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Face Recognition Service
Graph Engine Service
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Conversational Bot Service
Speech Interaction Service
Huawei HiLens
Video Intelligent Analysis Service
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CodeArts Artifact
CodeArts TestPlan
CodeArts Check
CodeArts Repo
Cloud Application Engine
MacroVerse aPaaS

Change History

Updated on 2022-03-04 GMT+08:00


  • New Functions
    • Animation effect is added to the following components: horizontal bar, horizontal bi-directional bar, bubble, stacked bar, line, combination, dual Y-axis combination, dual Y-axis line, step line, pie, percentage pie chart, radar, scatter, WT bar, WT horizontal bar, WT stacked bar, WT line, WT combination, WT dual Y-axis combination, WT dual Y-axis line, WT radar, and WT scatter.
    • The RTMP video stream player component is added.


  • New Functions
    • Animation effect is added to the following components: horizontal bar, horizontal bi-directional bar, bubble, stacked bar, line, combination, dual Y-axis combination, dual Y-axis line, step line, pie, percentage pie chart, radar, scatter, WT bar, WT horizontal bar, WT stacked bar, WT line, WT combination, WT dual Y-axis combination, WT dual Y-axis line, WT radar, and WT scatter.
    • The RTMP video stream player component is added.


  • New Functions
    • The interaction function is added to image components.
    • Supported Cloud Search Service (CSS) as a data source.
    • Federated users are supported.
    • The title and text components support rich text.


  • New Functions

    The vertical timeline component is added.

  • Optimized Functions

    The OBS data connection is optimized.


  • New Functions
    • Component customization is supported.
    • The carousel function is added to the Tab component.
    • The console is supported.
    • The interaction configuration is supported by the following components: horizontal bar, horizontal bi-directional bar, radial bar, stacked bar, combination, dual Y-axis combination, dual Y-axis line, pie, rose, WT bar, WT horizontal bar, WT stacked bar, WT line, WT combination, WT dual Y-axis combination, and WT dual Y-axis line


  • New Functions
    • An epidemic screen template is added.
    • A tab component is added.
    • Seven components are added, including the sunburst, Sankey, radial tree, arc, tree, arc in polar coordinates, and multi-selection drop-down list components.
    • The data source can be cloud database GeminiDB for InfluxDB.


  • New Functions
    • An epidemic screen template is added.
    • The progress bar component is added.
    • The data source can be cloud database GaussDB.
  • Optimized Functions
    • The border setting is added to the tab list component.
    • The image component supports dynamic data sources.
    • The basic 2D map allows users to dynamically switch areas on the map.
    • The check box component and host heatmap are added to the resource pool screen.


  • New Functions
    • The new DLV console is brought online.
    • Workspace management and fine-grained permission control are supported.
    • Screen import and export, screen combination, and AppKey maintenance and management are supported.
    • Drilldown of the URL parameter interaction and component link interaction is supported.


  • New Functions
    1. Two chart components are added: horizontal capsule and step.
    2. One media component is added: FLV video stream player.
    3. The following map components are added:
      • 3D China map (2019) and its subcomponents flying line, scatter, and column
      • 3D China map (2019) and its subcomponents flying line, scatter, and column
    4. 3D world map (2019) and its subcomponents flying line, scatter, and column
    5. The stack configuration is added to bar components, including bar, horizontal bar, combination, dual Y-axis combination, bar (WT), horizontal bar (WT), combination (WT), and dual Y-axis combination (WT)
    6. The interaction function is added to the bar, line, and bubble charts.
  • Optimized Functions
    1. Tooltips are added to seven components, including the bubble, line, and scatter charts. Numbers are displayed with thousands separators.
    2. In bubbles, the axis type configuration is added to the Y axis and the data value field is able to map the bubble size
    3. Adhesion and adhesion sensitivity settings are added.
    4. Automatic line feed is supported in the carousel table component.


  • New Functions
    1. The interaction function is added to the basic 2D map and its subcomponent advanced scatter layer.
  • Optimized Functions
    1. The value tag and stream light configurations are supported by the carousel bar component.
    2. Thousands separator configuration, custom icon, animation, and decimal control are added to the ticker board component.
    3. The interaction function of the geographical search component is optimized.
    4. The auxiliary lines for component coordinates are added.
    5. The shortcut keys for copying and pasting are added to the layer editing page.
    6. The SQL editor is optimized.


  • New Functions
    1. The following charts are added: radial bar, dual-Y axis line, dual-Y axis combination, dual-Y axis line (WT), and dual-Y axis combination.
    2. Subcomponent advanced scatter is added to the basic 2D map and world map.
    3. Regional map configuration is supported by the basic 2D map.
  • Optimized Functions
    1. The rendering function of the subcomponents of the basic 2D map is optimized.
    2. Value tags are added to line charts, WT line charts, scatter charts, WT scatter charts, and bubble charts.
    3. Components support dynamic data rendering.
    4. The dashboard component displays the minimum scale when data is abnormal.
    5. The interval for playing an animation in a carousel table can be set at the 0.1s level.
    6. The area ranking component supports all country flags dynamically.
    7. The area ranking component and scatter layer of the map allow users to customize icons.
    8. The SVG format is supported.


  • New Functions
    1. A free trial of the basic edition of DLV is available.
    2. The server agent of DLV is available to process requests from the API data source.
  • Optimized Functions
    1. Initial settings are added to the geographical search component.
    2. All components are optimized, and the maximum automatic update interval can be set to 7 days.
    3. In a basic 2D map, the maximum values of Top and Left in Global Style > Map Center are changed from 100 to 200.
  • Fixed Bugs
    1. The query result of the bigint data in the RDS for MySQL data connection is incorrect.
    2. Data query is abnormal when the DLV query condition contains single quotation marks (').
    3. The expiration time is not updated after an order is renewed.
    4. The geographical search component is displayed abnormally due to historical data incompatibility.


  • New Functions
    1. Seven Wide Table (WT) components are added, including the WT bar, WT line, WT horizontal bar WT stacked bar, WT radar, WT scatter, and WT combination.
    2. The default table header configuration is supported on a CSV data source.
    3. Two CSV data sources, local files and OBS files, are supported.
    4. The scatter, line, and bubble are added, and the X axis time format control in the corresponding WT charts is supported.
    5. The hover box addition and the animation effect display are supported on a basic 2D map.
    6. The triangle color of the drop-down list and the initial value of the result style can be set in a geographical search chart.
    7. Images can be obtained through URLs on an image component.
  • Optimized Functions

    One component can reference variables of multiple interaction components.

  • Fixed Bugs

    The default series name is left blank on the Data pane of a carousel table component.


  • Fixed Bugs

    The hover text is not completely displayed on a subcomponent of a basic 2D map.


  • New Functions


  • Optimized Functions

    The maximum and minimum values of a heatmap are self-optimizing with data and label settings

  • Fixed Bugs
    1. Interaction logic is problematic.
    2. The fixed animation play interval increases dynamically with the increase of animation plays on a carousel bar component.
    3. The value of Tab No. is inconsistent with that displayed on a table list component.
    4. The content in a carousel table is displayed abnormally.
    5. The hide function does not work consistently between on the screen and on the image layer.
    6. The scrollbars are redundant in the editor of the basic edition.
    7. The Create Data Connection dialog box pops up not quickly enough.


  • New Functions

    DLV is officially put into commercial use on May 18, 2019.

  • Optimized Functions


  • Fixed Bugs

    The response result display is slow.


  • New Functions


  • Optimized Functions
    1. The rules for setting the password required for sharing a link are established.
    2. Image, JS, and CSS static files are processed on CDN to accelerate image loading.
  • Fixed Bugs
    1. After editing a shared screen, you are asked to reset your password when sharing the screen again.
    2. You cannot create a DLI data connection if you do not have the secu_admin permission, but when you fail to create a DLI data connection, no message is displayed to tell you the reason.


  • New Functions
    1. The globe (advanced) component is added.
    2. The geographical search component is added.
    3. The time data conversion format is added to the time selector and carousel table components.
    4. Naming and renaming components is supported.
    5. Locking and unlocking components is supported.
    6. Hiding and showing components is supported.
    7. The hover text is added to a subcomponent of a basic 2D map component.
    8. The favorite colors and recent colors are added to the color-related settings.
  • Optimized Functions

    When multiple components exist on a screen, requests will be sent in parallel.

  • Fixed Bugs

    After a screen with DLI dynamic data configured is shared with no login required, others cannot share the screen.


  • New Functions
    1. The heatmap component is added.
    2. The tab list component is added.
    3. The marquee component is added.
    4. The custom background component is added.
    5. The rose component is added.
    6. The key-value table component is added.
    7. The rectangle tree map component is added.
    8. The heatmap layer function is added to the subcomponent of a world map.
    9. Data sources can be configured on a time selector component.
  • Optimized Functions


  • Fixed Bugs

    It may take a long time before the first data loading is complete.

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