Error Codes
Status Code |
Error Code |
Error Message |
Description |
Measure |
400 |
0023 |
Failed to obtain cluster details. |
Failed to obtain cluster details. |
Check whether the MRS cluster status, Master node status, cluster network communication, and security group rules are normal. Check whether the EIP exists and use a correct EIP. |
400 |
0056 |
Jobs cannot be submitted to a cluster in the xxx state. |
Failed to submit the job because the cluster is in the xxx state. |
Wait until the cluster task is complete and the status changes to Running. |
400 |
0057 |
Spark jobs cannot be submitted. |
Spark jobs cannot be submitted. |
Check whether the Spark service exists and whether the Spark service is normal. |
400 |
0093 |
Metadata of version xxx not found. |
Failed to find version metadata. Version: xxx. |
Check whether the cluster version is correct. |
400 |
0160 |
Failed to kill the job. |
Failed to terminate a job. |
Call the API again, contact technical support, or check whether the cluster is normal. |
400 |
0161 |
Failed to delete jobs in batches. |
Failed to delete jobs in batches. |
Call the API again, contact technical support, or check whether the cluster is normal. |
400 |
0162 |
Failed to query the job. |
Failed to query the job. |
Call the API again, contact technical support, or check whether the cluster is normal. |
400 |
0165 |
Failed to verify the SQL statement. |
Failed to verify the SQL statement. |
Inspect the SQL statement. |
400 |
0166 |
Failed to query a job list. |
Failed to query the jobs. |
Call the API again, contact technical support, or check whether the cluster is normal. |
400 |
0167 |
The v2 job API cannot be accessed. |
The v2 job APIs cannot be accessed. |
Use the v1 APIs. |
400 |
0168 |
Hive jobs cannot be submitted. |
Failed to submit the Hive job. |
Check whether the Hive service exists and whether the Hive service is normal. |
400 |
0169 |
Flink jobs cannot be submitted. |
Failed to submit the Flink job. |
Check whether the Flink service exists and whether the Flink service is normal. |
400 |
0170 |
Failed to collect job log directory information. |
Failed to collect job log directory information. |
Call the API again, contact technical support, or check whether the cluster is normal. |
400 |
0171 |
Failed to collect job log details. |
Failed to collect job log details. |
Check whether the MRS cluster status, Master node status, cluster network communication, and security group rules are normal. |
400 |
0172 |
Failed to collect the SQL job result. |
Failed to obtain the SQL statement execution result. |
Call the API again, contact technical support, or check whether the cluster is normal. |
400 |
0173 |
Failed to submit the job (cluster ID: xxx; job name: xxx). |
Failed to submit the job. Cluster ID: xxx, job name: xxx |
Call the API again, contact technical support, or check whether the cluster is normal. |
400 |
0174 |
Failed to query the job. |
Failed to query the job. |
Call the API again, contact technical support, or check whether the cluster is normal. |
400 |
0175 |
Failed to kill the job. |
Failed to terminate a job. |
Initiate the call again or contact technical support. |
400 |
0176 |
The job does not exist. |
Job not exist. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
0177 |
The number of jobs running in each cluster cannot exceed 10. |
The number of running jobs in each cluster cannot exceed 10. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
0178 |
The job ID cannot be left blank. |
The job ID cannot be left blank. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
0179 |
The job type must be SparkSql or SparkScript. |
The job type must be SparkSql or SparkScript. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
0180 |
The job is being submitted. |
The job is being submitted. |
Perform the operation after the current operation is complete. |
400 |
0181 |
The SQL job result collection is empty. |
The SQL job result is empty. |
Call the API again, contact technical support, or check whether the cluster is normal. |
400 |
0182 |
Failed to read the SQL job result. |
Failed to read the result of the SQL job. |
Call the API again, contact technical support, or check whether the cluster is normal. |
400 |
0183 |
The job is running. |
The job is running. |
Perform the operation after the current operation is complete. |
400 |
0185 |
The log type does not exist. |
Log type not exist. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
0187 |
The log aggregation path is empty. Logs cannot be queried. |
The log aggregation path is empty. Logs cannot be queried. |
Check whether the job log path is correct. |
400 |
0188 |
The job query result is empty. Logs cannot be obtained. |
The job query result is empty. Logs cannot be obtained. |
Check whether the job log path is correct. |
400 |
0189 |
Failed to delete the job list. |
Failed to delete the jobs. |
Call the API again, contact technical support, or check whether the cluster is normal. |
400 |
0190 |
The user who submits the job cannot be empty. |
The user who submits the job cannot be empty. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
0190 |
The user who submits the job cannot be empty. |
The user who submits the job cannot be empty. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
0191 |
Failed to query the user who submits the job on MRS Manager. |
Failed to query the user who submits a job on MRS manager. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
0192 |
The current user does not exist on MRS Manager. Grant the user sufficient permissions on IAM and then perform IAM user synchronization on the Dashboard tab page. |
The current user does not exist on MRS Manager. Escalate privileges for the user and then perform IAM user synchronization on the Dashboard tab page. |
Rectify the fault based on the error message. |
400 |
0193 |
Failed to operate the database job records. |
Failed to operate the database job records. |
Initiate the call again or contact technical support. |
400 |
0194 |
Failed to start the launcher and submit the job. |
Failed to start the job and to submit the job. |
Initiate the call again or contact technical support. |
400 |
0199 |
Failed to delete the jobs. |
Failed to delete the job. |
Initiate the call again or contact technical support. |
400 |
0200 |
Failed to kill the jobs on Yarn. |
Failed to terminate a job on Yarn. |
Initiate the call again or contact technical support. |
400 |
0201 |
The job does not exist. |
Job not exist. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
0202 |
Too many jobs are being submitted, please try again later. |
Too many jobs are submitted. Please try again later. |
Initiate the call again or contact technical support. |
400 |
0211 |
The maximum number of bound security groups has been reached. A maximum of four security groups can be bound, excluding the default security group that is automatically created. |
The number of bound security groups exceeded the upper limit. A maximum of four security groups can be bound, excluding the default security groups that are automatically created. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
12000002 |
The parameter is invalid. |
Invalid parameter. |
Check whether the parameters are correct according to the API reference. |
400 |
12000003 |
The cluster does not exist. |
Cluster not exist. |
Check whether the cluster exists. |
400 |
12000009 |
The parameter is invalid. |
Invalid parameter. |
Check whether the parameters are correct according to the API document. |
400 |
12000013 |
Failed to scale in the cluster (ID: xxx). The type and the quantity of nodes to be deleted are xxx and xxx, respectively. The task node does not exist. |
The task node does not exist. |
Check whether the node exists. |
400 |
12000014 |
Failed to scale out the cluster (ID: xxx). The type and the quantity of nodes to be added are xxx and xxx, respectively. |
Failed to scale out the cluster. Cluster ID: xxx, node type: xxx, and number of nodes: xxx |
Initiate the call again or contact technical support. |
400 |
12000018 |
Scale-out or scale-in cannot be performed again because it is in progress. |
Scale-out or scale-in cannot be performed because it is in progress. |
Wait until the cluster task is complete and the status changes to Running. |
400 |
12000019 |
Failed to obtain hosts of the cluster. |
Failed to obtain hosts of the cluster. |
Check whether the MRS cluster status, Master node status, cluster network communication, and security group rules are normal. |
400 |
12000020 |
Failed to terminate the cluster. |
Failed to terminate the cluster. |
Initiate the call again or contact technical support. |
400 |
12000021 |
Clusters in the xxx state cannot be terminated. |
Clusters in the xxx state cannot be terminated. |
Wait until the cluster task is complete and the status changes to Running. |
400 |
120000212 |
Failed to obtain the AZs that you have permission to access. |
Failed to obtain the authorized AZ. |
Try to call the API again. |
400 |
120000213 |
The region [xxx] does not exist. |
The specified region [xxx] does not exist. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
120000214 |
No permission to access the AZs [xxx]. The following AZs [xxx] can be accessed. |
You do not have the permission to access AZ [xxx]. You can access AZ [xxx]. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
12000023 |
Failed to obtain cluster details. |
Failed to obtain cluster details. |
Check whether the MRS cluster status, Master node status, cluster network communication, and security group rules are normal. |
400 |
12000027 |
Failed to verify the subnet when creating the cluster xxx. |
Failed to create cluster xxx. The subnet verification failed. |
Check whether the number of available subnets meets the requirements for creating a cluster. |
400 |
12000028 |
The cluster has a maximum of xxx Core and Task nodes. |
The total number of cores and task nodes in a cluster cannot exceed xxx. |
Try to reduce the number of nodes required in the request. |
400 |
12000029 |
Failed to obtain the quota. |
Failed to obtain the quota. |
Try to call the API again. |
400 |
12000030 |
The requested number of nodes in the cluster exceeds the available quota. |
The total number of nodes to be added to the cluster exceeds the quota. |
Try to reduce the amount of resources requested or increase available quotas. |
400 |
12000031 |
The requested number of vCPUs in the cluster exceeds the available quota. |
The total number of CPU cores to be added to the cluster exceeds the quota. |
Try to reduce the amount of resources requested or increase available quotas. |
400 |
12000032 |
The requested memory of the cluster exceeds the available quota. |
The total memory to be added to the cluster exceeds the quota. |
Try to reduce the amount of resources requested or increase available quotas. |
400 |
12000033 |
The requested number of disks in the cluster exceeds the available quota. |
The total number of disks to be added to the cluster exceeds the quota. |
Try to reduce the amount of resources requested or increase available quotas. |
400 |
12000034 |
The requested disk capacity of the cluster exceeds the available quota. |
The total disk capacity to be expanded exceeds the quota. |
Try to reduce the amount of resources requested or increase available quotas. |
400 |
12000036 |
Failed to obtain product information. |
Failed to obtain product information. |
Try to call the API again. |
400 |
12000038 |
Failed to obtain the security group. |
Failed to obtain the security group. |
Try to call the API again. |
400 |
12000041 |
Failed to obtain the cluster list. |
Failed to obtain the cluster list. |
Check whether the MRS cluster status, Master node status, cluster network communication, and security group rules are normal. |
400 |
12000042 |
Failed to create a cluster. |
Failed to create the cluster. |
Initiate the call again, or check whether the parameters are correct according to the API reference. |
400 |
12000043 |
Duplicate cluster name: xxx. |
Cluster name xxx already exists. |
Use another cluster name. |
400 |
12000044 |
The minimum memory of a Master node is xxx GB. |
The minimum memory of the Master node in the cluster is xxx GB. |
Increase the memory size of the Master node. |
400 |
12000045 |
Insufficient quota of the security group. |
Insufficient security group quota. |
Increase the security group quota. |
400 |
12000046 |
Insufficient quota of the security group rule. |
Insufficient security group rule quota. |
Increase the security group rule quota or delete unnecessary security group rules. |
400 |
12000048 |
Product specification xxx does not exist. |
Product specification xxx does not exist. |
Change the product specifications or AZ. |
400 |
12000050 |
Incorrect certificate. |
Incorrect certificate. |
Replace the certificate with a correct one. |
400 |
12000052 |
No access rights. |
Unauthorized access. |
Check whether the permission meets the requirements. |
400 |
12000053 |
Invalid billing type. |
Invalid order type |
Check whether the parameters are correct according to the API document. |
400 |
12000054 |
The operation is not supported. |
Operation not supported. |
Do not perform this operation. |
400 |
12000055 |
Failed to open the file. |
Failed to open the file. |
Initiate the call again or contact technical support. |
400 |
12000059 |
Key pair xxx does not exist. |
User key pair xxx does not exist. |
Check whether the key pair exists. If yes, replace it with a correct one. |
400 |
12000060 |
The number of running jobs per cluster cannot exceed xxx. |
The number of running jobs in each cluster cannot exceed xxx. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
12000061 |
Failed to submit the job (cluster ID: xxx; job name: xxx; job ID: xxx). |
Failed to submit the job. Cluster ID: xxx, job name: xxx, and job ID: xxx |
Check whether the MRS cluster status, Master node status, cluster network communication, and security group rules are normal. |
400 |
12000062 |
Jobs cannot be submitted to a cluster in the xxx state. |
Failed to submit the job because the cluster is in the xxx state. |
Wait until the cluster task is complete and the status changes to Running. |
400 |
12000063 |
Spark jobs cannot be submitted. |
Spark jobs cannot be submitted. |
Check whether the Spark service exists and whether the Spark service is normal. |
400 |
12000064 |
Jobs cannot be submitted or inquired to a security cluster by API. |
This API is not supported for security clusters for submitting or querying jobs. |
Submit the job using a non-security cluster or a client. |
400 |
12000068 |
If the job type is Hive or Spark Script, the value of the mains should not be left blank. |
When the job type is Hive or Spark Script, mains cannot be empty. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
12000069 |
If the job type is MapReduce or Spark, the value of the libs should not be left blank. |
When the job type is Hive or Spark, libs cannot be empty. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
12000070 |
An error occurred while accessing Knox. |
An exception occurred when accessing KNOX. |
Check whether the MRS cluster status, Master node status, cluster network communication, and security group rules are normal. |
400 |
12000071 |
The Executor server has an internal error. |
Internal Executor error. |
Check whether the MRS cluster status, Master node status, cluster network communication, and security group rules are normal. |
400 |
12000073 |
Failed to access the HDFS directory. |
Failed to conNect to an HDFS directory. |
Call the API again, contact technical support, or check whether the HDFS service of the cluster is normal. |
400 |
12000077 |
The password of [xxx] must meet the following requirements: 1.must be xxx to xxx characters long. least contain [xxx] types of the following characters: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and special characters(`~!@#$%%^&*()-_=+|[{}];:',<.>?). 3.cannot be the username or the username spelled backwards. |
The password xxx must: - Contain xxx to xxx characters. - Contain at least xxx of the following character types: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and special character `~!@#$%%^&*()-_=+|[{}];:',<.>? - Not be the username or the username spelled backwards. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
12000080 |
The status of some nodes is not running in the cluster. Try again later. |
Some nodes are not running in the cluster. Try again later. |
Try to call the API again. |
400 |
12000081 |
The jar_path parameter cannot be left blank if the job type is MapReduce or Spark. |
If the job type is MapReduce or Spark, the jar_path parameter cannot be empty. |
Added the jar_path parameter. |
400 |
12000082 |
Node groups cannot be deleted in the cluster that is being scaled in or scaled out. |
Node groups cannot be deleted from a cluster that is being scaled in or out. |
Wait until the cluster task is complete and the status changes to Running. |
400 |
12000085 |
This interface does not support the cluster of this version.Please use the /v2/{project_id}/clusters/{cluster_id}/job-executions job submit interface. |
This API does not support clusters of this version. Use the /v2/{project_id}/clusters/{cluster_id}/job-executions to submit jobs. |
Use a new API that meets the cluster version requirements. |
400 |
12000086 |
This cluster version not support s3[an]: schema. Please use the obs: schema. |
The cluster does not support file paths starting with s3a:// or s3n://. Use a file path supported by the cluster, such as obs://. |
Use a protocol that matches the cluster version. |
400 |
12000087 |
Failed to get billing records. |
Failed to obtain CDR files. |
Try to call the API again. |
400 |
12000090 |
Products of the xxx specifications are no longer available in selected AZ. |
The product specification xxx has been removed from the selected AZ. |
Change the product specifications or AZ. |
400 |
12000092 |
Failed to get metadata of version xxx. |
Failed to obtain version metadata. Version: xxx. |
Try to call the API again. |
400 |
12000093 |
Metadata of version xxx not found. |
Failed to find version metadata. Version: xxx. |
Check whether the cluster version is correct and use the correct version. |
400 |
12000094 |
The xxx in xxx version does not support the xxx flavor. |
The xxx node does not support the xxx flavor in the xxx version. |
Use another flavor. |
400 |
12000095 |
Patch xxx is unavailable. |
Patch xxx is unavailable. |
Check whether the patch version is correct. |
400 |
12000099 |
Topology template of version xxx not found. |
Information about the topology template cannot be found. Version: xxx. |
Check whether the cluster version is correct. |
400 |
12000100 |
Failed to stop the cluster. Only running or abnormal clusters can be stopped. |
Failed to stop the cluster. Only clusters in the running or abnormal state can be stopped. |
Wait until the cluster task is complete and the status changes to Running or Abnormal. |
400 |
12000101 |
Failed to start the cluster. Only stopped clusters can be started. |
Failed to start the cluster. Only clusters in the stopped state can be started. |
Wait until the cluster task is complete and the status changes to Stopped. |
400 |
12000102 |
Failed to stop the cluster. |
Failed to stop the cluster. |
Call the API again, contact technical support, or check whether the cluster is normal. |
400 |
12000103 |
Failed to start the cluster. |
Failed to start the cluster. |
Check whether the MRS cluster status, Master node status, cluster network communication, and security group rules are normal. |
400 |
12000104 |
VPC|ECS|DSS|DCC|OpenStack service error. |
VPC|ECS|DSS|DCC|OpenStack service error. |
Try to call the API again. |
400 |
12000105 |
VPC xxx does not exist. |
VPC xxx not exist. |
Check whether the VPC exists. |
400 |
12000106 |
Key pair xxx does not exist. |
User key pair xxx not exist. |
Check whether the key pair exists and replace it with a correct one. |
400 |
12000107 |
Invalid project ID: xxx. |
Invalid project ID: xxx. |
Use a correct project ID. |
400 |
12000108 |
Failed to verify the EIP when creating the cluster xxx. |
Failed to create cluster xxx. The EIP verification failed. |
Check whether the EIP exists and use a correct EIP. |
400 |
12000109 |
Failed to bind the EIP to cluster xxx. |
Failed to bind an EIP to cluster xxx. |
Check whether the MRS cluster status, Master node status, cluster network communication, and security group rules are normal. Check whether the EIP exists and use a correct EIP. |
400 |
12000110 |
Failed to unbind the EIP from cluster xxx. |
Failed to unbind the EIP from cluster xxx. |
Check whether the MRS cluster status, Master node status, cluster network communication, and security group rules are normal. |
400 |
12000111 |
Failed to bind the EIP. The EIP xxx has been bound to another resource. |
Failed to bind the EIP. The EIP xxx has been bound to another resource. |
Use another EIP that is not in use. |
400 |
12000112 |
The EIP xxx does not exist. |
EIP xxx not exist. |
Check whether the EIP exists and use a correct EIP. |
400 |
12000113 |
Failed to update the EIP. |
Failed to update the EIP. |
Check whether the EIP exists and use a correct EIP. |
400 |
12000114 |
The hive_script_path parameter cannot be left blank if the job type is Hive or SparkScript. |
If the job type is Hive or SparkScript, the hive_script_path parameter cannot be empty. |
Add the missing parameters as prompted. |
400 |
12000115 |
The ECS group quota is insufficient. |
Insufficient ECS group quota. |
Increase the quota. |
400 |
12000116 |
The VPC quota is insufficient. Select the existing VPC or increase the quota. |
Insufficient VPC quota. Select an existing VPC or apply for more quotas. |
Increase the quota. |
400 |
12000117 |
The subnet quota is insufficient. Select the existing subnet or increase the quota. |
Insufficient subnet quota. Select an existing subnet or apply for more quotas. |
Increase the quota. |
400 |
12000118 |
Failed to create the security group rule. |
Failed to add a security group rule. |
Check whether the security group exists or try again later. |
400 |
12000119 |
The security group rule already exists. |
The security group rule already exists. |
Do not perform this operation or manually modify the security group. |
400 |
12000122 |
EPS service error. |
EPS error. |
Try to call the API again. |
400 |
12000123 |
Failed to update Task node information because the number of Task nodes is not 0. |
Failed to update task node information because the number of task nodes is not 0. |
Remove all nodes from the node group. |
400 |
12000124 |
In the cluster xxx, the number of Task nodes can be adjusted only using auto scaling. |
Cluster xxx supports only auto scaling to adjust the number of task nodes. |
Rectify the fault based on the error message. |
400 |
12000125 |
Failed to update Task node information, because the cluster state is scaling out or scaling in. |
Failed to update task node information because the cluster is in the scale-out or scale-in state. |
Wait until the cluster task is complete and the status changes to Running. |
400 |
12000126 |
Failed to obtain authentication information. |
Failed to obtain authentication information. |
Try to call the API again. |
400 |
12000127 |
Failed to lock cluster operation. |
Failed to lock cluster operations. |
Try to call the API again. |
400 |
12000128 |
Failed to unlock cluster operation. |
Failed to unlock cluster operations. |
Try to call the API again. |
400 |
12000129 |
Master node specifications cannot be scaled up for a cluster that is not in the running state. |
The specifications of the Master node cannot be upgraded because the cluster is not in the Running state. |
Wait until the cluster task is complete and the status changes to Running. |
400 |
12000130 |
Specifications available for scale-up not found. |
Failed to find the node specifications that can be upgraded. |
Use another flavor. |
400 |
12000131 |
Master node specifications cannot be scaled up for a non-HA cluster. |
The Master node in a non-HA cluster cannot be upgraded. |
Rectify the fault based on the error message. |
400 |
12000132 |
vCPUs and memory cannot be reduced in the specification scale-up. |
The number of vCPUs or memory cannot be reduced during node specification upgrade. |
Rectify the fault based on the error message. |
400 |
12000133 |
Specification scale-up is not available for this type of nodes. |
This node type is not supported for specification upgrade. |
Rectify the fault based on the error message. |
400 |
12000134 |
Failed to scale up the Master node specifications. |
Failed to upgrade the specifications of the Master node. |
Try to call the API again. |
400 |
12000135 |
Master nodes available for specification scale-up not found |
Failed to find the Master node that can be upgraded. |
Check whether the node exists. |
400 |
12000138 |
Failed to get max server Group members. |
Failed to query the maximum number of VMs in an ECS anti-affinity group. |
Try to call the API again. |
400 |
12000139 |
All evs volume type is sellout, please try again later. |
All EVS disks have been sold out. Please try again later. |
Try to call the API again. |
400 |
12000140 |
Evs volume type:xxx is sellout, please try again later. |
EVS disk xxx has been sold out. Please try again later. |
Try to call the API again. |
400 |
12000141 |
The disk size of a node cannot be less than {value} GB. |
The node disk cannot be less than {value} GB. |
Rectify the fault based on the error message. |
400 |
12000142 |
The disk size cannot exceed 32,000 GB. |
The disk cannot be greater than 32,000 GB. |
Rectify the fault based on the error message. |
400 |
12000154 |
IAM synchronization is in progress and cannot be triggered again in the same cluster. Cluster ID: xxx |
IAM synchronization is in progress and cannot be triggered again in the same cluster. Cluster ID: xxx |
Perform the operation after the current operation is complete. |
400 |
12000156 |
Failed to query Iam group |
Failed to query the IAM user group. |
Initiate the call again or contact technical support. |
400 |
12000157 |
Failed to query Iam user or role |
Failed to query the IAM role and user. |
Initiate the call again or contact technical support. |
400 |
12000163 |
Failed to query Manager user. |
Failed to query the Manager user. |
Call the API again, contact technical support, or check whether the cluster is normal. |
400 |
12000164 |
Failed to query Manager user group. |
Failed to query the Manager user group. |
Call the API again, contact technical support, or check whether the cluster is normal. |
400 |
12000209 |
Either a VPC ID or name is required. |
Either the VPC ID or the name is required. |
Rectify the fault based on the error message. |
400 |
12000210 |
Either a subnet ID or name is required. |
Either the subnet ID or the name is required. |
Rectify the fault based on the error message. |
400 |
12000233 |
Insufficient resources for flavor xxx. Reduce the purchase quantity and try again. Alternatively, select another instance type or flavor, or switch the AZ or region to select your desired product. |
Insufficient resources for specification xxx. Reduce the quantity, change service types and specifications, or change the region or AZ. |
Reduce the purchase quantity and try again. Alternatively, select another instance with different types and flavors, or change the region and AZ. |
400 |
12000234 |
Insufficient resources for the flavor xxx of the node to be scaled out. Reduce the purchase quantity and try again. |
Insufficient resources for specification xxx. Reduce the quantity and try again. |
Reduce the purchase quantity and try again, or change the specifications. |
400 |
12000360 |
Cluster name cannot be updated for a cluster that is in the terminating or terminated state. |
The name of a cluster in the Deleting or Deleted state cannot be changed. |
Wait until the cluster task is complete and the status changes to Running. |
400 |
12000361 |
Only offline cluster is allowed to modify manager access ip. |
The IP address for accessing FusionInsight Manager cannot be changed for a non-managed cluster. |
Rectify the fault based on the error message. |
400 |
12000362 |
Cluster ID already exists or is not in UUID format. |
The cluster ID already exists or is not in UUID format. |
Use correct request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
12000363 |
The offline cluster with same management node IPs[xxx] already exists. |
A management cluster with the same management node IP address [xxx] already exists. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
12000405 |
The number of nodes where the xxx role is deployed must be greater than or equal to xxx and less than or equal to xxx. The step is xxx. |
The number of nodes to be deployed with the xxx role must be no less than xxx and no more than xxx. The step length is xxx. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
12000406 |
The number of nodes where the xxx role is deployed must be greater than or equal to xxx and less than or equal to xxx. |
The number of nodes to be deployed with the xxx role must be no less than xxx and no more than xxx. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
12000407 |
The xxx role must be deployed on xxx nodes. |
Role xxx must be deployed on xxx node(s). |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
12003001 |
The service xxx was installed. |
The xxx service has been installed. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
12003002 |
The service xxx is not in version metadata. |
The xxx service is not described in metadata. |
Initiate the call again or contact technical support. |
400 |
12003003 |
The group %s is not exist |
Node group %s does not exist. |
Use an existing node group in the cluster. |
400 |
12003004 |
The cluster does not support add components. |
Failed to add the service. |
Initiate the call again or contact technical support. |
400 |
12003005 |
The role xxx is not belong to the service xxx. |
The xxx role does not belong to the xxx service. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
12003006 |
The cluster is not in the [ running ] state. |
The cluster is not in Running state. |
Wait until the cluster task is complete and the status changes to Running. |
400 |
12003008 |
Occur service xxx that depend on xxx, can not add or delete. |
Adding or deleting is not allowed because xxx depends on xxx. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
12003009 |
Can not add services for nodegroup xxx that doesn't have normal hosts. |
Failed to add services to node group xxx because all hosts are in abnormal state. |
Initiate the call again or contact technical support. |
400 |
12003012 |
xxx can not deploy to abnormal host, please check. |
xxx cannot be deployed on hosts in abnormal state. Please check. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
12003013 |
Can not deploy xxx to xxx, the host state is not normal. |
Failed to deploy xxx on the host xxx because the host is in abnormal state. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
12003021 |
Can not add the stateful roles [xxx] to the group whose type is task |
Roles in xxx state cannot be added to Task node groups. |
Check the node group type or role status. |
400 |
12003022 |
There are multiple roles [xxx] whose local_disks_anti_affinity is true.In strict anti-affinity mode, a node group can have only one role with local_disks_anti_affinity set to true. |
Roles whose local_disks_anti_affinity is true: xxx. In strict anti-affinity mode, only one such role can be added to a node group. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
12003023 |
The following components [xxx] cannot be added to the security cluster where Kerberos authentication is enabled. |
Components cannot be added to Kerberos authenticated security clusters: xxx |
Check the component or cluster type. |
400 |
12003054 |
The xxx role is missing. Check the request parameters. |
Role xxx required. Check the request parameters. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
12003090 |
The index must be greater than zero and an integer. |
The role index must be an integer greater than 0. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
12005001 |
The number of tags in one cluster must not exceed xxx. |
The number of tags in a cluster cannot exceed xxx. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
12005002 |
Tag xxx does not comply with the specifications. The tag key and value cannot start or end with a space and cannot contain any of the following characters: =*<>\\,|/. |
Invalid tag: xxx. The key and value of the tag cannot start or end with spaces or contain the following characters: =*<>\\,|/ |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
130000002 |
The token is invalid. |
Invalid token. |
Update the token or check whether the token is correct. |
400 |
13000046 |
Security group xxx does not exist. |
Security group xxx does not exist. |
Check whether the security group exists. |
400 |
MRS.00005045 |
Role xxx must be deployed on the master node. |
Role xxx must be deployed on master nodes. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
MRS.00005058 |
Current cluster version: xxx does not support config clickhouse password. |
The ClickHouse password cannot be configured in the current cluster version xxx. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
MRS.00005059 |
Security Cluster does not support config clickhouse password. |
The ClickHouse password cannot be configured for a security cluster. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
MRS.00005060 |
Current Service: xxx does not support config password. |
The password cannot be configured in the current service xxx. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
MRS.00005061 |
Clickhouse user password or default user password can not be empty. |
The password of ClickHouse or the default user cannot be left blank. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
MRS.00005094 |
Role xxx must be deployed on the non-master node. |
Role xxx must be deployed on non-master nodes. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
MRS.00005095 |
Role xxx must be deployed on all nodes. |
Role xxx must be deployed on all nodes. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
MRS.00005096 |
The role metadata is abnormal. |
Role metadata is abnormal. |
Initiate the call again or contact technical support. |
400 |
MRS.00005097 |
The number of xxx role instances must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to xxx. |
Role xxx must be deployed on 0 to xxx instances. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
MRS.0010 |
Dataconnector error. |
Invalid connector name. The name can contain only uppercase and lowercase letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores(_). The connector ID cannot be empty. Unsupported data type: xxx. Unsupported component type: xxx. The data connection (ID: xxx) is not found. The mapping between the cluster (ID: xxx) and the data connection is not found. The mapping between the cluster (connection ID: xxx) and the data connection mapping is not found. The RDS instance ID cannot be left blank. The instance ID, database name, username, and password of RDS cannot be left blank. The AccessKey, SecretKey, and directory of OBS cannot be left blank. The IP address, port, database, username, and password of JDBC cannot be left blank. The driver that can be used by xxx is not found. Data connection type mismatch. The input type is xxx, but the actual data connection type is xxx. The VPC ID xxx of the RDS instance is inconsistent with the VPC ID xxx of the cluster. The subnet ID xxx of the RDS instance is inconsistent with the subnet ID xxx of the cluster. The security group ID xxx of the RDS instance is inconsistent with the security group ID xxx of the cluster. A data connection (xxx) with the same location already exists in the cluster. The data connection has been used by another cluster (xxx). Data connection xxx already exists. The cluster cannot connect to the database of the RDS instance. Check the network, database name, username, and password. RDS instance (ID: xxx) cannot found. RDS instance xxx is abnormal. The status is xxx. Failed to synchronize data connection parameters to the cluster. |
Locate and rectify the fault based on the error message. |
400 |
MRS.0011 |
SQL typed xxx can not run on the cluster which not installed dependent components. Cannot execute SQL on a cluster in the xxx state. Not support sql execution in cluster version xxx. Request with multiple SQL is not support. Failed to submit the SQL request to Executor (cluster ID: xxx). |
Statement (SQL type: xxx) cannot run in the clusters where related dependent components are not installed. The cluster is in the xxx state. The SQL statement cannot be executed. The cluster (version xxx) does not support the SQL API. Multiple SQL statements can be submitted at a time. Failed to submit the SQL statement to Executor. The cluster ID is xxx. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
400 |
MRS.0015 |
The scaling operation failed due to not meeting the scaling conditions. |
The scaling request fails because the scaling conditions are not met. |
Check the cause details in the response body or contact technical support. |
400 |
MRS.0016 |
The request failed due to restrictions related to the cluster node group. |
The request fails because the cluster node group does not meet a specific condition. |
Rectify the fault based on the error information in the response body or contact technical support. |
400 |
MRS.0020 |
The cluster does not support add components. |
The cluster does not support the function of adding components. |
Check the cluster version or type. |
400 |
MRS.0205 |
Failed to sync agency mapping configuration to cluster. |
Failed to synchronize the agency mapping configuration to the cluster. |
Check whether the agency is correct. |
400 |
MRS.0206 |
Updating agency mapping task is running. |
Updating the mapping configuration task... |
Perform the operation after the current operation is complete. |
400 |
MRS.0207 |
Parse Json format failed. |
Failed to parse the JSON file. |
Check whether the JSON file is correct. |
400 |
MRS.0208 |
Create or modify policy failed. |
Failed to create or modify the policy. |
Check whether the policy is correct. |
400 |
MRS.0209 |
Assign policy to agency failed. |
Failed to assign the policy to the agency. |
Check whether the agency is correct. |
400 |
MRS.0210 |
No secu_admin policy. |
The secu_admin permission is required. |
Obtain related permissions based on the error message. |
400 |
MRS.0211 |
Failed to obtain new agency or new agency does not exist. |
Failed to obtain the new agency or the agency does not exist. |
Check whether the agency is correct. |
400 |
MRS.0212 |
Updating ECS agency task is running. |
Updating the ECS agency... |
Initiate the call again or contact technical support. |
400 |
MRS.0216 |
Failed to update ECS metadata. |
Failed to update ECS metadata. |
Initiate the call again or contact technical support. |
400 |
MRS.0217 |
Failed to unbind policy. |
Failed to unbind the policy. |
Check whether the policy is correct. |
400 |
MRS.0218 |
Failed to check whether policies exist. |
Failed to verify that the policy exists. |
Check whether the policy is correct. |
400 |
MRS.1010 |
The RDS instance whose ID is xxx is not found. The status (xxx) of RDS instance xxx is abnormal. |
The RDS instance whose ID is xxx is not found. RDS instance xxx is abnormal. The status is xxx. |
Rectify the fault based on the error message. |
401 |
12000001 |
Invalid authentication |
Authentication failed |
Check whether the account status and authentication content are normal. |
401 |
12000136 |
Permission denied. Error message: Policy doesn't allow bss:order:update to be performed. |
You do not have permission to perform this operation. Error message: Policy doesn't allow bss:order:update to be performed. |
Obtain related permissions based on the error message. |
404 |
12000057 |
Failed to obtain the file list. |
Failed to obtain the file list. |
Check whether the MRS cluster status, Master node status, cluster network communication, and security group rules are normal. |
404 |
12005003 |
The tag key xxx does not exist in cluster xxx. |
Tag key xxx does not exist in cluster xxx. |
Modify the request parameters based on the error message. |
500 |
12000004 |
Internal server error. |
Internal server error. |
Initiate the call again or contact technical support. |
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