Updated on 2022-02-22 GMT+08:00

Changing the Password for the OMS Database Administrator


Periodically change the password for the OMS database administrator to ensure the system O&M security.


  1. Log in to the active management node using the active management IP address as user root.

    The password of user ommdba cannot be changed on the standby management node; otherwise, the cluster cannot work properly. The password of user ommdba can be changed after the system administrator performs operation only on the active management node. The operation does not need to be performed on the standby management node.

  2. Run the following command to switch to the user:

    su - omm

  3. Run the following command to go to the directory:

    cd $OMS_RUN_PATH/tools

  4. Run the following command to change the password for user ommdba:

    mod_db_passwd ommdba

  5. Enter the old password of user ommdba and enter a new password twice. The password changing takes effect on all servers.

    The password complexity requirements are as follows:

    • The password ranges from 16 to 32 characters.
    • The password must contain at least three types of the following: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, digits, and special characters which can only be ~`!@#$%^&*()-+_=\|[{}];",<.>/?
    • The password cannot be the same as the username or reverse username.
    • The password cannot be the same as the last 20 historical passwords.

    If the following information is displayed, the password is changed successfully.

    Congratulations, update [ommdba] password successfully.