Updated on 2022-02-21 GMT+08:00

(Optional) Configuring the Post-Integration Operation


After a scheduled data integration task is successfully executed, messages can be sent to Kafka or MRS Kafka based on the configuration. In this way, a third-party platform (for example, DGC) can subscribe to Kafka or MRS Kafka to obtain messages and determine whether to perform data extraction based on the site requirements.

This section describes how to configure message sending after a task is executed. If message sending is not required, you do not need to configure message sending.



  1. On the Create Task page, configure post-integration operation information.
    Table 1 Parameters for configuring the post-integration operation




    Determine whether to send a message after the task is executed.

    Do no send messages: No message is sent after the task is successfully executed.

    Send messages to Kafka: A message will be sent to Kafka after the task is successfully executed.

    Send messages to MRS Kafka: A message will be sent to MRS Kafka after the task is successfully executed.


    Select the integration application.

    Data Source

    Select the data source type that is the same as that selected for Action.

    For example, if Send messages to Kafka is selected for Action, select Kafka for Data Source.


    Select the topic to which the message is to be sent.

    Custom Message Content

    Customize the content of the message to be sent by using ${} to reference variables. The supported variables are as follows:

    taskName: task name.

    dataCount: data volume.

    targetTable: destination table.

    dataSize: data size.

    For example, the content ${taskName} indicates that only the task name is sent.

  2. Click Create.