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Error Codes of Public Resource APIs
Status Code |
Error Codes |
Error Message |
Description |
Solution |
400 |
ROMA.1000 |
No token is available in the request. |
No token is available in the request. |
Add the token field to the header of the request. |
400 |
ROMA.10010 |
Failed to create the task. |
Failed to create the task. |
Rectify the fault against the failure cause, and try again. |
400 |
ROMA.10011 |
Failed to decompress the file. |
Failed to decompress the file. |
Rectify the fault against the failure cause, and try again. |
400 |
ROMA.10012 |
An asset management task is running. |
An asset management task is running. |
Try again after the task is complete. |
400 |
ROMA.10013 |
Only .zip files are supported. The file name must start with a letter or digit. Among all the special characters, only the plus sign (+), minus sign (-), and underscore (_) are allowed. |
Only .zip files are supported. The file name must start with a letter or digit. Among all the special characters, only the plus sign (+), minus sign (-), and underscore (_) are allowed. |
Check whether the conditions are met and try again. |
400 |
ROMA.1002 |
Incorrect token in the request. |
Incorrect token in the request. |
Add the correct token to the header of the request. |
400 |
ROMA.1006 |
You do not have the permissions required to perform this operation. |
You do not have the permissions required to perform this operation. |
Grant the required permissions to the user account on the IAM console. |
400 |
ROMA.1007 |
Invalid request URL. |
Invalid request URL. |
Modify the request URL. |
400 |
ROMA.11011 |
Failed to write the dictionary information to etcd. |
Failed to write the dictionary information to etcd. |
Obtain the IP address of the roma-server node, log in to the node, check the information against the failure cause, and try again. |
400 |
ROMA.12001 |
You do not have the permissions required to operate the application. |
You do not have the permissions required to operate the application. |
Use an account that has the required permissions. |
400 |
ROMA.12002 |
The user does not support this feature. |
The user does not support this feature. |
Add operation permissions for this feature. |
400 |
ROMA.13000 |
Invalid parameters. |
Invalid parameters. |
Use valid parameters. |
400 |
ROMA.13001 |
No request body is available. |
No request body is available. |
Add a request body. |
400 |
ROMA.13002 |
The route description length exceeds the limit. |
The route description length exceeds the limit. |
Shorten the route description. |
400 |
ROMA.13003 |
The route is invalid or conflicts with another route. |
The subservice update routes failed. |
Configure a correct route. |
400 |
ROMA.13011 |
The dictionary does not exist. |
The dictionary does not exist. |
Check whether the accessed dictionary information is correct. |
400 |
ROMA.13012 |
The dictionary already exists. |
The dictionary already exists. |
Modify or create a dictionary. |
400 |
ROMA.13013 |
The parent dictionary is invalid. |
The parent dictionary is invalid. |
Create a valid parent dictionary. |
400 |
ROMA.13014 |
The system dictionary cannot be deleted. |
The system dictionary cannot be deleted. |
Do not delete the system dictionary. |
400 |
ROMA.14001 |
The application does not exist. |
The application does not exist. |
Check whether the application information is correct. |
400 |
ROMA.14002 |
The instance does not exist. |
The instance does not exist. |
Check whether the instance information is correct. |
400 |
ROMA.14003 |
The instance is not running. |
The instance is not running. |
Perform the operation when the instance is running. |
400 |
ROMA.14004 |
The site does not exist. |
The site does not exist. |
Check whether the site information is correct. |
400 |
ROMA.14005 |
The site configuration does not exist. |
The site configuration does not exist. |
Check whether the site information is correct. |
400 |
ROMA.14006 |
The site configuration is being downloaded. |
The site configuration is being downloaded. |
Try again after the download is complete. |
400 |
ROMA.14007 |
The site status does not support the requested operation. |
The site status does not support the requested operation. |
Do not perform this operation. |
400 |
ROMA.14011 |
The application already exists. |
The application already exists. |
Enter the correct application name. |
400 |
ROMA.14012 |
The application key already exists. |
The application key already exists. |
Use another key or modify the existing key. |
400 |
ROMA.14014 |
The application cannot be deleted because it contains resources. |
The application cannot be deleted because it contains resources. |
View the application details, delete resources under the application, and then delete the application. |
400 |
ROMA.15001 |
The MO response is empty. |
The MO response is empty. |
Provide your instance ID to technical support for assistance. |
400 |
ROMA.15002 |
Insufficient instance quota. |
Insufficient instance quota. |
Delete useless instances or apply for a higher instance quota. |
400 |
ROMA.15003 |
The IP addresses available in the subnet are insufficient. |
The IP addresses available in the subnet are insufficient. |
Use a subnet with sufficient available IP addresses. |
400 |
ROMA.15004 |
There is no available IP address in the subnet. |
There is no available IP address in the subnet. |
Check whether the available IP address of the subnet is correct. |
400 |
ROMA.15005 |
Invalid VPC status. |
Invalid VPC status. |
Use another VPC. |
400 |
ROMA.15006 |
The DHCP function of the subnet is unavailable. |
The DHCP function of the subnet is unavailable. |
Enable the DHCP function for the subnet. |
400 |
ROMA.15007 |
The subnet does not belong to the VPC. |
The subnet does not belong to the VPC. |
Use a subnet that belongs to the VPC. |
400 |
ROMA.15008 |
The security group rule is empty. |
The security group rule is empty. |
Add a security group rule based on the ROMA service. |
400 |
ROMA.15009 |
The security group does not have default rules. |
The security group does not have default rules. |
Use a security group that has default rules. |
400 |
ROMA.15010 |
The EIP has already been bound. |
The EIP has already been bound. |
Use an EIP that is not bound. |
400 |
ROMA.15011 |
Failed to query the database. |
Failed to query the database. |
Provide your instance ID to technical support for assistance. |
400 |
ROMA.15012 |
Failed to update the database. |
Failed to update the database. |
Provide your instance ID to technical support for assistance. |
400 |
ROMA.15013 |
The resource tenant does not exist. |
The resource tenant does not exist. |
Provide your instance ID to technical support for assistance. |
400 |
ROMA.15014 |
The LVS VM does not exist. |
The LVS VM does not exist. |
Provide your instance ID to technical support for assistance. |
400 |
ROMA.15015 |
The subnet IP address of the LVS does not exist. |
The subnet IP address of the LVS does not exist. |
Provide your instance ID to technical support for assistance. |
400 |
ROMA.15016 |
Failed to create the NIC for the subnet. |
Failed to create the NIC for the subnet. |
Provide your instance ID to technical support for assistance. |
400 |
ROMA.15017 |
Failed to create the sub-service. |
Failed to create the sub-service. |
Click the instance name to view the error details of the sub-service, and rectify the fault as instructed. If the error persists, provide the instance ID to technical support for assistance. |
400 |
ROMA.15018 |
Invalid OBS address. |
Invalid OBS address. |
Provide your instance ID to technical support for assistance. |
400 |
ROMA.15019 |
Invalid VPC CIDR. |
Invalid VPC CIDR. |
Use a VPC with a valid CIDR. |
400 |
ROMA.15020 |
Failed to invoke the ECS service. |
Failed to invoke the ECS service. |
Provide your instance ID to technical support for assistance. |
400 |
ROMA.15021 |
Failed to invoke the VPC service. |
Failed to invoke the VPC service. |
Provide your instance ID to technical support for assistance. |
400 |
ROMA.15022 |
Failed to create the instance. The ECS service may be abnormal. |
Failed to create the instance. The ECS service may be abnormal. |
Provide your instance ID to technical support for assistance. |
400 |
ROMA.15023 |
REST request failed. |
REST request failed. |
The network is abnormal or the peer service is abnormal. |
400 |
ROMA.4001000 |
Invalid parameters. |
Invalid parameters. |
Correct the parameter values. |
400 |
ROMA.4001001 |
The ROMA Connect instance name already exists. |
The ROMA Connect instance name already exists. |
Use another ROMA Connect instance name. |
400 |
ROMA.4001010 |
The ROMA Connect instance name is invalid. |
The ROMA Connect instance name is invalid. |
Use a valid ROMA Connect instance name. |
400 |
ROMA.4001012 |
The maintenance time window parameter of the ROMA Connect instance is invalid. |
The maintenance time window parameter of the ROMA Connect instance is invalid. |
Modify the maintenance time window parameter. |
400 |
ROMA.4001016 |
Failed to create the LVS. |
Failed to create the LVS. |
400 |
ROMA.4001017 |
The token has expired. |
The token has expired. |
Obtain another token. |
400 |
ROMA.4001019 |
This operation cannot be performed on instances in the current status. |
This operation cannot be performed on instances in the current status. |
Provide your instance ID to technical support for assistance. |
400 |
ROMA.4001024 |
The password is too simple. |
The password is too simple. |
Use another password. |
400 |
ROMA.4001025 |
The ROMA Connect instance does not exist. |
The ROMA Connect instance does not exist. |
On the ROMA Connect console, check whether the instance corresponding to the instance ID exists. If no, check the instance ID. |
400 |
ROMA.4001026 |
The ROMA Connect instance is not running. |
The ROMA Connect instance is not running. |
Check the instance status on the ROMA Connect console. If the instance is abnormal, contact technical support. |
400 |
ROMA.4001027 |
The application does not exist. |
The application does not exist. |
Check whether the application exists. |
400 |
ROMA.4001028 |
The application already exists. |
The application already exists. |
Check whether the application already exists. |
400 |
ROMA.4001029 |
Invalid application name. |
Invalid application name. |
Use another application name that contains 1 to 256 characters, including letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.). |
400 |
ROMA.4001030 |
The application description is too long. |
The application description is too long. |
Shorten the application description. |
400 |
ROMA.4001031 |
Failed to write data into etcd. |
Failed to write data into etcd. |
Obtain the IP address of the roma-server node, log in to the node, check the information against the failure cause, and try again. |
400 |
ROMA.4001033 |
The application cannot be deleted because it contains resources. |
The application cannot be deleted because it contains resources. |
View the application details, delete resources under the application, and then delete the application. |
400 |
ROMA.4001034 |
The application quota is insufficient. |
The application quota is insufficient. |
The number of applications has reached the maximum allowed limit. Apply for a higher quota. |
400 |
ROMA.4001040 |
Invalid application key. |
Invalid application key. |
Check that the application key contains 3 to 200 characters, including digits, letters, and hyphens (-). |
400 |
ROMA.4001041 |
Invalid application secret. |
Invalid application secret. |
Check that the application secret contains 8 to 128 characters, including digits and letters. |
400 |
ROMA.4001048 |
The site already exists. |
The site already exists. |
Check whether the site already exists on the ROMA Connect console. If yes, there is no need to create it again. |
400 |
ROMA.4001053 |
Another order for deleting the instance is in progress. |
Another order for deleting the instance is in progress. |
Process the ongoing order first. |
400 |
ROMA.4011000 |
The user token in the request does not match the project ID. |
The user token in the request does not match the project ID. |
Check whether the token or project ID in the request has been tampered with. |
400 |
ROMA.4030001 |
You do not have the permissions required for this resource. |
You do not have the permissions required for this resource. |
Check whether the resource corresponding to the ID belongs to the current user. |
400 |
ROMA.4031001 |
Insufficient quota. |
Insufficient quota. |
Provide your account name to technical support for assistance. |
400 |
ROMA.4031005 |
The trial instance quota is insufficient. |
The trial instance quota is insufficient. |
Provide your account name to technical support for assistance. |
400 |
ROMA.4031006 |
A resource with the same name already exists. |
A resource with the same name already exists. |
Use another resource name. |
400 |
ROMA.4031007 |
The EIP has already been bound. |
The EIP has already been bound. |
Use another available EIP. |
400 |
ROMA.4031008 |
An LVS with the same name already exists. |
An LVS with the same name already exists. |
Use another LVS name. |
400 |
ROMA.4031009 |
You do not have the permissions required to create a trial instance. |
You do not have the permissions required to create a trial instance. |
Contact the service personnel to apply for a trial instance. |
400 |
ROMA.4031011 |
You need to apply for a trial period. |
You need to apply for a trial period. |
Provide your account name to technical support for assistance. |
400 |
ROMA.4041000 |
The resource does not exist. |
The resource does not exist. |
Check whether the resource exists. |
400 |
ROMA.4041002 |
The account cannot access enterprise projects. |
The account cannot access enterprise projects. |
Check whether the account is an enterprise account. |
400 |
ROMA.4041003 |
You do not have the permissions required to view the IAM user list. |
You do not have the permissions required to view the IAM user list. |
Grant the Security Administrator role to the user on the IAM console. |
400 |
ROMA.5001000 |
This is an internal service. |
This is an internal service. |
Contact technical support for assistance. |
400 |
ROMA.5001003 |
The product ID does not exist. |
The product ID does not exist. |
Check whether the service has been removed. If yes, release it again. |
400 |
ROMA.5002000 |
The AZ does not exist. |
The AZ does not exist. |
Check the AZ specified in the instance creation request. |
400 |
ROMA.5008000 |
The database connection is abnormal. |
The database connection is abnormal. |
Check the database connection address or the database service. |
400 |
ROMA.5008020 |
Failed to unbind the EIP. |
Failed to unbind the EIP. |
Try again after 1 minute. |
400 |
ROMA.5008021 |
Failed to bind the EIP. |
Failed to bind the EIP. |
Try again after 1 minute. |
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