard 64bit

      Red Hat Linux Enterprise

      7.3 64bit

      6.8 64bit

  6. The forcible online disk detach function supports only VBD disks used by KVM ECSs.

    For other types of disks used by Xen ECSs, BMSs, and KVM ECSs, this API supports only online disk detachment.

  7. Disks which are forcibly detached online will use the disk drives and PCI addresses, so the disk drives and PCI addresses will not be assigned again.
  8. After a disk is forcibly detached, it still occupies the disk quota of the ECS.
  9. The system disk cannot be detached forcibly online.
  10. When a file system is attached to a disk and the disk is detached forcibly online, users need to manually detach all file systems attached to the disk.
  11. If logical partitions are created on the disk which is detached forcibly online, the logical partitions will become invalid.
  12. After a disk is forcibly detached, you need to restart the ECS to clear the residual.


DELETE /v2.1/{project_id}/servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments/{volume_id}{?delete_flag}

Table 2 describes the parameters in the URI.
Table 2 Parameter description






Specifies the project ID.

For details about how to obtain the ID, see Obtaining a Project ID.



Specifies the ECS ID.



Specifies the volume ID.

Usage: DELETE /v2.1/{project_id}/servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments/{volume_id}?delete_flag=1

Table 3 describes the query parameters.

Table 3 Query parameters








Specifies whether to support forcible online disk detachment.

The default value is 0. 1 indicates that the disk can be forcibly detached online.





Example Request

Detach the disk whose ID is 54667652-3029-4af8-9222-2d53066fd61c from a specified ECS.

DELETE https://{endpoint}/v2.1/6fbe9263116a4b68818cf1edce16bc4f/servers/ab258e25-e351-47c7-b6e3-0749c5d9ed6a/os-volume_attachments/54667652-3029-4af8-9222-2d53066fd61c

Example Response
