Updated on 2023-12-04 GMT+08:00

Billing Items


The billing items include the BCS configurations and underlying resource configurations. For details, see Table 1.

Table 1 Billing items




Billing Mode

Configuration fee


Edition of BCS, which can be Professional, Enterprise, or Platinum. The specifications are described in detail as follows:

  • Professional (Small scale commercial use)

    Maximum number of organizations: 2

    Maximum number of peers for each organization: 2

    Maximum number of orderers: 3

    Maximum number of channels: 2

  • Enterprise (Medium-scale commercial use)

    Maximum number of organizations: 5

    Maximum number of peers for each organization: 2

    Maximum number of orderers: 4

    Maximum number of channels: 4

  • Platinum (Large scale commercial use)

    Maximum number of organizations: 10

    Maximum number of peers for each organization: 5

    Maximum number of orderers: 10

    Maximum number of channels: 10

  • Professional

    Pay-per-use: CNY8.00/hour

    Yearly/Monthly: CNY5000.00/month

  • Enterprise

    Pay-per-use: CNY17.00/hour

    Yearly/Monthly: CNY10,000.00/month

  • Platinum

    Yearly/Monthly: CNY60,000.00/month


Number of peers in an organization.

Professional: A total of four peers are supported, with a maximum of two organizations and two peers for each organization.

Enterprise: A total of 10 peers are supported, with a maximum of five organizations and two peers for each organization.

Platinum: A total of 50 peers are supported, with a maximum of 10 organizations and five peers for each organization.

Professional: CNY2000.00/peer

Enterprise: CNY3000.00/peer

Platinum: CNY10,000.00/peer

Fee for the number of nodes = Fee for each node x Number of nodes

Two peers are provided free of charge. New nodes will be charged.

ECS Specifications

If you select Create a new CCE cluster for Cluster, you can set ECS Specifications as needed. ECSs with different specification have different prices.

If you select Yes for Use EIP of a CCE Node, the bandwidth fee is calculated on a pay-per-use basis.

For details about the ECS and bandwidth billing mode, see the Billing Items section in ECS Billing.

Underlying resource fee

Network storage

It is charged based on the actual usage.

For details, see Pricing Details.



For details, see Pricing Details.


It is charged based on the actual usage.

For details, see Pricing Details.


It is charged if you select Yes for Data Backup.

For details, see Pricing Details.

Billing Examples

The following uses an enhanced Hyperledger Fabric instance of the enterprise edition as an example.

Assume that you have purchased this instance for two months in the yearly/monthly billing mode, created five organizations, and created 10 peers (two peers are free of charge). The fee is calculated as follows:

(Edition fee + Fee for each peer x Number of nodes) x Purchase duration = (10,000.00 + 3000.00 x 8) x 2 = CNY68,000.00