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Storage Basics

Updated on 2025-01-27 GMT+08:00


On-disk files in a container are ephemeral, which presents the following problems to important applications running in the container:

  • When a container is rebuilt, files in the container will be lost.
  • When multiple containers run in a pod at the same time, files need to be shared among the containers.

Kubernetes volumes resolve both of these problems. Volumes, as part of a pod, cannot be created independently and can only be defined in pods. All containers in a pod can access its volumes, but the volumes must have been mounted to any directory in a container.

The following figure shows how a storage volume is used between containers in a pod.

The basic principles for using volumes are as follows:

  • Multiple volumes can be mounted to a pod. However, do not mount too many volumes to a pod.
  • Multiple types of volumes can be mounted to a pod.
  • Each volume mounted to a pod can be shared among containers in the pod.
  • You are advised to use PVCs and PVs to mount volumes for Kubernetes.

The lifecycle of a volume is the same as that of the pod to which the volume is mounted. When the pod is deleted, the volume is also deleted. However, files in the volume may outlive the volume, depending on the volume type.

Kubernetes provides various volume types, which can be classified as in-tree and out-of-tree.

Volume Classification



Maintained through the Kubernetes code repository and built, edited, and released with Kubernetes binary files. Kubernetes does not accept this volume type anymore.

Kubernetes-native volumes such as hostPath, emptyDir, Secret, and ConfigMap are all the in-tree type.

PVCs are a special in-tree volume. Kubernetes uses this type of volume to convert from in-tree to out-of-tree. PVCs allow you to request for PVs created using the underlying storage resources provided by different storage vendors.


Out-of-tree volumes include container storage interfaces (CSIs) and FlexVolumes (deprecated). Storage vendors only need to comply with certain specifications to create custom storage add-ons and PVs that can be used by Kubernetes, without adding add-on source code to the Kubernetes code repository. Cloud storage such as SFS and OBS is used by installing storage drivers in a cluster. You need to create PVs in the cluster and mount the PVs to pods using PVCs.

PV and PVC

Kubernetes provides PersistentVolumes (PVs) and PersistentVolumeClaims (PVCs) to abstract details of how storage is provided from how it is consumed. You can request specific size of storage when needed, just like pods can request specific levels of resources (CPU and memory).

  • PV: describes a persistent storage volume in a cluster. A PV is a cluster-level resource just like a node. It applies to the entire Kubernetes cluster. A PV has a lifecycle independent of any individual Pod that uses the PV.
  • PVC: describes a request for storage by a user. When configuring storage for an application, claim a storage request (that is, PVC). Kubernetes selects a PV that best meets the request and binds the PV to the PVC. A PVC to PV binding is a one-to-one mapping. When creating a PVC, describe the attributes of the requested persistent storage, such as the storage size and read/write permission.

You can bind PVCs to PVs in a pod so that the pod can use storage resources. The following figure shows the relationship between PVs and PVCs.

Figure 1 PVC-to-PV binding


CSI is a standard for container storage interfaces and a storage plugin implementation solution recommended by the Kubernetes community.

Volume Access Modes

Storage volumes can be mounted to the host system only in the mode supported by underlying storage resources. For example, a file storage system can be read and written by multiple pods, but an EVS volume can be read and written by only one pod.

  • ReadWriteOnce: A storage volume can be mounted to a single pod in read-write mode.
  • ReadWriteMany: A storage volume can be mounted to multiple pods in read-write mode.
Table 1 Access modes supported by storage volumes

Storage Type









SFS Turbo


Mounting a Storage Volume

You can mount volumes in the following ways:

Use PVs to describe existing underlying storage resources, and then create PVCs to use the underlying storage resources in pods. You can also use the dynamic creation mode. That is, specify the StorageClass when creating a PVC and use the provisioner in the StorageClass to automatically create a PV and bind the PV to the PVC.

Table 2 Modes of mounting volumes

Mount Mode


Supported Volume Type

Other Constraints

Statically creating storage volume (using existing storage)

You need to manually create underlying storage (such as EVS disks and SFS file systems) and PVs.

Operations on the console: First, use the existing underlying storage to create a PV. Second, create a PVC and mount it to the pods for running the workload. Kubernetes binds PVCs to the matching PVs so that workloads can access storage services during PVC creation.


If the access mode of the PV is ReadWriteOnce, the number of pods for running the workload can only be set to 1 when the workload is created.

All volumes


Dynamically creating storage volumes (automatically creating storage)

The underlying storage and PV are automatically created.

Operations on the console: First, create a PVC and specify a storage class for the PVC. The Provisioner in StorageClass automatically creates the underlying storage and PV based on PVC. The automatically created PV is bound to the PVC and mounted to the pods for running the workload. Second, mount the PVC to the workload.


If the access mode of the PV is ReadWriteOnce, the number of pods for running the workload can only be set to 1 when the workload is created.

EVS volumes, OBS volumes, and SFS/SFS Turbo volumes


Dynamic mounting (VolumeClaimTemplate)

The underlying storage and PV are automatically created. Achieved by using the volumeClaimTemplates field and depends on the dynamic PV creation capability of StorageClass.

Operations on the console: Create a workload and select VolumeClaimTemplate (VCT) for Data Storage. Second, create a dynamically provisioned PVC. Specify a storage class for the PVC. The Provisioner in StorageClass automatically creates the underlying storage and PV based on PVC.


Even if the access mode of the PV is ReadWriteOnce, multiple pods can be created for running the workload. This is because each pod has a unique PVC and PV. After a pod is rescheduled, the original PV can still be mounted to it based on the PVC name.

Only EVS volumes

Supported only by StatefulSets

PV Reclaim Policy

A PV reclaim policy is used to delete or reclaim underlying volumes when a PVC is deleted. The value can be Delete or Retain.

  • Delete: Deleting a PVC will remove the PV from Kubernetes, and the associated underlying storage assets will also be removed from the external infrastructure.

    Yearly/Monthly resources cannot be deleted using the Delete reclaim policy.

  • Retain: When a PVC is deleted, both the PV and underlying storage are retained. You need to manually delete these resources. After the PVC is deleted, the PV is in the Released state and cannot be bound to a PVC again.

    You can manually delete and reclaim volumes by performing the following operations:

    1. Delete the PV.
    2. Clear data on the associated underlying storage resources as required.
    3. Delete the associated underlying storage resources.

    To reuse the underlying storage resources, create a PV.

CCE Autopilot also allows you to delete a PVC without deleting underlying storage resources. This function can be achieved only by using a YAML file: Set the PV reclaim policy to Delete and add everest.io/reclaim-policy: retain-volume-only to annotations. In this way, when the PVC is deleted, the PV is deleted, but the underlying storage resources are retained.

The following YAML file takes EVS as an example:
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: test
  namespace: default
    volume.beta.kubernetes.io/storage-provisioner: everest-csi-provisioner
    everest.io/disk-volume-type: SAS
    failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/region: <your_region>   # Replace the region with the one where the cluster is located.
    failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/zone: <your_zone>       # Replace the AZ with the one where the EVS disk is located.
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 10Gi
  storageClassName: csi-disk
  volumeName: pv-evs-test

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
    pv.kubernetes.io/provisioned-by: everest-csi-provisioner
    everest.io/reclaim-policy: retain-volume-only
  name: pv-evs-test
    failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/region: <your_region>   # Replace the region with the one where the cluster is located.
    failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/zone: <your_zone>       # Replace the AZ with the one where the EVS disk is located.
    - ReadWriteOnce
    storage: 10Gi
    driver: disk.csi.everest.io
    fsType: ext4
    volumeHandle: 2af98016-6082-4ad6-bedc-1a9c673aef20
      storage.kubernetes.io/csiProvisionerIdentity: everest-csi-provisioner
      everest.io/disk-mode: SCSI
      everest.io/disk-volume-type: SAS
  persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Delete
  storageClassName: csi-disk


  • For more information about Kubernetes storage, see Storage.
  • For more information about CCE Autopilot container storage, see Storage Overview.

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