Updated on 2022-08-16 GMT+08:00

Viewing Basic Information of a Bucket

On OBS Console, you can view details of a bucket, including basic statistics and information.


  1. In the bucket list, click the bucket you want to operate. The Overview page of the bucket is displayed.
  2. Under Basic Information, view the basic information of the bucket.

    Table 1 Parameter description



    Bucket Name

    Name of the bucket.

    Storage Class

    Storage class of the bucket, which can be Standard, Warm, or Cold.

    Bucket Version

    Version ID of a bucket. 3.0 indicates the latest bucket version, and -- indicates versions earlier than 3.0.


    Region where the bucket resides.

    Used Capacity

    Total storage space occupied by objects of all versions in a bucket.


    The total number of stored folders and objects of all versions in a bucket.

    Account ID

    Unique identity of the bucket owner, which is the same as the Account ID on the My Credentials page.


    Time when the creation of a bucket is completed.


    Versioning status


    This parameter specifies the endpoint of the region where the bucket is located. OBS provides an endpoint for each region. An endpoint is a domain name to access OBS in a region and is used to process access requests of that region.

    Access Domain Name

    OBS assigns each bucket with a default domain name. A domain name is the address of a bucket on the Internet. It can be used to access a bucket over the Internet. It is applicable to cloud application development and data sharing scenarios.

    Structure: BucketName.Endpoint

    Enterprise Project

    Enterprise project that a bucket belongs to

    The statistics of Used Capacity and Objects are not real-time data, which are usually updated 15 minutes in delay.