Updated on 2024-08-14 GMT+08:00

Server Alarms

generates alarms on a range of intrusion events, including brute-force attacks, abnormal process behaviors, web shells, abnormal logins, and malicious processes. You can learn all these events on the console, and eliminate security risks in your assets in a timely manner.


Servers that are not protected by HSS do not support alarm-related operations.

Supported Alarms and Events

Event Type

Alarm Name


Basic Edition

Enterprise Edition

Premium Edition

WTP Edition

Supported OS

Add to Alarm Whitelist

Isolate and Kill


Unclassified malware

Malicious programs include Trojans and web shells implanted by hackers to steal your data or control your servers.

For example, hackers will probably use your servers as miners or DDoS zombies. This occupies a large number of CPU and network resources, affecting service stability.

Check malware, such as web shells, Trojan horses, mining software, worms, and other viruses and variants, and kill them in one click. The malware is found and removed by analysis on program characteristics and behaviors, AI image fingerprint algorithms, and cloud scanning and killing.


Linux and Windows


Detect server assets and report alarms for suspicious kernel modules, files, and folders.





Check for ransomware in web pages, software, emails, and storage media.

Ransomware can encrypt and control your data assets, such as documents, emails, databases, source code, images, and compressed files, to leverage victim extortion.



Linux and Windows

√ (Partially supported)

Web shells

Check whether the files (often PHP and JSP files) detected by HSS in your web directories are web shells.

You can configure the web shell detection rule in the Web Shell Detection rule on the Policies page. HSS will check for suspicious or remotely executed commands.

You need to add a protected directory in policy management. For details, see Web Shell Detection.


Linux and Windows


Vulnerability Exploits

Redis vulnerability exploits

Detect the modifications made by the Redis process on key directories in real time and report alarms.




Hadoop vulnerability exploits

Detect the modifications made by the Hadoop process on key directories in real time and report alarms.




MySQL vulnerability exploits

Detect the modifications made by the MySQL process on key directories in real time and report alarms.




Abnormal System Behavior

Reverse shells

Monitor user process behaviors in real time to detect reverse shells caused by invalid connections.

Reverse shells can be detected for protocols including TCP, UDP, and ICMP.

You can configure the reverse shell detection rule in the Malicious File Detection rule on the Policies page. HSS will check for suspicious or remotely executed commands.




File privilege escalations

Detect file privilege escalation behaviors and generate alarms.




Process privilege escalations

Detect the privilege escalation operations of the following processes and generate alarms:
  • Root privilege escalation by exploiting SUID program vulnerabilities
  • Root privilege escalation by exploiting kernel vulnerabilities




Important file changes

Monitor important system files (such as ls, ps, login, and top) in real time and generate alarms if these files are modified. For details about the monitored paths, see Monitored Important File Paths.

HSS reports all the changes on important files, regardless of whether the changes are performed manually or by processes.




File/Directory changes

Monitor system files and directories in real time and generate alarms if such files are created, deleted, moved, or if their attributes or content are modified.


Linux and Windows


Abnormal process behaviors

Check the processes on servers, including their IDs, command lines, process paths, and behavior.

Send alarms on unauthorized process operations and intrusions.

The following abnormal process behavior can be detected:

  • Abnormal CPU usage
  • Processes accessing malicious IP addresses
  • Abnormal increase in concurrent process connections


Linux and Windows

x (Partially supported)

High-risk command executions

You can configure what commands will trigger alarms in the High-risk Command Scan rule on the Policies page.

HSS checks executed commands in real time and generates alarms if high-risk commands are detected.


Linux and Windows


Abnormal shells

Detect actions on abnormal shells, including moving, copying, and deleting shell files, and modifying the access permissions and hard links of the files.

You can configure the abnormal shell detection rule in the Malicious File Detection rule on the Policies page. HSS will check for suspicious or remotely executed commands.




Suspicious crontab tasks

Check and list auto-started services, scheduled tasks, pre-loaded dynamic libraries, run registry keys, and startup folders.

You can get notified immediately when abnormal automatic auto-start items are detected and quickly locate Trojans.



Linux and Windows


System protection disabling

Detect the preparations for ransomware encryption: Disable the Windows defender real-time protection function through the registry. Once the function is disabled, an alarm is reported immediately.




Backup deletion

Detect the preparations for ransomware encryption: Delete backup files or files in the Backup folder. Once backup deletion is detected, an alarm is reported immediately.




Suspicious registry operations

Detect operations such as disabling the system firewall through the registry and using the ransomware Stop to modify the registry and write specific strings in the registry. An alarm is reported immediately when such operations are detected.




System log deletions

An alarm is generated when a command or tool is used to clear system logs.




Suspicious command executions

  • Check whether a scheduled task or an automated startup task is created or deleted by running commands or tools.
  • Detect suspicious remote command execution.




Abnormal User Behavior

Brute-force attacks

If hackers log in to your servers through brute-force attacks, they can obtain the control permissions of the servers and perform malicious operations, such as steal user data; implant ransomware, miners, or Trojans; encrypt data; or use your servers as zombies to perform DDoS attacks.

Detect brute-force attacks on SSH, RDP, FTP, SQL Server, and MySQL accounts.
  • If the number of brute-force attacks (consecutive incorrect password attempts) from an IP address reaches 5 within 30 seconds, the IP address will be blocked.

    By default, suspicious SSH attackers are blocked for 12 hours. Other types of suspicious attackers are blocked for 24 hours.

  • You can check whether the IP address is trustworthy based on its attack type and how many times it has been blocked. You can manually unblock the IP addresses you trust.

Linux and Windows


Abnormal logins

Detect abnormal login behavior, such as remote login and brute-force attacks. If abnormal logins are reported, your servers may have been intruded by hackers.

  • Check and handle remote logins.

    You can check the blocked login IP addresses, and who used them to log in to which server at what time.

    If a user's login location is not any common login location you set, an alarm will be triggered.

  • Trigger an alarm if a user logs in by a brute-force attack.

Linux and Windows


Invalid accounts

Hackers can probably crack unsafe accounts on your servers and control the servers.

HSS checks suspicious hidden accounts and cloned accounts and generates alarms on them.


Linux and Windows


Password theft

Detect the abnormal obtaining of system accounts and password hashes on servers and report alarms.




Abnormal Network Access

Suspicious download request

An alarm is generated when a suspicious HTTP request that uses system tools to download programs is detected.




Suspicious HTTP requests

An alarm is generated when a suspicious HTTP request that uses a system tool or process to execute a remote hosting script is detected.





Port scan

Detect scanning or sniffing on specified ports and report alarms.






Monitored Important File Paths

















