Updated on 2023-07-14 GMT+08:00


After performing the operations in Creating a Cluster and Creating Links, you can use a series of common practices provided by CDM as you need.

Table 1 Common best practices




Creating an MRS Hive Link

MRS Hive links are applicable to the MapReduce Service (MRS). This best practice describes how to create an MRS Hive link.

Migrating Data from MySQL to OBS

CDM supports migration of tables to OBS. This best practice describes how to migrate tables from a MySQL database to OBS.

Parameter transfer

Scheduling a CDM Job by Transferring Parameters Using DataArts Factory

You can use EL expressions in DataArts Factory to transfer parameters to a CDM job to schedule it. This best practice describes how to schedule CDM jobs by transferring parameters in DataArts Factory.

Incremental migration

Incremental File Migration

CDM supports incremental migration of file systems. After a full migration is complete, you can run a job again to export all new files or specified directories or files.

Incremental Migration of Relational Databases

CDM supports incremental migration of relational databases. After a full migration is complete, you can migrate the incremental data generated within a specified period of time. For example, you can export the data generated on the previous day at 00:00 every day.

Case study

Case: Trade Data Statistics and Analysis

Consulting company H uses CDM to import local trade statistics to OBS, and Data Lake Insight (DLI) to analyze trade statistics. In this way, company H builds its big data analytics platform at an extremely low cost, allowing the company more time to focus on their businesses and make innovations continuously.

Case: IoV Big Data Service Migration to Cloud

Company H intends to build an enterprise-class cloud management platform for its IoV service to centrally manage and deploy hardware resources and common software resources, and implement cloud-based and service-oriented transformation of IT applications. Cloud Data Migration (CDM) helps company H build the platform without code modification and data loss.