Updated on 2024-01-15 GMT+08:00

Partner Bill Fields

To view bill details, in the navigation pane of the Partner Center, choose Financial Information > Partner Bills. On the Consumed Product Details tab page, click Export Bill Details. For details about bill fields, see Partner Bill Fields.



Example Value

Customer ID

Unique ID of a customer


Billing Cycle

A reconciliation duration agreed between the customer and partner. Usually it is a calendar month. When a billing cycle ends, the system calculates all the fees a partner needs to pay during this billing cycle and generates a bill.


Customer Name

Name of a customer


Account Name

Account of a customer


Partner ID

Unique ID of the partner that a customer is associated with


If a customer is associated with a cloud solution provider of a Huawei Cloud Partner Service Provider, this field indicates the unique ID of the cloud solution provider.


Partner Name

Name of the partner that a customer is associated with


If a customer is associated with a cloud solution provider of a Huawei Cloud Partner Service Provider, this field indicates the name of the cloud solution provider.


Partner Account Name

Account name of the partner that a customer is associated with


If a customer is associated with a cloud solution provider of a Huawei Cloud Partner Service Provider, this field indicates the account name of the cloud solution provider.


Bill Type

Bill types of the customer, including:

  • Expenditure
  • Refund
  • Adjustment


Billing Mode

Product billing mode, including:

  • Pay-per-use
  • Yearly/monthly
  • Reserved instance–upfront payment
  • Reserved instance–hourly billing



Application name of a cloud service hardware product



A collection of attributes and their values used to describe the features of resources that a cloud service needs. Specifications of resources of the same type have the same attributes but different attribute values.

Common I/O | 10.0 GB

Order ID/Transaction ID

Order ID: unique ID of a yearly/monthly/reserved instance subscription order

Transaction ID: unique ID of a pay-per-use/reserved instance transaction (hourly billing)


Original Order ID

Unique ID of an order before it is unsubscribed from


Transaction Time

Time when a transaction was executed in the transaction bill of a customer

  • Transaction time of a yearly/monthly/reserved instance subscription indicates the time when an order is paid.
  • Transaction time of a pay-per-use/reserved instance transaction (hourly billing) indicates the time when the consumption ends. For example, if the consumption time is 2020-09-10 00:16:50 GMT+08:00 to 2020-09-28 09:00:00 GMT+08:00, the transaction time of this pay-per-use bill is 2020-09-28 09:00:00 GMT+08:00.

2020-09-28 09:00:00 GMT+08:00

Order Type

Type of a yearly/monthly/reserved instance subscription, including:

  • New purchase
  • Renewal
  • Change
  • Unsubscription
  • Price adjustment


Number of Terms

Term of a yearly/monthly product order


Term Unit

Unit of a term for a yearly/monthly product order


Customer Expenditure (USD)

Total amount generated by customer orders


Settlement Type

Settlement type of a product, including:

  • Common product
  • Promotional product
  • No discount
  • Special discount request

Common product

Settlement Discount

Resale discount set by a KooGallery seller for a partner


Payment (USD)

Payment (USD) = Customer Expenditure (USD) x (1 – Settlement Discount)


Tax-Exclusive Amount Due (USD)

Amount due of a partner's bill, excluding taxes

Tax-Exclusive Amount Due = PaymentCoupons Used


Tax Amount

Tax calculation rules are subject to the region where a partner is registered. The tax includes VAT, CGST, SGST, and IGST. The contained parts vary according to the region.


Amount Due (USD)

Amount Due = Tax-Exclusive Amount Due + Tax Amount


Unsubscription Reason

Reason for unsubscribing from an order

Incorrect parameters selected during product purchase