Updated on 2022-07-04 GMT+08:00

DLI Console Overview


Log in to DLI and go to the Overview page.

The following describes the functions of the Overview page, and the order follows the numeric values marked on the image.

Table 1 Areas





Navigation pane

The navigation bar on the DLI management console, including Overview, SQL Editor, Job Management, Queue Management, Data Management, Job Templates, Datasource Connection, and Global Variables.


DLI introduction

Data Lake Insight (DLI) is a fully hosted big data processing and analysis service. It frees you from managing any server. DLI supports standard SQL and is compatible with Spark and Flink SQL. It also supports multiple access modes, and is compatible with mainstream data formats.


Create Queue

Click Create Queue to create a queue.


SQL job introduction

Click Create Job in this area or the upper right corner to access the SQL Editor page of the SQL job. For details about how to create a package, see SQL Editor.


Flink job introduction

Click Create Job in this area or in the upper right corner to go to the Flink Jobs page of the Flink jobs. For details about how to create a package, see Flink Job Management.


Spark job introduction

Click Create Job in this area or the upper right corner to access the Spark job creation page. For details, see Creating a Spark Job.


Usage duration for all queues

This area displays the usage of all queues of the last day, week, or month.


Usage duration for one queue

This area displays the usage of a queue in the last week or month.


Helpful links


  • User Guide
  • API Reference
  • SDK Download


Procedure of creating a job

  1. Creating a queue
  2. Preparing data
  3. Editing and submitting a job
  4. Viewing job status