Updated on 2022-02-22 GMT+08:00

Changing a Private IP Address


After a database is migrated from on-premises or other cloud platforms to DDS, the private IP address of the database may be changed. DDS allows you to change the private IP address, reducing migration costs.


Changing the private IP address of a node will invalidate the previous private IP address. If an EIP is bound to the node, do not unbind the EIP during the change of the private IP address. After the change, the new private IP address is bound to the EIP.


  1. Log in to the DDS console.
  2. On the Instance Management page, click the target DB instance.
  3. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Connections.
  4. In the Basic Information area, locate the target node and in the Operation column, click Change Private IP Address.
  5. In the displayed dialog box, enter a private IP address that is not in use and click OK.
  6. In the Basic Information area, locate the target node and view the new private IP address.