Help Center/ Database and Application Migration UGO/ FAQs/ Evaluation Project/ What Should I Do If "ErrorCode=17002" Is Displayed During Evaluation Project Creation?
Updated on 2023-07-25 GMT+08:00

What Should I Do If "ErrorCode=17002" Is Displayed During Evaluation Project Creation?


When an evaluation project is being created, Project Status becomes Stopped. After you move the mouse to Stopped, the error message "ErrorCode=17002" is displayed.


During peak hours or when multiple database evaluation tasks are being created at the same time, the number of database connections will reach the upper limit. As a result, UGO cannot obtain valid connections from the source database and several projects are in the Stopped status.


  1. Log in to the source Oracle database as the oracle user.
  2. Query the maximum number of database connections.

    show parameter processes;

  3. Create spfile.

    create spfile from pfile;

  4. Restart the source database.

    shutdown immediate;


  5. Run the following command to change the maximum number of connections for the source database:

    alter system set processes = 2000 scope = spfile;

  6. Restart the source database and check whether the maximum number of connections is changed successfully.

    shutdown immediate;


    show parameter processes;

  7. Log in to the UGO console, locate the desired project, and click Resume in the Operation column.