Updated on 2023-11-24 GMT+08:00


Go to Huawei Cloud's Billing Center to view the bills of your exclusive ServiceComb engines. You can also learn about their usage and billing details for a specific period.

Bill Reporting Period

For pay-per-use ServiceComb engines, their usage information will be periodically reported to the billing system for settlement. Pay-per-use resources can be settled by hour, day, or month. Exclusive pay-per-use ServiceComb engines are settled by hour. For example, if you delete an exclusive ServiceComb engine at 08:30, the fees generated from 08:00 to 09:00 will usually be deducted at about 10:00. On the Billing Center > Billing > Transactions and Detailed Bills > Transaction Bills page, Expenditure Time lists the usage duration of your pay-per-use resources.

Viewing Bills of a Specific Resource

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Choose Middleware > Cloud Service Engine.
  3. In the navigation pane, choose Exclusive ServiceComb Engines.
  4. Click a target engine. On the displayed page, copy the engine ID.
  5. Choose Billing > Transactions and Detailed Bills.
  6. Choose Transactions and Detailed Bills > Bill Details. On the displayed page, select Resource ID as the filter condition, paste the resource ID copied in 4, and click to search for the bill of the resource.

    By default, bill details are displayed by usage and billing cycle. You can also select other statistical dimensions or periods.