Updated on 2025-01-14 GMT+08:00

Package Management

Here you can view package details and check DApp statistics in a specified period.

Viewing Package Usage

  • Current: Here displays the package name, status, renew time, purchase time, and expiration time.

  • Historical: The latest 50 invalid packages are displayed.

  • Here shows the CUs Used This Month and CUs Available This Month.

Viewing DApp Statistics

Here shows the usage statistics of all DApps. You can filter the charts with specified DApp name and time.

The statistics of a maximum of four DApps are shown.

Buying a Package

  1. Log in to the NES console.
  2. Choose Shared > Package Management and click Buy Package.
  3. Configure parameters.

    Figure 1 Buying a package
    Table 1 Package parameters



    Billing Mode

    Packages can be billed in the Yearly/Monthly mode.


    • Basic Edition (Monthly)

      Number of projects: 10

      CUs per month: 450 million

      CUs per second: 400

    • Professional Edition (Monthly)

      Number of projects: 20

      CUs per month: 600 million

      CUs per second: 990

      Excess: USD1.2/million CUs

    • Enterprise Edition (Monthly)

      Number of projects: 40

      CUs per month: 2.2 billion

      CUs per second: 5,000

      Excess: USD1.0/million CUs

    • Enterprise Edition (Yearly)

      Number of projects: 40

      CUs per month: 2.2 billion

      CUs per second: 5,000

      Excess: USD1.0/million CUs


    Select whether to buy the package for months or for a year.

    The basic edition can be used free of charge for one month. After it expires, you can buy it again or buy other packages.

    Effective Time

    Time when the package takes effect, which can be Upon expiration or Immediately.

    • Upon expiration: The package will be effective after your current package expires.
    • Immediately: The package will be effective immediately.

    If you have purchased a package, its fees cannot be refunded and the CUs in it will become invalid after it expires or it is replaced.

  4. Click Next. Confirm the configurations, confirm that you have read and agree to the agreement and disclaimer, and click Submit.