Updated on 2022-08-08 GMT+08:00

Filter Syntax

Data Type

  1. In value type ranges, [] indicates that the two end values are included while {} indicates that the two end values are not included.
        rowkey:[1 TO *] Equal to or greater than 1
        rowkey:[* TO 1]  Equal to or less than 1
        rowkey:[1 TO 10]  1 to 10
  2. Single value
        rowkey:1 The value is 1.
  3. If multiple conditions need to be met, use () to differentiate priorities.
        rowkey:[1 TO *] && externalImageID:1
        (rowkey:[1 TO *] && externalImageID:1) || timestamp:1000 
        rowkey:[1 TO *] && (externalImageID:1 || timestamp:1000)
  4. Non-statement. You need to add brackets before and after a non-statement.
        externalImageID:1 && (!rowkey:2)

String Type

  1. Single value
  2. Multiple conditions
        title:quick && color:brown
  3. Non-statement. You need to add brackets before and after a non-statement.

Boolean Type

Single value
  1. If there are too many logical conditions, use () to differentiate priorities.
  2. Null string and value search is not supported.