Help Center/ Data Lake Insight/ User Guide (Paris Region)/ Queue Management/ Modifying Queue Specifications (Manual Scale-out/Scale-in)
Updated on 2022-07-04 GMT+08:00

Modifying Queue Specifications (Manual Scale-out/Scale-in)


Scaling can be performed for a newly created queue only when there are jobs running on this queue.


If Status of queue xxx is assigning, which is not available is displayed on the Modify Queue Specifications page, the scaling can be performed only after the queue resources are allocated.

Manual Scale-out

If the current queue specifications do not meet service requirements, you can manually change the queue specifications to expand the queue capacity.

Scale-out is time-consuming. After you perform scale-out on the Modify Queue Specifications page of DLI, wait for about 10 minutes. The duration depends on the value of CU. After a period of time, refresh the Queue Management page and check whether the queue size changes to determine whether the scale-out is successful. Alternatively, on the Job Management page, check the status of the SCALE_QUEUE job. If the job status is Scaling, the queue is being scaled out.

Perform the following steps:

  1. On the left of the DLI management console, click Queue Management.
  2. Select the queue to be scaled out and choose More > Modify Queue Specifications in the Operation column.
  3. On the displayed page, select Scale-out for Operation, set the scale-out amount, and click OK.

Manual Scale-in

If the computing service volume is small and the queue specifications are not required, you can manually change the queue specifications to reduce the capacity of the current queue.

  • Scale-in is time-consuming. After you perform scale-in on the Modify Queue Specifications page of DLI, wait for about 10 minutes. The duration is related to the CU value of the scale-in. After a period of time, refresh the Queue Management page and check whether the Queue Specifications changes to determine whether the scale-in is successful. Alternatively, on the Job Management page, check the status of the SCALE_QUEUE job. If the job status is Scaling, the queue is being scaled in.
  • The system may not be fully scaled in to the target size. If the current queue is in use or the service volume of the queue is large, the scale-in may fail or some specifications may be reduced.
  • By default, the minimum number of CUs is 16. That is, when the queue specification is 16 CUs, scale-in cannot be performed.

Perform the following steps:

  1. On the left of the DLI management console, click Queue Management.
  2. Select the queue to be scaled out and choose More > Modify Queue Specifications in the Operation column.
  3. On the displayed page, select Scale-in for Operation, set the CU value for scale-in, and click OK.