Updated on 2024-07-18 GMT+08:00

Change History

Released On



This issue is the second official release.

  • Updated topics "Viewing Resource Information" and "Editing and Deleting Resources": Added descriptions about batch edit and optimized some descriptions.
  • Updated topic "Viewing Baseline Inspection Results": Added the description of the check result page.
  • Updated topic "Handling Baseline Inspection Results": Added the operation guide to importing and exporting check results.
  • Updated topics"Viewing Resource Information", "Viewing Vulnerability Details", "Viewing Incidents", "Viewing Alerts", and "Adding and Editing an Indicator": Updated some screenshots.
  • Added section "Policy Management" to support unified management of emergency policies.
  • Added some new built-in playbooks and workflows in "Built-in Playbooks and Workflows."
  • Added topic "Managing Workspace Tags."
  • Added topic "One-Click Blocking or Unblocking."
  • Updated the playbook and workflow description in topic "Security Orchestration Overview."


This issue is the first official release.