Updated on 2023-05-29 GMT+08:00

SAP S/4HANA ECS Configuration

During the SAP S/4HANA installation, installation programs use ECS names for communication. Therefore, you must configure the mappings between ECS names and IP addresses.


  1. Log in to the active SAP S/4HANA ECS s4001 and write the mappings between IP addresses and names of all SAP S/4HANA ECSs to the /etc/hosts file.

    The following uses the mappings between the IP addresses and names of the active and standby ASCS nodes as an example.

    • ascsha indicates the virtual hostname of the active ASCS node and ersha indicates the virtual hostname of the standby ASCS node. Virtual hostnames can be customized.
    • You do not need to write the mappings between the virtual IP addresses and virtual hostnames. The virtual IP addresses take effect only after the HA is configured. Do not bind virtual IP addresses to virtual hostnames before the virtual IP addresses take effect. After the ASCS and ERS instances are installed, write the mappings between the virtual IP addresses and virtual hostnames to the hosts file.
    • Add the mapping between the private IP address and name of the active SAP HANA ECS. Then, change the private IP address to the virtual IP address of SAP HANA.

  2. Log in to the standby SAP S/4HANA ECS s4002, modify the /etc/hosts file, and write the mappings between IP addresses and names of all SAP S/4HANA ECSs to the file.