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deploy.sh Description
- Scenario 1: If a software package is generated using Jenkins, for example, a JAR package, use the software package deployment scenario in the script. During deployment, the built software package is uploaded to the OBS bucket and the CAE component is upgraded using the new JAR package.
- Scenario 2: If an image is generated using Jenkins, use the image deployment scenario in the script. During deployment, the built image is uploaded to the SWR image repository and the CAE component is upgraded using the new image.
Script Content
#!/bin/bash #------------Mandatory parameters------------------ # Region name region='' # Project ID project_id='' # Environment name environment_name='' # Application name application_name='' # Component name component_name='' # Deployment type. 1. software; 2. image. deploy_type='' #------------Mandatory parameters in the software package deployment scenario--------------- # Absolute path of the executable file for installing obsutil obsutil='' # Name of the OBS bucket that stores the software package bucket_name='' # Directory for storing the software package in the OBS bucket. The default directory is the root directory. The directory must end with a slash (/). If the directory does not exist in the OBS bucket, it will be automatically created. bucket_dir='/' #------------Mandatory parameters in the image deployment scenario------------------ # SWR organization name swr_organization='' # AK, which is used to log in to the SWR image repository AK='' # SWR login secret, which is used to log in to the SWR image repository. login_secret='' #------------External input parameters, which do not need to be set. For details, see the pipeline script parameter build_target_name in the pipeline build task------------------ # Software package deployment scenario: name of the built software package, which is transferred from the external build_target_name parameter. software_package='' # Image deployment scenario: image generated after build: image name:version name, which is transferred from the external build_target_name parameter. machine_image_name='' # Either the software package name or image name must be input. # If the parameter count is 1, set the software package name or image name. if [ $# == 1 ]; then if [[ "$deploy_type" == "software" ]]; then software_package=$1 elif [[ "$deploy_type" == "image" ]]; then machine_image_name=$1 fi else echo "The number of external input parameters is not 1. Configure the pipeline script parameter build_target_name in the pipeline build task." fi # ----------------Retain the settings of the following code------------------- enterprise_project_id='0' environment_id='' application_id='' component_id='' function splitVersion() { str=$1 right=${str##*.} left=${str%.*} if [ ${#str} -eq ${#left} ]; then left="" fi } function addVersion() { v1=$1 res=`echo $v1|awk '{print int($0)}'` if [ $res -gt 9998 ]; then res=0 else res=$(($res+1)) fi } # Upgrade the version number. # The version number format is A.B.C or A.B.C.D. A, B, C, and D are integers, and each integer cannot be greater than 9999. # Example: 1.0.0 -> 1.0.1; 1.0.9999 -> 1.1.0 function upgradeVersion() { left=$1 start=0 end='' res=0 while ( [[ $res = 0 ]] && [ $start -lt 4 ] ) do start=$(($start+1)) splitVersion $left addVersion $right if [ $start -gt 1 ]; then end=`echo "$res.$end"` else end=`echo "$res$end"` fi done if [ ${#left} -ne 0 ]; then version="$left.$end" else version="$end" fi } # Obtain the version number of the component to be upgraded. function upgradeComponentVersion() { #Query component information. component_detials=`/usr/local/bin/hcloud CAE ShowComponent --cli-region="$region" --project_id="$project_id" --X-Enterprise-Project-ID="$enterprise_project_id" --X-Environment-ID="$environment_id" --application_id="$application_id" --component_id="$component_id"` # Obtain the current version number of the component. version=`getJsonValuesByAwk "$component_detials" "version" "defaultValue"` version=`echo "$version" | cut -d '"' -f 2` echo "current version: $version" if [[ "$version" == "defaultValue" ]]; then echo "get component detials and get component version error" echo "$component_detials" exit 126 fi upgradeVersion $version echo "upgrade version: $version" } # JAR package deployment scenario function obs_software_upgrade() { echo "upload jar to obs" # OBS address to which the software package is uploaded. The format is obs://{Bucket name}{Directory for storing the JAR package in the OBS bucket}. bucket_address="obs://$bucket_name$bucket_dir" # Link of the JAR package uploaded to OBS. The format is https://{Bucket name}.obs.{region}.myhuaweicloud.com/{Directory for storing the JAR package in the OBS bucket}/ obs_jar_url="https://$bucket_name.obs.$region.myhuaweicloud.com$bucket_dir$software_package" echo "software_package url: $obs_jar_url" #Upload the JAR package generated in the project to OBS. obs_result=`"$obsutil" cp ./target/*.jar "$bucket_address"` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "obsutil upload software package error" echo "$obs_result" exit 126 fi #Print the upload result. echo "$obs_result" # Upgrade the component. echo "upgrade component" action_result=`/usr/local/bin/hcloud CAE ExecuteAction --cli-region="$region" --project_id="$project_id" --X-Enterprise-Project-ID="$enterprise_project_id" --X-Environment-ID="$environment_id" --application_id="$application_id" --component_id="$component_id" --api_version='v1' --kind='Action' --metadata.name='upgrade' --metadata.annotations.version="$version" --spec.source.type='softwarePackage' --spec.source.sub_type='BinObs' --spec.source.url="$obs_jar_url"` } # Generate a string in the second-level time format, which is used to add the time format suffix to the version when the SWR image is uploaded. function generateTimeFormatString() { ms=$(date +%s) time=$(date -d @$ms "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S") echo $time } # Image deployment scenario function swr_image_upgrade() { # Path of the SWR image repository to which the image is uploaded. The format is [Image repository address]/[Organization name]/[Image name:Version name]. swr_image_url="swr.$region.myhuaweicloud.com/$swr_organization/$machine_image_name" #SWR image repository address swr_url="swr.$region.myhuaweicloud.com" # SWR image version and time format string time_format_string=`generateTimeFormatString` swr_image_url="$swr_image_url.$time_format_string" echo "upload image to swr" docker tag "$machine_image_name" "$swr_image_url" login_result=`docker login -u "$region"@"$AK" -p "$login_secret" "$swr_url"` # Print the result of logging in to the SWR image repository. #echo "$login_result" push_result=`docker push "$swr_image_url"` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "docker push error" echo "$push_result" exit 126 fi #Print the image push result. #echo "$push_result" logout_result=`docker logout "$swr_url"` #Print the result of logging out of the SWR image repository. #echo "$logout_result" #Clear all historical records. They may contain SWR login secret information. #history -c echo "upgrade component" # Upgrade the image component. action_result=`/usr/local/bin/hcloud CAE ExecuteAction --cli-region="$region" --project_id="$project_id" --X-Enterprise-Project-ID="$enterprise_project_id" --X-Environment-ID="$environment_id" --application_id="$application_id" --component_id="$component_id" --api_version='v1' --kind='Action' --metadata.name='upgrade' --metadata.annotations.version="$version" --spec.source.type='image' --spec.source.url="$swr_image_url" ` } ### Description: ### 1. Search for a string: key with double quotation marks. If no value is found, defaultValue is returned. ### 2. Search for the nearest colon (:). The content following the colon is the value. ### 3. If there are multiple keys with the same name, only the first value is printed. ### 4. params: json, key, defaultValue function getJsonValuesByAwk() { awk -v json="$1" -v key="$2" -v defaultValue="$3" 'BEGIN{ foundKeyCount = 0 pos = match(json, "\""key"\"[ \\t]*?:[ \\t]*"); if (pos == 0) {if (foundKeyCount == 0) {print defaultValue;} exit 0;} ++foundKeyCount; start = 0; stop = 0; layer = 0; for (i = pos + length(key) + 1; i <= length(json); ++i) { lastChar = substr(json, i - 1, 1) currChar = substr(json, i, 1) if (start <= 0) { if (lastChar == ":") { start = currChar == " " ? i + 1: i; if (currChar == "{" || currChar == "[") { layer = 1; } } } else { if (currChar == "{" || currChar == "[") { ++layer; } if (currChar == "}" || currChar == "]") { --layer; } if ((currChar == "," || currChar == "}" || currChar == "]") && layer <= 0) { stop = currChar == "," ? i : i + 1 + layer; break; } } } if (start <= 0 || stop <= 0 || start > length(json) || stop > length(json) || start >= stop) { if (foundKeyCount == 0) {print defaultValue;} exit 0; } else { print substr(json, start, stop-start); } }' } ### Description: ### Find tagKey when key equals to value from the result returned by the list. ### Search for the JSON string '"key":"value"'. After the string is found, end it with this position. ### Search for lastIndex, and then search for tagKey with lastIndex as the start point to obtain the value of tagKey. ### ### params: json, key, value, tagKey, defaultValue function getJsonValuesByAwkWithConditions() { awk -v json="$1" -v key="$2" -v value="$3" -v tagKey="$4" -v defaultValue="$5" 'BEGIN{ foundKeyCount = 0 pos = match(json, "\""key"\"[ \\t]*?:[ \\t]*\""value"\""); if (pos == 0) {print defaultValue; exit 0;} str1 = substr(json, 0, pos) lastIndex = 0 while (match(str1, "{")) { lastIndex = lastIndex + RSTART str1 = substr(str1, RSTART + RLENGTH) } if (lastIndex == 0) {print defaultValue; exit 0;} newStr = substr(json, lastIndex) pos1 = match(newStr, "\""tagKey"\"[ \\t]*?:[ \\t]*"); if (pos1 == 0) {print defaultValue; exit 0;} ++foundKeyCount; start = 0; stop = 0; layer = 0; for (i = pos1 + length(tagKey) + 1; i <= length(newStr); ++i) { lastChar = substr(newStr, i - 1, 1) currChar = substr(newStr, i, 1) if (start <= 0) { if (lastChar == ":") { start = currChar == " " ? i + 1: i; if (currChar == "{" || currChar == "[") { layer = 1; } } } else { if (currChar == "{" || currChar == "[") { ++layer; } if (currChar == "}" || currChar == "]") { --layer; } if ((currChar == "," || currChar == "}" || currChar == "]") && layer <= 0) { stop = currChar == "," ? i : i + 1 + layer; break; } } } if (start <= 0 || stop <= 0 || start > length(newStr) || stop > length(newStr) || start >= stop) { if (foundKeyCount == 0) {print defaultValue;} exit 0; } else { print substr(newStr, start, stop-start); } }' } # Obtain enterprise_project_id, environment_id, application_id, and component_id. function initParpare() { # Obtain environment_id. listEnvsResult=`/usr/local/bin/hcloud CAE ListEnvironments --cli-region="$region" --project_id="$project_id"` environment_id=`getJsonValuesByAwkWithConditions "$listEnvsResult" "name" "$environment_name" "id" "defaultValue"` environment_id=`echo "$environment_id" | cut -d '"' -f 2` echo "environment_id: $environment_id" if [[ "$environment_id" == "defaultValue" ]]; then echo "list environments and get environment_id error" echo "$listEnvsResult" exit 126 fi # Obtain enterprise_project_id. enterprise_project_id=`getJsonValuesByAwk "$listEnvsResult" "enterprise_project_id" "defaultValue"` enterprise_project_id=`echo "$enterprise_project_id" | cut -d '"' -f 2` echo "enterprise_project_id: $enterprise_project_id" if [[ "$enterprise_project_id" == "defaultValue" ]]; then echo "get enterprise_project_id error" echo "$listEnvsResult" exit 126 fi # Obtain application_id. listAppsResult=`/usr/local/bin/hcloud CAE ListApplications --cli-region="$region" --project_id="$project_id" --X-Environment-ID="$environment_id"` application_id=`getJsonValuesByAwkWithConditions "$listAppsResult" "name" "$application_name" "id" "defaultValue"` application_id=`echo "$application_id" | cut -d '"' -f 2` echo "application_id: $application_id" if [[ "$application_id" == "defaultValue" ]]; then echo "list applications and get application_id error" echo "$listAppsResult" exit 126 fi # Obtain component_id. listComponentsResult=`/usr/local/bin/hcloud CAE ListComponents --cli-region="$region" --project_id="$project_id" --X-Environment-ID="$environment_id" --application_id="$application_id"` component_id=`getJsonValuesByAwkWithConditions "$listComponentsResult" "name" "$component_name" "id" "defaultValue"` component_id=`echo "$component_id" | cut -d '"' -f 2` echo "component_id: $component_id" if [[ "$component_id" == "defaultValue" ]]; then echo "list components and get component_id error" echo "$listComponentsResult" exit 126 fi } # Query the job status every 15 seconds until the job is complete. function waitDeployFinish() { sleep 10s id="$1" leni=${#id} id=${id:1:leni-2} echo "job_id= $id" job_status="" while [[ "$job_status" != "success" ]]; do job_status_result=`/usr/local/bin/hcloud CAE ShowJob --cli-region="$region" --project_id="$project_id" --job_id="$id" --X-Environment-ID="$environment_id"` job_status=`getJsonValuesByAwk "$job_status_result" "status" "defaultValue"` if [[ "$job_status" == "defaultValue" ]]; then echo "ShowJob failed" echo "$job_status_result" return fi job_status=`echo "$job_status" | cut -d '"' -f 2` if [[ "$job_status" != "running" && "$job_status" != "success" ]]; then echo 'upgrade failed' echo "$job_status_result" return fi sleep 15s done echo 'upgrade success' } function deploy() { if [[ "$deploy_type" == "software" ]]; then obs_software_upgrade elif [[ "$deploy_type" == "image" ]]; then swr_image_upgrade else return fi # Print the component upgrade result. echo "upgrade result: $action_result" # Obtain the job_id in the result. job_id=`getJsonValuesByAwk "$action_result" "job_id" "defaultValue"` if [[ "$job_id" == "defaultValue" ]]; then echo "upgrade failed" exit 126 fi # Wait until the upgrade is complete. waitDeployFinish "$job_id" } function main() { initParpare upgradeComponentVersion deploy } main
Script Parameters
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Description |
region |
Yes |
String |
Project name. |
project_id |
Yes |
String |
Project ID. |
environment_name |
Yes |
String |
Environment name of a component. |
application_name |
Yes |
String |
Application name of a component. |
component_name |
Yes |
String |
Component name. |
deploy_type |
Yes |
String |
Deployment type.
obsutil |
No |
String |
This parameter is mandatory when a software package, such as a JAR package, is used for deployment. Absolute installation path of the OBS tool to which the JAR package is uploaded. Example: /root/tools/obsutil/obsutil_linux_amd64_5.4.6/obsutil |
bucket_name |
No |
String |
This parameter is mandatory when software packages are used for deployment. Name of the OBS bucket that stores the software package. |
bucket_dir |
No |
String |
This parameter is mandatory when software packages are used for deployment. Directory for storing the software package in the OBS bucket. The default directory is the root directory. The directory must end with a slash (/). If the directory does not exist in the OBS bucket, it will be automatically created. For example, the root directory is /, and the test directory in the root directory is /test/. |
swr_organization |
No |
String |
This parameter is mandatory when images are used for deployment. Name of the SWR organization to which the image is uploaded. |
AK |
No |
String |
This parameter is mandatory when images are used for deployment. Used to log in to the SWR image repository. |
login_secret |
No |
String |
This parameter is mandatory when images are used for deployment. SWR login secret, which is used to log in to the SWR image repository. Run the following command using the created AK and SK. The returned result is the login secret. printf "$AK" | openssl dgst -binary -sha256 -hmac "$SK" | od -An -vtx1 | sed 's/[ \n]//g' | sed 'N;s/\n//' |
Obtaining Values
- Obtain region and project_id.
Log in to CAE, click the personal account in the upper right corner, and click My Credentials to view the project name and ID of the region.Figure 1 My CredentialsFigure 2 Projects
- Obtain environment_name, application_name, and component_name.
Log in to CAE, click Components, and find the target component, for example, image, as shown in Figure 3.
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