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Centro de ayuda/ Virtual Private Cloud/ Preguntas frecuentes/ Facturación y Pagos/ ¿Por qué me siguen facturando después de que se hayan eliminado todas las VPC?
Actualización más reciente 2023-06-02 GMT+08:00

¿Por qué me siguen facturando después de que se hayan eliminado todas las VPC?


Charges are generated even all VPCs have been deleted.

Possible Causes

VPCs are free, but you are still billed for the EIPs and public bandwidth used together with a VPC.

  • EIPs that use public bandwidth may be in use in other projects or regions. You can view all EIPs in the billing center, locate the EIP, and switch to the project or region where the EIP is located and delete it.
  • The information in the bill is from your previous settlement period. Generally, fees are not deducted from your account immediately after pay-per-use EIPs are released. Instead, bills are generated and fees are deducted from your account only after the settlement period ends.