Help Center/ Elastic Volume Service/ User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)/ FAQ/ Capacity Expansion/ Do I Need to Detach an EVS Disk Before Expanding Its Capacity?
Updated on 2025-03-10 GMT+08:00

Do I Need to Detach an EVS Disk Before Expanding Its Capacity?

An expansion consists of two phases:
  1. Expand the disk capacity on the console.
    • A shared, in-use disk cannot be expanded. You must detach the shared disk from all its servers and then expand its capacity.
    • A non-shared, in-use disk can be expanded, and you can leave the disk attached during expansion as long as the following conditions are met:
  2. Log in to the server and create a new partition or allocate the additional space to one that is already there.

    The unmount operation is not required, either for Windows or Linux.