Updated on 2024-10-11 GMT+08:00

Causes of Hive Startup Failure

The most common cause of the Hive startup failure is that the MetaStore instance cannot connect to DBService. You can view the detailed error information in the MetaStore logs. The reasons for the failure to connect to DBService are as follows:

Possible Cause 1

DBService does not properly initialize the Hive metabase hivemeta.

Procedure 1

  1. Run the following commands:

    source /opt/Bigdata/MRS_XXX/install/dbservice/.dbservice_profile

    gsql -h DBservice floating IP -p 20051 -d hivemeta -U hive -W HiveUser@

  2. If the interaction interface cannot be properly displayed, database initialization fails. If the following error information is displayed, the hivemeta configuration may be lost in the configuration file of the node where DBService is located.

    org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", database "HIVEMETA"

  3. Edit /srv/BigData/dbdata_service/data/pg_hba.conf by adding host hivemeta hive sha256 to the file.
  4. Run the source /opt/Bigdata/MRS_XXX/install/dbservice/.dbservice_profile command to configure environment variables.
  5. Run gs_ctl -D $GAUSSDATA reload # to make new configurations take effect.

Possible Cause 2

The floating IP address of DBService is incorrect. As a result, the IP address of the MetaStore node fails to connect to or build mutual trust with the floating IP address, causing MetaStore startup failure.

Procedure 2

The floating IP address of DBService must be an IP address that is not used in the same network segment and cannot be pinged before configuration. Modify the floating IP address of DBService.