Updated on 2025-01-14 GMT+08:00

Step 2: Buy a VPC Endpoint for Connecting to OBS


This section describes how you can buy a VPC endpoint to securely access OBS from an on-premises data center through an intranet.


The required VPC endpoint service is available.


  1. Go to the VPC endpoint list page.
  2. On the VPC Endpoints page, click Buy VPC Endpoint.

    The Buy VPC Endpoint page is displayed.

  3. Configure VPC endpoint parameters.
    Table 1 VPC endpoint parameters


    Example Value



    CN-Hong Kong

    Specifies the region where the VPC endpoint will be used to connect a VPC endpoint service.

    Resources in different regions cannot communicate with each other over an intranet. For lower latency and quicker access, select the region nearest to your on-premises data center.

    Billing Mode


    Specifies the billing mode of the VPC endpoint.

    Only pay-per-use billing is supported.

    Service Category

    Cloud services

    There are two options:

    • Cloud services: Select this value if the VPC endpoint service to be accessed is a cloud service.
    • Find a service by name: Select this value if the VPC endpoint service to be accessed is a private service of your own.

    In this example, select Cloud services.

    Service List


    This parameter is available only when you select Cloud services for Service Category.

    The VPC endpoint service has been created by the O&M personnel and can be directly selected.

    Select the VPC endpoint service for OBS by region:

    • LA-Mexico City1: com.myhuaweicloud.na-mexico-1.obs
    • LA-Sao Paulo1: com.myhuaweicloud.sa-brazil-1.obs
    • LA-Santiago: com.myhuaweicloud.la-south-2.obs

    In this example, select com.myhuaweicloud.na-mexico-1.obs in the LA-Mexico City1 region.



    Specifies the VPC where the VPC endpoint is to be deployed.

    Route Table


    This parameter is available only when you create a VPC endpoint for connecting to a gateway VPC endpoint service.


    This parameter is available only in the regions where the route table function is enabled.

    You are advised to select all route tables. Otherwise, the access to the gateway VPC endpoint service may fail.

    Select a route table in the VPC where the VPC endpoint will be created.

    For details about how to add a route, see Adding a Custom Route in the Virtual Private Cloud User Guide.



    Specifies the VPC endpoint policy.

    VPC endpoint policies are a type of resource-based policies. You can configure a policy to control which principals can use the VPC endpoint to access VPC endpoint services.




    Specifies the tag that is used to classify and identify the VPC endpoint.

    The tag settings can be modified after the VPC endpoint is purchased.



    Provides supplementary information about the VPC endpoint.

    Table 2 Tag requirements for VPC endpoints



    Tag key

    • Cannot be left blank.
    • Must be unique for each resource.
    • Can contain a maximum of 36 characters.
    • Can contain only letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_).

    Tag value

    • Cannot be left blank.
    • Can contain a maximum of 43 characters.
    • Can contain only letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_).
  4. Confirm the settings and click Next.
    • If all of the settings are correct, click Submit.
    • If any of the settings are incorrect, click Previous to modify the parameter settings as needed, and click Submit.
  5. Click Back to VPC Endpoint List after the task is submitted.

    If the status of the VPC endpoint changes from Creating to Accepted, the VPC endpoint for connecting to com.myhuaweicloud.na-mexico-1.obs is created.

  6. In the VPC endpoint list, click the ID of the target VPC endpoint to view its details.