Updated on 2025-02-25 GMT+08:00

Enabling Performance Mode for a FlexusX Instance


FlexusX provides flexible compute resources with QoS-guaranteed performance. FlexusX instances perform as well as exclusive instances most of the time but may occasionally underperform. To meet the strict performance requirements of certain workloads, such as rendering and HPC applications, FlexusX has a performance mode option. If this option is enabled, your FlexusX instances are bound with the underlying CPU cores, so they can provide stable, ultimate QoS-guaranteed performance.

Table 1 lists the differences between FlexusX instances where the performance mode is enabled and disabled. For details about the differences between FlexusX instance specifications, see Instance Specifications.
Table 1 Differences between FlexusX instances where the performance mode is enabled and disabled

Performance Mode




Web 3.0 application development, rendering, cryptocurrency, ERP, game servers, e-commerce livestreaming, e-commerce going global, enterprise website building, applet development, and development and testing

E-commerce going global, enterprise website building, applet development, development and testing, enterprise resource planning (ERP), game servers, and e-commerce livestreaming

vCPU allocation logic

CPU cores bound to provide QoS-guaranteed ultimate, stable performance

Flexible compute with QoS-guaranteed performance, close to exclusive instances

Compute resources

  • vCPU/Memory ratio: flexible custom ratios to meet your specific needs with low-cost resources
  • vCPU/Memory range: 2 to 32 vCPUs and 2 to 256 GiB of memory
  • Basic/Turbo frequency: 2.45 GHz/3.5 GHz
  • vCPU/Memory ratio: flexible custom ratios to meet your specific needs with low-cost resources
  • vCPU/Memory range: 1 to 16 vCPUs and 1 GiB to 128 GiB of memory
  • Processor: 3rd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processor
  • Basic/Turbo frequency: 2.8 GHz/3.5 GHz


During this process, you may also need to modify the instance specifications if there are insufficient underlying resources.


Additional charges are required for the performance mode.

Enabling Performance Mode

You can enable performance mode for a FlexusX instance during or after the instance creation.

Performance mode is only available in some regions. For details, see the information displayed on the management console.

  • Enabling performance mode when purchasing a FlexusX instance

    Once the instance is created, you can enjoy stable, ample performance immediately.

    Figure 1 Enabling performance mode during purchase
  • Enabling performance mode after a FlexusX instance is purchased

    You can enable the performance mode for the instance using the Modify Specifications option. During this process, you may also need to modify the instance specifications if there are insufficient underlying resources. For details about how to modify specifications, see Modifying the Specifications of a FlexusX Instance.

    Figure 2 Enabling performance mode using the Modify Specifications option