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Using SFS Turbo File Systems as Storage Volumes/
Actualización más reciente 2024-09-10 GMT+08:00
CCE allows you to mount a volume created from an SFS Turbo file system to a container to store data persistently. Provisioned on demand and fast, SFS Turbo is suitable for DevOps, container microservices, and enterprise OA scenarios.
Figura 1 Mounting SFS Turbo volumes to CCE
- Standard file protocols: You can mount file systems as volumes to servers, the same as using local directories.
- Data sharing: The same file system can be mounted to multiple servers, so that data can be shared.
- Private network: User can access data only in private networks of data centers.
- Data isolation: The on-cloud storage service provides exclusive cloud file storage, which delivers data isolation and ensures IOPS performance.
- Use cases: Deployments/StatefulSets in the ReadWriteMany mode, DaemonSets, and jobs created for high-traffic websites, log storage, DevOps, and enterprise OA applications
Tema principal: Using SFS Turbo File Systems as Storage Volumes
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