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Error Code
When an API call encounters an error, an error structure is returned. The following table describes DNS error codes.
Error Code Structure Format
{ "code": "DNS.0001", "message": "Internal error." }
Error Code Description
Status Code |
Error Code |
Message |
Description |
Handling Measure |
500 |
DNS.0000 |
The system is busy. Try again later. |
Unknown error. |
Retry the operation. If the error persists, contact the administrator. |
500 |
DNS.0001 |
Internal error. |
Internal error. |
Retry the operation. If the error persists, contact the administrator. |
400 |
DNS.0002 |
Invalid request. |
Invalid request. |
Check whether the request parameter is empty or invalid. |
500 |
DNS.0003 |
The system is busy. Try again later. |
DB exception. |
Retry the operation. If the error persists, contact the administrator. |
404 |
DNS.0004 |
No record sets found. |
No record sets found. |
Check whether the resource is available. |
401 |
DNS.0005 |
Authentication required. |
Authentication required. |
400 |
DNS.0006 |
The limit parameter is invalid. |
The limit parameter is invalid. |
Check the value of limit in the request. |
400 |
DNS.0007 |
The marker parameter is invalid. |
The marker parameter is invalid. |
Check the value of marker in the request. |
400 |
DNS.0008 |
The zone of this type is not supported now. |
The zone of this type is not supported now. |
Check the zone type and try again. |
400 |
DNS.0009 |
The startTime parameter is invalid. |
The startTime parameter is invalid. |
Check the value of startTime in the request. |
400 |
DNS.0010 |
The endTime parameter is invalid. |
The endTime parameter is invalid. |
Check the value of endTime in the request. |
400 |
DNS.0011 |
The Start parameter is invalid. |
The start parameter is invalid. |
Check the value of start in the request. |
500 |
DNS.0012 |
An error occurred when the VPC service is called. |
An error occurred when the VPC service is called. |
Retry the operation. If the error persists, contact the administrator. |
403 |
DNS.0013 |
You do not have the permission to perform this operation using the API. |
You do not have the permission to perform this operation using the API. |
The project of the requested resource may be frozen. Log in to the IAM console with the account and check whether the project status is normal. |
403 |
DNS.0014 |
Request forbidden by flow control. |
Request forbidden by flow control. |
Try again some time later. |
500 |
DNS.0015 |
An error occurred when the IAM service is called. |
An error occurred when the IAM service is called. |
Retry the operation. If the error persists, contact the administrator. |
400 |
DNS.0016 |
This record already exists or conflicts with another record. |
This record already exists. |
Check the record. |
400 |
DNS.0017 |
The offset parameter is invalid. |
The offset parameter is invalid. |
Check the value of offset in the request. |
409 |
DNS.0021 |
Could not acquire the lock, please try again later. |
Failed to obtain the lock. |
Try again later. |
400/500 |
DNS.0022 |
An error occurred when the Cloud Eye service is called. |
An error occurred when Cloud Eye is called. |
Retry the operation. If the error persists, contact the administrator. |
500 |
DNS.0023 |
An error occurred when the Cloud Eye service is called. Cloud Eye service response: Read timed out. |
An error occurred when the Cloud Eye service is called (Read timed out). |
Retry the operation. If the error persists, contact the administrator. |
500 |
DNS.0024 |
An error occurred when the Cloud Eye service is called. Connect to Cloud Eye service failed: Connection refused. |
An error occurred when the Cloud Eye service is called (Connection refused). |
Retry the operation. If the error persists, contact the administrator. |
500 |
DNS.0025 |
An error occurred when the Cloud Eye service is called. Connect to Cloud Eye service failed: connect timed out. |
An error occurred when the Cloud Eye service is called (Read timed out). |
Retry the operation. If the error persists, contact the administrator. |
500 |
DNS.0026 |
Invalid CES endpoint configuration. |
Invalid Cloud Eye endpoint configuration. |
Retry the operation. If the error persists, contact the administrator. |
413 |
DNS.0027 |
Warning: upload file too large. |
The file to be uploaded is oversized. |
The request body is too large. |
400 |
DNS.0028 |
Invalid version. |
Invalid version number. |
Retry the operation. If the error persists, contact the administrator. |
400 |
DNS.0029 |
Invalid record. |
The record parameter is invalid. |
Check the value of offset in the request. |
403 |
DNS.0030 |
Operation not allowed for this resource. |
This operation is not allowed for the requested resource. |
Check whether you have operation permission on the requested resources. |
403 |
DNS.0031 |
User not allowed. |
You do not have permission to perform this operation. |
400 |
DNS.0032 |
Invalid sort key. |
The sort key parameter is invalid. |
Check the value of sort key in the request. |
400 |
DNS.0033 |
Invalid sort dir. |
The sort dir parameter is invalid. |
Check the value of sort dir in the request. |
400/404/500 |
DNS.0034 |
An error occurred when the bss service is called. |
The system fails to call the BSS service. |
Retry the operation. If the error persists, contact the administrator. |
400/404/500 |
DNS.0035 |
An error occurred when the Cloudsite service is called. |
The system fails to call CloudSite. |
Retry the operation. If the error persists, contact the administrator. |
400 |
DNS.0036 |
An error occurred when the neutron service is called. |
The system fails to call the Neutron service. |
Retry the operation. If the error persists, contact the administrator. |
403 |
DNS.0037 |
Feature not supported now. |
This function is not available currently. |
This function is not available currently. |
400 |
DNS.0038 |
The show detail parameter is invalid. |
The show detail parameter is invalid. |
Check the value of show detail in the request. |
400 |
DNS.0101 |
Invalid pool name. |
Invalid pool name. |
Check the pool name in the request. |
400 |
DNS.0102 |
Invalid pool description. |
Invalid pool description. |
Check the pool description in the request. |
400 |
DNS.0103 |
Invalid pool type. |
Invalid pool type. |
Check whether the pool type you specify is supported or valid. |
400 |
DNS.0104 |
Invalid server configuration in the pool. |
Invalid server configuration in the pool. |
Check the host configuration in the pool. |
400 |
DNS.0105 |
Invalid name server configuration in the pool. |
Invalid name server configuration in the pool. |
Check the name server configuration. |
400 |
DNS.0106 |
Invalid pool region. |
Invalid region for parameter pool. |
Check the region configuration. |
400 |
DNS.0107 |
Invalid pool ID. |
Invalid pool ID. |
Check the pool ID in the request. |
404 |
DNS.0108 |
This pool does not exist. |
This pool does not exist. |
Check whether the pool is available. |
400 |
DNS.0109 |
This pool is in use. |
This pool is in use. |
A pool in use cannot be deleted. Contact the administrator. |
400 |
DNS.0201 |
The email address of the zone is invalid. |
The email address of the zone is invalid. |
Check the email address in the request. |
400 |
DNS.0202 |
Invalid zone name. |
Invalid zone name. |
400 |
DNS.0203 |
Invalid zone TTL value. The value ranges from %s to %s. |
Invalid TTL value. |
Check the TTL value in the request. If the limit does not meet your requirements, contact the administrator. |
400 |
DNS.0204 |
Invalid zone type. |
Invalid zone type. |
Check whether the zone type you specify is supported. |
404/500 |
DNS.0205 |
No pools available. |
No pools available. |
Contact the administrator. |
400 |
DNS.0206 |
Invalid zone description. The description can contain a maximum of 255 characters. |
Invalid zone description. The description can contain up to 255 characters. |
Check the zone description in the request. |
500 |
DNS.0207 |
No views available in the pool. |
No views available. |
Contact the administrator. |
400 |
DNS.0208 |
This zone already exists. |
This zone already exists. |
Check whether the requested zone already exists. |
400/409/500 |
DNS.0209 |
The zone is not in the Normal state. |
The zone is not in the normal state. |
The zone status is not stable. Try again later. |
400 |
DNS.0210 |
The zone name is used by the system. |
The zone name is used by the system. |
Check the zone name in the request. |
400 |
DNS.0211 |
The zone name is used by another tenant. |
The zone name is used by another tenant. |
Check the zone name in the request. |
400/409 |
DNS.0212 |
This VPC has already been associated with the zone. |
This VPC has already been associated with the zone. |
Check whether that the VPC has been associated with the private zone. |
400 |
DNS.0213 |
The zone is disabled. |
The domain name has been suspended. |
Check the zone status. |
400 |
DNS.0301 |
Invalid zone ID. |
Invalid zone ID. |
Check the zone ID in the request. |
400/404 |
DNS.0302 |
This zone does not exist. |
This zone does not exist. |
Check the zone of the requested record set. |
400 |
DNS.0303 |
Invalid record set TTL value. |
Invalid record set TTL value. |
Check the TTL value in the request. |
400 |
DNS.0304 |
Invalid record set name. |
Invalid record set name. |
Check whether the record set name is a valid domain name ended with the zone name. |
400 |
DNS.0305 |
Invalid record set description. The description can contain a maximum of 255 characters. |
Invalid record set description. The description can contain up to 255 characters. |
Check the record set description in the request. |
400 |
DNS.0307 |
Invalid record set type. |
Invalid record set type. |
Check whether the record set type you specify is supported. |
400 |
DNS.0308 |
Invalid record set value. |
Invalid record set value. |
Check whether the record set value you specify is well-formatted. |
400 |
DNS.0309 |
Invalid record set ID. |
Invalid record set ID. |
Check the record set ID in the request. |
400/403 |
DNS.0310 |
Invalid tenant ID. |
Invalid tenant ID. |
Check whether the tenant ID is empty or in incorrect format. |
400/403 |
DNS.0311 |
Invalid domain ID. |
Invalid domain ID. |
Check whether the domain ID is empty or in incorrect format. |
400 |
DNS.0312 |
This record set name already exists. |
This record set already exists. |
Check whether the record set name already exists. |
404 |
DNS.0313 |
This record set does not exist. |
This record set does not exist. |
Check the requested record set. |
400/409 |
DNS.0314 |
The record set is not in a steady state. |
The record set is not in a steady state. |
Check the record set status. If it is not stable, you cannot perform operations. |
400 |
DNS.0315 |
Invalid status. |
Invalid status. |
Check the status in the request. |
400/409 |
DNS.0317 |
This record set is a default one and cannot be deleted. |
This record set is a default one and cannot be deleted. |
Check whether the record set to be deleted is created by default. |
400/409 |
DNS.0318 |
This record set is a default one and cannot be updated. |
This record set is a default one and cannot be updated. |
Check whether the record set to be updated is created by default. |
400 |
DNS.0319 |
The TTL parameter has been out of range. |
The TTL value is out of range. The value ranges from {minTTL} to {maxTTL}. |
Check the TTL value in the request. If the limit does not meet your requirements, contact the administrator. |
400 |
DNS.0320 |
The Zone name levels have been out of MAX count. The maximum is %s. |
The zone name levels have been out of MAX count. The maximum is {maxLevel}. |
Check the domain name level in the request. |
400 |
DNS.0321 |
The sub domain levels have been out of MAX count. |
The subdomain levels have been out of MAX count. The maximum is {maxLevel}. |
Check the subdomain name in the request. |
400 |
DNS.0322 |
The number of weighted record sets with the same name, type, and resolution line has reached the limit %s. |
The number of record sets of the same name, type, and resolution line exceeds the limit. |
If the limit does not meet your requirements, contact the administrator. |
400 |
DNS.0323 |
The weight must range from %s to %s. |
The weight must range from 0 to 100. |
Change the weight value. |
400 |
DNS.0324 |
This record set is a default one and cannot be operated. |
You cannot perform this operation on a default record set. |
You cannot perform this operation on a default record set. |
400 |
DNS.0325 |
The resolution line for record sets in this type of zones must be 'default_view'. |
The resolution line for record sets in this type of zones must be default_view. |
Change the resolution line in the request. |
400 |
DNS.0326 |
The batch number has been out of MAX count. The maximum is %s. |
The batch number has been out of MAX count. |
Modify the request parameter. |
400 |
DNS.0327 |
The batch number has been out of MAX count. The maximum is %s. |
The batch number has been out of MAX count. |
Modify the request parameter. |
400 |
DNS.0328 |
Cannot create this record set because the same one already exists but is not weighted. Specify a weight for the previous record set first. |
Specify a weight for the previous record set first. |
Specify a weight for the previous record set first. |
400 |
DNS.0329 |
The batch number has been out of MAX count. The maximum is %s. |
The number of requested resources has exceeded the limit. |
Modify the request parameter. |
400 |
DNS.0330 |
Invalid alias resource type. |
The resource type of parameter alias is invalid. |
Check the resource type of the alias. |
400 |
DNS.0331 |
Invalid alias resource domain name. |
The domain name of parameter alias is invalid. |
Check the value of alias in the request. |
400 |
DNS.0332 |
The alias must be a domain name of a cloud resource. |
The alias domain name must be hosted on the DNS server. |
Check the value of alias in the request. |
400 |
DNS.0333 |
The alias is not supported now. |
Alias records are not supported. |
Contact the administrator. |
400 |
DNS.0401 |
Invalid quota type. |
Invalid quota type. |
Check the quota type in the request. |
400 |
DNS.0402 |
Invalid quota value. |
Invalid quota value. |
The quota value exceeds the limit. Contact the administrator. |
403 |
DNS.0403 |
Insufficient record set quota. |
Insufficient record set quota. |
The number of record sets exceeds the quota limit. If the limit does not meet your requirements, contact the administrator. |
403 |
DNS.0404 |
Insufficient zone quota. |
Insufficient zone quota. |
The number of zones exceeds the quota limit. If the limit does not meet your requirements, contact the administrator. |
403 |
DNS.0406 |
Insufficient inbound endpoint quota. |
Insufficient inbound rule quota. |
The number of inbound endpoints has reached the upper limit. If the limit does not meet your requirements, contact the administrator. |
403 |
DNS.0407 |
Insufficient outbound endpoint quota. |
Insufficient outbound rule quota. |
The number of outbound endpoints has reached the upper limit. If the limit does not meet your requirements, contact the administrator. |
403 |
DNS.0408 |
Insufficient custom line quota. |
Insufficient custom line quota. |
The number of custom lines has reached the limit. If the limit does not meet your requirements, contact the administrator. |
403 |
DNS.0409 |
Insufficient line group quota. |
Insufficient line group quota. |
The number of line groups has reached the limit. If the limit does not meet your requirements, contact the administrator. |
400 |
DNS.0601 |
Invalid region. |
Invalid region. |
Check the value of region in the request. |
400 |
DNS.0602 |
Invalid floating IP address. |
Invalid floating IP address. |
Check the floating IP address in the request. |
400 |
DNS.0603 |
Invalid request. |
Invalid input. |
Check whether the request parameter is empty. |
400 |
DNS.0604 |
The interval parameter is invalid. |
The interval parameter is invalid. |
Check the value of interval in the request. |
400 |
DNS.0608 |
This resource is in use. |
This resource is in use. |
Check whether the resource is in use. |
400 |
DNS.0701 |
Invalid VPC. |
Invalid VPC. |
Check the VPC ID and region in the request. |
400 |
DNS.0704 |
The VPC is not in a steady state. |
The VPC is not in a steady state. |
Check whether the zone and VPC are normally associated. |
400 |
DNS.0705 |
No VPCs are associated with this zone. |
No VPCs are associated with this zone. |
Associate the zone with a VPC and try again. |
403 |
DNS.0706 |
You are not allowed to disassociate this VPC because this is the last VPC associated with this zone. |
You are not allowed to disassociate this VPC because this is the last VPC associated with this zone. |
Associate another VPC with the zone and then disassociate the previous one. |
400 |
DNS.0707 |
The VPC is not associated with the zone. |
The VPC is not associated with the zone. |
Check whether the zone is associated with the VPC. |
400 |
DNS.0708 |
This VPC cannot be disassociated because it is being associated with the zone. |
This VPC cannot be disassociated because it is being associated with the zone. |
Check the association status between the zone and VPC. Disassociate them when the status is stable. |
403 |
DNS.0709 |
This VPC cannot be disassociated because this is the only normal VPC associated with this zone. |
This VPC cannot be disassociated because this is the only normal VPC associated with this zone. |
Check whether other VPCs are normally associated with the zone. If no, perform the following operations:
500 |
DNS.0710 |
Invalid VPC URL configuration. |
Invalid VPC endpoint configuration. |
Check the region in the request. If the region is correct, contact the administrator. |
404 |
DNS.0711 |
This VPC could not be found. |
This VPC could not be found. |
Log in to the VPC console and check whether the VPC exists. |
400 |
DNS.0712 |
This port parameter is invalid. |
The port ID is invalid. |
Check whether the port ID in the request is empty. |
400/500 |
DNS.0805 |
Failed to check the VPC validity. |
Failed to check the VPC validity. |
Retry the operation. If the error persists, contact the administrator. |
404 |
DNS.0901 |
The name server does not exist. |
The name server does not exist. |
Contact the administrator. |
400 |
DNS.1001 |
Insufficient tag quota. |
Insufficient tag quota. |
The number of tags reaches the quota limit. If the limit does not meet your requirements, contact the administrator. |
400 |
DNS.1002 |
Invalid resource type. |
Invalid resource type. |
Check the resource type in the request. |
400 |
DNS.1003 |
Invalid tag. |
Invalid tag. |
Check the tag in the request. |
400 |
DNS.1101 |
Health check is currently not supported. |
Health check is currently not supported. |
Health check is currently not supported. |
400 |
DNS.1102 |
Invalid health check ID. |
Invalid health check ID. |
Change the health check ID in the request. |
400 |
DNS.1103 |
This health check is disabled. |
This health check is disabled. |
400 |
DNS.1104 |
This record set has already been associated with a health check. |
This record set has already been associated with a health check. |
One record set can be associated with only one health check. |
404 |
DNS.1105 |
No health check is associated with this record set. |
No health check is associated with this record set. |
No health check is associated with this record set. |
404 |
DNS.1106 |
Cannot find the health check. |
Cannot find the health check. |
Change the health check ID in the request. |
400 |
DNS.1107 |
Insufficient health check quota. Contact customer service to increase quotas. |
Insufficient health check quota. |
Contact the administrator. |
400 |
DNS.1108 |
Cannot associate the health check with the record set because its network plane does not match the zone type of the record set. |
Cannot associate the health check with the record set because its network plane does not match the zone type of the record set. |
Change the ID of the health check to be associated. |
400 |
DNS.1109 |
This health check is in detecting status and not available currently. |
This health check is in detecting status and not available currently. |
Try again later. |
500 |
DNS.1110 |
Invalid CES health check region configuration. |
Invalid health check region configuration. |
Contact the administrator. |
400 |
DNS.1301 |
Failed to parse this upload file. |
Failed to obtain data from the uploaded file. |
Check the uploaded file. |
400 |
DNS.1302 |
Empty upload file. |
The uploaded file is empty. |
Check the uploaded file. |
400 |
DNS.1303 |
Only .xlsx files are supported. |
Only .xlsx files are supported. |
Check the uploaded file. |
400 |
DNS.1304 |
Invalid task ID. |
Invalid task ID. |
Check the task ID. |
400 |
DNS.1305 |
Invalid record set type. |
Invalid record set type. |
Check the task ID. |
400 |
DNS.1306 |
Stop export: too many row exceed max limit. |
The number of exported record sets exceeds the maximum. |
Contact the administrator. |
400 |
DNS.1501 |
Invalid endpoint name. |
Invalid endpoint name. |
Check the endpoint name. |
400 |
DNS.1502 |
Invalid subnet id. |
Invalid subnet ID. |
Check the subnet ID. |
400 |
DNS.1503 |
Invalid endpoint direction. |
Invalid endpoint direction. |
Check the endpoint direction. |
400 |
DNS.1504 |
Endpoint name exists. |
The endpoint name already exists. |
Change the endpoint name. |
400 |
DNS.1505 |
Ip is not in this subnet. |
The IP address is not in the subnet. |
Enter an IP address within the subnet. |
400 |
DNS.1506 |
Ip is repeated. |
The IP address already exists. |
The IP address already exists. Change the IP address you entered. |
400 |
DNS.1507 |
Ip has been used. |
The IP address has been used. |
Change the IP address. |
400 |
DNS.1508 |
Subnets are in the different vpc. |
The subnets do not belong to the same VPC. |
Check the subnet information. |
400 |
DNS.1509 |
Invalid endpoint id. |
Invalid endpoint ID. |
Enter a correct endpoint ID. |
404 |
DNS.1510 |
Endpoint not exist. |
The endpoint does not exist. |
Check the endpoint ID. |
404 |
DNS.1511 |
Ipaddress not exist. |
The IP address does not exist. |
Change the IP address you entered. |
400 |
DNS.1514 |
Invalid number of ipaddress. |
Invalid IP address quantity. |
Check whether the number of IP addresses is in the range of 2 to 6. |
400 |
DNS.1515 |
Ip address is invalid. |
Invalid IP address. |
Check the IP address you entered. |
400 |
DNS.1516 |
Ip address is broadcast ipaddress or network ipaddress. |
The IP address is a network address or broadcast address. |
Check whether the IP address you entered is a broadcast address or network address. |
400 |
DNS.0806 |
This line is not be supported in this DNS version. |
This line is not supported in this DNS version. |
Check the resolution line name in the request. |
409 |
DNS.0807 |
This line is a default one and cannot be operated. |
This line is a default one and cannot be operated. |
Check the resolution line name in the request. |
400 |
DNS.1601 |
Invalid line ID. |
Invalid resolution line ID. |
Check the resolution line ID in the request. |
400 |
DNS.1602 |
Invalid line name. |
Invalid resolution line name. |
Check the resolution line name in the request. |
400 |
DNS.1603 |
The line name already exists. |
The resolution line name has been used. |
Change the resolution line name in the request. |
404 |
DNS.1604 |
The line does not exist. |
The resolution line does not exist. |
Check the resolution line in the request. |
400 |
DNS.1605 |
Invalid IP address range. |
Invalid IP address range. |
Check the IP address range in the request. |
400 |
DNS.1606 |
The IP address range overlaps with that in another line. |
The IP address ranges overlap. |
409 |
DNS.1607 |
This line is not in a steady state. |
The resolution line is in the unstable state. |
Retry the operation. If the error persists, contact the administrator. |
400 |
DNS.1608 |
The IP segments has been out of MAX count. |
The number of IP address ranges exceeds the maximum. |
Check the number of IP address ranges in the request. |
500 |
DNS.1801 |
An error occurred when the IAM PDP service is called. |
The IAM PDP service cannot be properly called. |
Retry the operation. If the error persists, contact the administrator. |
403 |
DNS.1802 |
Policy doesn't allow {action} to be performed. |
You do not have permission to perform this operation. |
Check the permission of the user group. |
500 |
DNS.1901 |
Invalid EPS endpoint configuration. |
Invalid EPS endpoint configuration. |
Contact the administrator. |
500 |
DNS.1902 |
An error occurred when the EPS service is called. |
The system fails to call the EPS service. |
Retry the operation. If the error persists, contact the administrator. |
500 |
DNS.2000 |
Invalid Quota Manage service endpoint configuration. |
Invalid endpoint configuration of the quota management service. |
Contact the administrator. |
500 |
DNS.2001 |
An error occurred when the Quota Manage service is called. |
An exception occurred when the quota management service is called. |
Contact the administrator. |
403 |
DNS.2002 |
Insufficient domain quota. |
Insufficient tenant resource quota. |
The number of resources has reached the quota limit. If the limit does not meet your requirements, contact the administrator. |
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