Creating an ECS
This section describes how to create an ECS by calling APIs. For details, see Calling APIs.
An ECS can be created using a disk or image. This section uses an image as an example to describe how to create an ECS.
The ECS created using this API is in pay-per-use billing mode.
Involved APIs
Creating an ECS involves viewing flavors and AZs as well as creating EVS disks. The following APIs are required:
- Querying AZs: Determine the AZ where the ECS to be created is located.
- Querying Details About ECS Flavors: Determine the flavor of the ECS to be created.
- Querying Image Details: Determine the image based on which the ECS is to be created.
- Querying Networks: Determine the network configuration of the ECS.
- Creating and Importing an SSH Key Pair: Set the login mode to Key pair.
- Creating an ECS: Create an ECS authenticated using a key pair.
- Querying Details About an ECS: Verify that the ECS has been created.
- Determine the AZ where the ECS is located.
- View AZs.
URI format: GET /v2.1/{project_id}/os-availability-zone
For details, see Querying AZs.
- Example request
GET https://{endpoint}/v2.1/74610f3a5ad941998e91f076297ecf27/os-availability-zone
Obtain {endpoint} from Regions and Endpoints.
- Example response
{ "availabilityZoneInfo": [ { "hosts": null, "zoneState": { "available": true }, "zoneName":"zone_01" }, { "hosts": null, "zoneState": { "available": true }, "zoneName": "zone_01" } ] }
- Select an AZ based on site requirements and record the AZ (zoneName).
- View AZs.
- Determine the ECS flavor.
- View ECS flavors.
URI format: GET /v2.1/{project_id}/flavors/detail{?minDisk,minRam,is_public,sort_key,sort_dir}
The fields following the question mark (?) are optional, which are used for querying ECS flavors. For details, see Querying Details About ECS Flavors.
- Example request
GET https://{endpoint}/v2.1/74610f3a5ad941998e91f076297ecf27/flavors/detail
Obtain {endpoint} from Regions and Endpoints.
- Example response
{ "flavors": [ { "name": "c1.2xlarge", "links": [ { "href": "https://xxx/v2.1/74610f3a5ad941998e91f076297ecf27/flavors/c1.2xlarge", "rel": "self" }, { "href": "https://xxx/74610f3a5ad941998e91f076297ecf27/flavors/c1.2xlarge", "rel": "bookmark" } ], "ram": 8192, "OS-FLV-DISABLED:disabled": false, "vcpus": 8, "swap": "", "os-flavor-access:is_public": true, "rxtx_factor": 1, "OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral": 0, "disk": 0, "id": "c1.2xlarge" } ] }
- Select a flavor based on site requirements and record the flavor ID.
- View ECS flavors.
- Determine the image.
- View images.
URI format: GET /v2.1/{project_id}/images/detail
For details, see Querying Image Details (Discarded).
- Example request
GET https://{endpoint}/v2.1/74610f3a5ad941998e91f076297ecf27/images/detail
Obtain {endpoint} from Regions and Endpoints.
- Example response
{ "images": [ { "OS-EXT-IMG-SIZE:size": 0, "metadata": { "__os_type": "Linux", "hw_vif_multiqueue_enabled": "true", "__imagetype": "gold", "__quick_start": "true", "virtual_env_type": "FusionCompute", "__support_xen": "true", "__support_kvm": "true", "__image_source_type": "uds", "__platform": "EulerOS", "__os_version": "EulerOS 2.2 64bit", "__os_bit": "64", "__isregistered": "false" }, "created": "2018-05-14T06:13:50Z", "minRam": 0, "name": "DBS-MySQL-Image_2.1.3.3", "progress": 100, "links": [ { "rel": "self", "href": "https://None/v2.1/74610f3a5ad941998e91f076297ecf27/images/11e8f727-d439-4ed1-b3b8-33f46c0379c4" }, { "rel": "bookmark", "href": "https://None/74610f3a5ad941998e91f076297ecf27/images/11e8f727-d439-4ed1-b3b8-33f46c0379c4" }, { "rel": "alternate", "href": "https://None/images/11e8f727-d439-4ed1-b3b8-33f46c0379c4", "type": "application/vnd.openstack.image" } ], "id": "11e8f727-d439-4ed1-b3b8-33f46c0379c4", "updated": "2018-05-14T06:13:52Z", "minDisk": 40, "status": "ACTIVE" } ] }
- Select an image based on site requirements and record the image ID.
- View images.
- Determine the network configuration.
- View networks.
URI format: GET /v2.1/{project_id}/os-networks
For details, see Querying Networks.
- Example request
GET https://{endpoint}/v2.1/74610f3a5ad941998e91f076297ecf27/os-networks
Obtain {endpoint} from Regions and Endpoints.
- Example response
{ "networks": [ { "id": "07a9557d-4256-48ae-847c-415a9c8f7ff6", "label": "b_tt3_td1b", "broadcast": null, "cidr": null, "dns1": null, "dns2": null, "gateway": null, "netmask": null, "cidr_v6": null, "gateway_v6": null, "netmask_v6": null } ] }
- Select a network based on site requirements and record the network ID.
- View networks.
- Set the login mode to Key pair.
- Create a key pair.
URI format: POST /v2.1/{project_id}/os-keypairs
For details, see Creating and Importing an SSH Key Pair.
- Example request
POST https://{endpoint}/v2.1/74610f3a5ad941998e91f076297ecf27/os-keypairs
Obtain {endpoint} from Regions and Endpoints.
{ "keypair": { "type": "ssh", "name": "demo1", "user_id": "fake" } }
- Example response
{ "keypair": { "public_key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCrR5Gcwlh5ih7JOvzIUuQxS5qzWWPMYHeDXkDKSQ9W5pumOV05SiO3WCswnaQ5xMdOl31mNiHtwlwq9dJi7X6jJBB2shT******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* Generated-by-Nova\n", "private_key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEogIBAAKCAQEAq0eRnMJYeYoeyTr8yFLkMUuas1ljzGB3g15AykkPVuabpjld\nOUojt1grMJ2kOcTHTpd9ZjYh7cJcKvXSYu1+oyQQdrIUw/tNBuVrsJAWxVOAi77d\nQeOLtDVImkyd+TQL1tv+F76V5vTsIkNweYHumWOxLIt/FJ4fqZG4T5GMTQQivMqD\npaI0IVrO+Wm3cWQYvNdf/EcC3DYhYqHANkRsbUYwXaREnI/tU1PjnH2XUJ69ABWz\ntdc+8sXyMoMMM1U4FLiTWzGyh0rUKkW5JXzJR2OEQT0IG+0Tf2Glyk0El0/OJPg/\ncZQzaO1o+H8DiUzs/7Pz72yDqo0R7fQ+mOCCn***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n", "user_id": "f79791beca3c48159ac2553fff22e166", "name": "demo1", "fingerprint": "57:a7:a2:ed:5f:aa:e7:**:**:**:**:**:**:**:**:**" } }
- Import the key pair.
URI format: POST /v2.1/{project_id}/os-keypairs
For details, see Creating and Importing an SSH Key Pair.
- Example request
POST https://{endpoint}/v2.1/74610f3a5ad941998e91f076297ecf27/os-keypairs
Obtain {endpoint} from Regions and Endpoints.
{ "keypair": { "public_key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDY8wMTdBYiJgi62o6eShoOlSKx3CZ3cE6PHisDblfK3Y0Bg7EHV7iV9c74pqsrIhK0xuGUuO1NxDQWbkwLTPN4F9Iy5CI********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* Generated-by-Nova\n", "type": "ssh", "name": "demo2", "user_id": "fake" } }
- Example response
{ "keypair": { "public_key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDY8wMTdBYiJgi62o6eShoOlSKx3CZ3cE6PHisDblfK3Y0Bg7EHV7iV9c74pqsrIhK0xuGUuO1NxDQWbkwLTPN4F9Iy5CI********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* Generated-by-Nova\n", "user_id": "f79791beca3c48159ac2553fff22e166", "name": "demo2", "fingerprint": "dd:44:45:49:d9:f6:4f:**:**:**:**:**:**:**:**:**" } }
- Record the name in the response body, for example, demo2.
- Create a key pair.
- Create an ECS authenticated using the key pair.
URI format: POST /v2.1/{project_id}/servers
For details about API constraints and request parameters, see Creating an ECS.
In this example, the ECS is created using a specified image.
- In block_device_mapping_v2, set source_type to image, uuid to the image ID, destination_type to volume, and boot_index to 0.
- The volume_size must be greater than or equal to the minimum value specified in the image metadata.
- Example request
POST https://{endpoint}/v2.1/74610f3a5ad941998e91f076297ecf27/servers
Obtain {endpoint} from Regions and Endpoints.
{ "server": { "flavorRef": "c1.large", "name": "zttestvm1", "block_device_mapping_v2": [{ "source_type": "image", "destination_type": "volume", "volume_type": "SSD", "volume_size": "40", "delete_on_termination": "true", "uuid": "11e8f727-d439-4ed1-b3b8-33f46c0379c4", "boot_index": "0" }], "networks": [{ "uuid": "fb68519f-a7c0-476e-98d4-2e4cf6de6def" }], "key_name": "demo2", "availability_zone": "az_test_01" } }
- Example response
{ "server": { "security_groups": [ { "name": "default" } ], "OS-DCF:diskConfig": "MANUAL", "links": [ { "rel": "self", "href": "https://None/v2.1/74610f3a5ad941998e91f076297ecf27/servers/6d311127-bce1-48db-bf0f-cac9f8f7f077" }, { "rel": "bookmark", "href": "https://None/74610f3a5ad941998e91f076297ecf27/servers/6d311127-bce1-48db-bf0f-cac9f8f7f077" } ], "id": "6d311127-bce1-48db-bf0f-cac9f8f7f077", "adminPass": "**********" } }
- Verify the ECS creation.
URI format: GET /v2.1/{project_id}/servers/{server_id}
For details, see Querying Details About an ECS.
- Example request
GET https://{endpoint}/v2.1/74610f3a5ad941998e91f076297ecf27/servers/0c71c0da-8852-4c56-a1d1-3a9b9bcb6da6
0c71c0da-8852-4c56-a1d1-3a9b9bcb6da6 is the UUID of the created ECS.
Obtain {endpoint} from Regions and Endpoints.
- Example response
{ "server": { "tenant_id": "74610f3a5ad941998e91f076297ecf27", "addresses": { "2a6f4aa6-d93e-45f5-a8cb-b030dbf8cd68": [ { "OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr": "fa:16:3e:88:01:1b", "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "fixed", "addr": "", "version": 4 } ] }, "metadata": {}, "OS-EXT-STS:task_state": null, "OS-DCF:diskConfig": "MANUAL", "OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone": "az_test_01", "links": [ { "rel": "self", "href": "https://None/v2.1/74610f3a5ad941998e91f076297ecf27/servers/0c71c0da-8852-4c56-a1d1-3a9b9bcb6da6" }, { "rel": "bookmark", "href": "https://None/74610f3a5ad941998e91f076297ecf27/servers/0c71c0da-8852-4c56-a1d1-3a9b9bcb6da6" } ], "OS-EXT-STS:power_state": 1, "id": "0c71c0da-8852-4c56-a1d1-3a9b9bcb6da6", "os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached": [ { "id": "b551445a-e749-4d53-932a-638a455cb6c3" } ], "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host": "pod1_test_01", "image": { "links": [ { "rel": "bookmark", "href": "https://None/74610f3a5ad941998e91f076297ecf27/images/11e8f727-d439-4ed1-b3b8-33f46c0379c4" } ], "id": "11e8f727-d439-4ed1-b3b8-33f46c0379c4" }, "OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at": null, "accessIPv4": "", "accessIPv6": "", "created": "2018-05-25T01:47:11Z", "hostId": "b2792bef989888d2df1f51bff81de5ac58a4117f4e9ec3059c1a0410", "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname": "nova001@36", "key_name": null, "flavor": { "links": [ { "rel": "bookmark", "href": "https://None/74610f3a5ad941998e91f076297ecf27/flavors/c1.large" } ], "id": "c1.large" }, "security_groups": [ { "name": "default" } ], "config_drive": "", "OS-EXT-STS:vm_state": "active", "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name": "instance-001883cd", "user_id": "f79791beca3c48159ac2553fff22e166", "name": "zttestvm1", "progress": 0, "OS-SRV-USG:launched_at": "2018-05-25T01:47:55.755922", "updated": "2018-05-25T01:47:55Z", "status": "ACTIVE" } }
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