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Centro de ayuda/ Identity and Access Management/ Guía del usuario/ Broker de identidades personalizado/ Creación de un FederationProxyUrl mediante una agencia
Actualización más reciente 2024-07-30 GMT+08:00

Creación de un FederationProxyUrl mediante una agencia

En esta sección se proporciona un ejemplo de código utilizado para crear un FederationProxyUrl mediante una agencia para iniciar sesión en los servicios de Huawei Cloud.

Ejemplo de código usando Java

El siguiente código Java muestra cómo crear un FederationProxyUrl que da a los usuarios federados acceso directo a la consola de Huawei Cloud.

import java.util.Collections;
import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.auth.GlobalCredentials;
import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.ClientRequestException;
import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.ServerResponseException;
import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.http.HttpConfig;
import com.huaweicloud.sdk.iam.v3.IamClient;
import com.huaweicloud.sdk.iam.v3.model.*;

// Use the global domain name to obtain a loginToken.
String endpoint = "";

// Configure client attributes.
HttpConfig config = HttpConfig.getDefaultHttpConfig()

// Use the domain ID (account ID), AK, and SK of userB to initialize the specified IAM client "{Service}Client". For details about how to create userB, see section "Creating an IAM User".
IamClient iamClient = IamClient.newBuilder().withCredential(new GlobalCredentials()
Call the API used to obtain a temporary access key and securityToken with an agency.
The default validity period of an access key and securityToken is 900 seconds, that is, 15 minutes. The value ranges from 15 minutes to 24 hours. In this example, the validity period is set to 3600 seconds, that is, 1 hour.
When you obtain a loginToken with a specified validity period, ensure that the validity period of the loginToken is not greater than the remaining validity period of the securityToken.
IdentityAssumerole identityAssumerole = new IdentityAssumerole().
		withAgencyName("testagency").withDomainId("0525e2c87exxxxxxx").withSessionUser(new AssumeroleSessionuser().withName("ExternalUser")).withDurationSeconds(3600);
AgencyAuth agencyAuth = new AgencyAuth().withIdentity(new AgencyAuthIdentity().withAssumeRole(identityAssumerole).
CreateTemporaryAccessKeyByAgencyRequestBody createTemporaryAccessKeyByAgencyRequestBody = new CreateTemporaryAccessKeyByAgencyRequestBody().withAuth(agencyAuth);
CreateTemporaryAccessKeyByAgencyResponse createTemporaryAccessKeyByAgencyResponse = iamClient.createTemporaryAccessKeyByAgency(new CreateTemporaryAccessKeyByAgencyRequest().withBody(createTemporaryAccessKeyByAgencyRequestBody));
Credential credential = createTemporaryAccessKeyByAgencyResponse.getCredential();

Obtain a loginToken.
LoginTokens are issued to users to log in through custom identity brokers. Each loginToken contains identity and session information of a user.
To log in to a cloud service console using a custom identity broker URL, call this API to obtain a loginToken for authentication.
The default validity period of a loginToken is 600 seconds, that is, 10 minutes. The value ranges from 10 minutes to 12 hours. In this example, the validity period is set to 1800 seconds, that is, half an hour.
Ensure that the validity period of the loginToken is not greater than the remaining validity period of the securityToken.
When obtaining a securityToken with an agency, set the parameter in the request body.
CreateLoginTokenRequestBody createLoginTokenRequestBody = new CreateLoginTokenRequestBody().
		withAuth(new LoginTokenAuth().withSecuritytoken(new LoginTokenSecurityToken().
CreateLoginTokenResponse createLoginTokenResponse = iamClient.createLoginToken(new CreateLoginTokenRequest().withBody(createLoginTokenRequestBody));
String loginToken = createLoginTokenResponse.getXSubjectLoginToken();

// Login URL of the custom identity broker
String authURL = "";
// Login URL of an enterprise management system.
String enterpriseSystemLoginURL = "";
// HUAWEI CLOUD service address to access.
String targetConsoleURL = "";

// Create a FederationProxyUrl and return it to the browser through Location.
String FederationProxyUrl = authURL + "?idp_login_url=" +
		URLEncoder.encode(enterpriseSystemLoginURL, "UTF-8") +
		"&service=" + URLEncoder.encode(targetConsoleURL, "UTF-8") +
		"&logintoken=" +URLEncoder.encode(loginToken, "UTF-8");

Ejemplo de código usando Python

El siguiente código de Python muestra cómo crear un FederationProxyUrl que da a los usuarios federados acceso directo a la consola de Huawei Cloud.

from huaweicloudsdkcore.auth.credentials import GlobalCredentials
from huaweicloudsdkcore.http.http_config import HttpConfig
from huaweicloudsdkiam.v3 import *

import urllib

# Use the global domain name to obtain a loginToken.
endpoint = ""

# Configure client attributes.
config = HttpConfig.get_default_config()
config.ignore_ssl_verification = True
config.proxy_protocol = "https"
config.proxy_host = ""
config.proxy_port = 8080
credentials = GlobalCredentials(ak, sk, domain_id)

# Use the domain ID (account ID), AK, and SK of userB to initialize the specified IAM client "{Service}Client". For details about how to create userB, see section "Creating an IAM User".
client = IamClient().new_builder(IamClient) \
	.with_http_config(config) \
	.with_credentials(credentials) \
	.with_endpoint(endpoint) \

# CreateTemporaryAccessKeyByAgency
# Call the API used to obtain a temporary access key and securityToken with an agency.
# The default validity period of an access key and securityToken is 900 seconds, that is, 15 minutes. The value ranges from 15 minutes to 24 hours. In this example, the validity period is set to 3600 seconds, that is, 1 hour.
# When you obtain a loginToken with a specified validity period, ensure that the validity period of the loginToken is not greater than the remaining validity period of the securityToken.
# When obtaining a securityToken with an agency, set the parameter in the request body.
assume_role_session_user = AssumeroleSessionuser(name="ExternalUser")
identity_assume_role = IdentityAssumerole(agency_name="testagency",
identity_methods = ["assume_role"]
body = CreateTemporaryAccessKeyByAgencyRequestBody(
	AgencyAuth(AgencyAuthIdentity(methods=identity_methods, assume_role=identity_assume_role)))
request = CreateTemporaryAccessKeyByAgencyRequest(body)
create_temporary_access_key_by_agency_response = client.create_temporary_access_key_by_agency(request)
credential = create_temporary_access_key_by_agency_response.credential

# CreateLoginToken
# Obtain a loginToken.
# The default validity period of a loginToken is 600 seconds, that is, 10 minutes. The value ranges from 10 minutes to 12 hours. In this example, the validity period is set to 1800 seconds, that is, half an hour.
# Ensure that the validity period of the loginToken is not greater than the remaining validity period of the securityToken.
login_token_security_token = LoginTokenSecurityToken(access=credential.access, secret=credential.secret,
							id=credential.securitytoken, duration_seconds=1800)
body = CreateLoginTokenRequestBody(LoginTokenAuth(login_token_security_token))
request = CreateLoginTokenRequest(body)
create_login_token_response = client.create_login_token(request)
login_token = create_login_token_response.x_subject_login_token

# Obtain a custom identity broker URL.
auth_URL = ""
# Login URL of an enterprise management system.
enterprise_system_login_URL = ""
# HUAWEI CLOUD service address to access.
target_console_URL = ""

# Create a FederationProxyUrl and return it to the browser through Location.
FederationProxyUrl = auth_URL + "?idp_login_url=" + urllib.parse.quote(
	enterprise_system_login_URL) + "&service=" + urllib.parse.quote(
	target_console_URL) + "&logintoken=" + urllib.parse.quote(login_token)