Help Center/ Relational Database Service/ Troubleshooting/ RDS for PostgreSQL/ Index Name Containing a Schema Name During Index Creation
Updated on 2023-11-03 GMT+08:00

Index Name Containing a Schema Name During Index Creation


In the official PostgreSQL syntax, an index name cannot contain a schema name, for example, CREATE UNIQUE INDEX fee_code_desc_uni_idx. If a schema name is added, for example, CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "isp-1".fee_code_desc_uni_idx, a syntax parsing error is reported.

However, when you create an index on an RDS for PostgreSQL 11 instance, the index name can contain a schema name. But RDS for PostgreSQL 12 does not support schema names in index names.

Possible Causes

In RDS for PostgreSQL 11, the syntax parsing of create index is modified. Schema names in an index name can be parsed.

But such modification is not made to RDS for PostgreSQL 12.