Updated on 2024-07-30 GMT+08:00

Buying a DDM instance

This section describes how to create a DDM instance on the DDM console.


  1. Log in to the DDM console.
  2. On the displayed page, in the upper right corner, click Buy DDM Instance.
  3. On the displayed page, configure required parameters.

    Table 1 Parameter description



    Billing Mode

    DDM instance billing mode, which can be Yearly/Monthly or Pay-per-use. You can change the billing mode after creating an instance.

    • Yearly/Monthly: Specify a required duration. The system deducts the fees incurred from your account based on the service price.
    • Pay-per-use: Do not specify any required duration because the system bills you based on how much the service is used.


    Region where the DDM instance is located. Select the required region.


    Project that the DDM instance belongs to.

    Instance Name

    Name of the DDM instance, which:

    • Cannot be left blank.
    • Must start with a letter.
    • Must be 4 to 64 characters long.
    • Can contain letters, digits, underscores (_) and hyphens (-).

    Time Zone

    You need to select a time zone for your instance based on the region hosting your instance.


    Number of nodes in a DDM instance. Up to 32 nodes are supported.

    • At least 2 nodes are recommended because using a single node cannot guarantee high availability.
    • System disk 40 GB and data disk 100 GB


    Availability zone where the DDM instance is deployed.

    Nodes in a DDM instance can be deployed on different physical servers in the same AZ to keep services always available even if one physical server becomes faulty.

    A DDM instance can be deployed across AZs to provide cross-AZ DR.

    If necessary, you can select multiple AZs when you create a DDM instance. Then nodes of the instance will be deployed in multiple different AZs.


    Deploy your application, DDM instance, and required RDS instances in the same AZ to reduce network latency. Cross-AZ deployment may increase network latency.

    Node Class

    Class of the DDM instance node. You can select General-enhancedor Kunpeng general computing-plus and then specify a node class.


    Estimate compute and storage requirements of your applications based on your service type and scale before you buy a DDM instance, and then select an appropriate node class so that the CPU and memory specifications of your DDM instance can better meet your needs.


    VPC that the DDM instance belongs to. This VPC isolates networks for different services. It allows you to manage and configure private networks, simplifying network management.

    Click View VPC to show more details and security group rules.

    • The DDM instance should be in the same VPC as the required RDS for MySQL instance.
    • To ensure network connectivity, the DDM instance you created must be in the same VPC as your applications and RDS for MySQL instances.
    • After the DDM instance is created, the VPC cannot be changed. Exercise caution when performing this operation.


    A subnet provides dedicated network resources that are logically isolated from other networks for network security. A floating IP address is automatically assigned when you create a DDM instance. After the instance is created, you can change the floating IP address.

    Security Group

    Select an existing security group.

    You are advised to select the same security group for your DDM instance, application, and RDS for MySQL instances so that they can communicate with each other. If different security groups are selected, add security group rules to enable network access.

    Enterprise Project

    EPS provides a unified method to manage cloud resources and personnel by enterprise project.

    Parameter Template

    Select an existing parameter template. You can also click View Parameter Template to set parameters on the displayed page.


    (Optional) Adding tags helps you better identify and manage your DDM resources.

    You can add tags to your DDM instance. Each instance can have a maximum of 10 tags.

    • Creating a tag

      You can create tags on the DDM console. A tag key and a value are required when you create a tag.

      Tag key: This parameter is mandatory and cannot be null.

      • Must be unique for each instance.
      • Can include 1 to 36 characters.
      • Cannot be an empty string, or start with _sys_, and cannot start or end with a space.
      • Cannot contain the following characters:

        Non-printable ASCII characters (0-31), "*", "<", ">", "\", ",", "|", "/"

      Tag value: This parameter is mandatory.
      • Is an empty string by default.
      • Can contain 0 to 43 characters.
      • Cannot contain the following characters:

        Non-printable ASCII characters (0-31), "*", "<", ">", "\", ",", "|"

    • Adding a predefined tag

      Predefined tags can be used to identify multiple cloud resources.

      To tag a cloud resource, you can select an available predefined tag from the drop-down list, without entering a key and value for the tag.

      For example, if you have created a predefined tag with key Usage and value Project1, you can select it from the drop-down list when creating tags for DDM.

    After an instance is created, you can click the instance name to view its tags, modify or delete the tags on the Tags tab page. In addition, you can quickly search for and filter specified instances by tag.

    You can add a tag to an instance after the instance is created.

    Required Duration

    Duration of the DDM instance. This parameter is available only if Billing Mode is set to Yearly/Monthly.

    You can select 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 4 months, 5 months, 6 months, 7 months, 8 months, 9 months, or 1 year.

    If you select Auto-renew, the renew cycle is the same as the selected duration.

  4. After the configuration is complete, click Next at the bottom of the page.
  5. Confirm the configuration information and perform subsequent operations based on the billing mode you select:

    • If you select pay-per-use, click Submit.
    • If you select yearly/monthly, click Pay Now.

  6. To view and manage the instance, go to the Instances page.

    The DDM service port is 5066 by default and can be changed after a DDM instance is created.

    For details, see Changing the DDM Service Port.