Updated on 2024-05-22 GMT+08:00

Stop-Before-Excess Packages


  • A stop-before-excess package is pre-paid. It is applicable to customers who have stable resource requirements and want to reduce costs.
  • Resource usage is deducted from the package quota. After the package quota is used up, services will stop. To use services, customers need to purchase packages again.


Before releasing a stop-before-excess joint operations SaaS product, develop an interface on the production interface server of the product. For details, see SaaS Product Access Guide V2.0.

Interface Version

Billing Mode

Interfaces to Be Developed and Debugged

V 1.0

Stop-before-excess package

Subscription (with Billing mode set to Pay-per-use and Pay-per-use package)

Resource release

Resource status change

Instance query

Pay-per-use resource usage push (new)


Stop-before-excess package

Instance creation

Instance information query

Instance update

Instance release

Pay-per-use resource usage push (new)

Product purchase and use process

Billing Cycle and Rule

  • Hourly

    Report service detail records (SDRs) at least once an hour. It is recommended that SDRs be reported within the first 15 minutes of the next hour after a customer uses the resources. For example, if the customer uses resources at 13:25, report SDRs between 14:00 and 14:15. In this way, the customer can be charged in real time. Otherwise, the fee deduction will be delayed. If you cannot report SDRs in real time, report them within 2 hours after resource consumption.

  • Daily

    Report SDRs to KooGallery every hour. If you can only report SDRs once a day, report them from 00:00 to 00:15. SDRs must be reported before 01:00. Otherwise, the fee will be deducted from customers on the next day.

Package Quota Deduction and Reset Rules

  • Package quota deduction

    Customers can buy up to 30 stop-before-excess SaaS packages at a go. Each package maps an instance ID (instance_id). You need to call the SDR report interface to specify a package for fee deduction.

  • Package reset

    For packages that cannot be reset, the package content is the total available usage in the subscription term.

    For packages reset by year or month, the package content is the annual or monthly available usage. Total package content = Annual or monthly available usage x Number of subscription years or months.

Important Notes

  • The default price of each pay-per-use billing item is 0. You need to set the package quota and stop billing when the quota is used up.
  • Ensure the accuracy of reported SDRs. If abnormal package quota deduction occurs due to inaccurate SDRs, you need to negotiate with the customers.